Mini Shell
* logger.js: Core logger object used by winston.
* (C) 2010 Charlie Robbins
var events = require('events'),
util = require('util'),
async = require('async'),
config = require('./config'),
common = require('./common'),
exception = require('./exception'),
Stream = require('stream').Stream;
var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
// ### function Logger (options)
// #### @options {Object} Options for this instance.
// Constructor function for the Logger object responsible
// for persisting log messages and metadata to one or more transports.
var Logger = exports.Logger = function (options) {;
// Inherit from `events.EventEmitter`.
util.inherits(Logger, events.EventEmitter);
// ### function configure (options)
// This will wholesale reconfigure this instance by:
// 1. Resetting all transports. Older transports will be removed implicitly.
// 2. Set all other options including levels, colors, rewriters, filters,
// exceptionHandlers, etc.
Logger.prototype.configure = function (options) {
var self = this;
// If we have already been setup with transports
// then remove them before proceeding.
if (Array.isArray(this._names) && this._names.length) {
options = options || {};
this.transports = {};
this._names = [];
if (options.transports) {
options.transports.forEach(function (transport) {
self.add(transport, null, true);
// Set Levels and default logging level
this.padLevels = options.padLevels || false;
if (options.colors) {
// Hoist other options onto this instance.
// = || null;
this.level = options.level || 'info';
this.emitErrs = options.emitErrs || false;
this.stripColors = options.stripColors || false;
this.exitOnError = typeof options.exitOnError !== 'undefined'
? options.exitOnError
: true;
// Setup internal state as empty Objects even though it is
// defined lazily later to ensure a strong existential API contract.
this.exceptionHandlers = {};
this.profilers = {};
['rewriters', 'filters'].forEach(function (kind) {
self[kind] = Array.isArray(options[kind])
? options[kind]
: [];
if (options.exceptionHandlers) {
// ### function log (level, msg, [meta], callback)
// #### @level {string} Level at which to log the message.
// #### @msg {string} Message to log
// #### @meta {Object} **Optional** Additional metadata to attach
// #### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Core logging method exposed to Winston. Metadata is optional.
Logger.prototype.log = function (level) {
var args =, 1),
self = this,
while (args[args.length - 1] === null) {
// Determining what is `meta` and what are arguments for string interpolation
// turns out to be VERY tricky. e.g. in the cases like this:
//'No interpolation symbols', 'ok', 'why', { meta: 'is-this' });
var callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function'
? args.pop()
: null;
// Handle errors appropriately.
function onError(err) {
if (callback) {
else if (self.emitErrs) {
self.emit('error', err);
if (this._names.length === 0) {
return onError(new Error('Cannot log with no transports.'));
else if (typeof self.levels[level] === 'undefined') {
return onError(new Error('Unknown log level: ' + level));
// If there are no transports that match the level
// then be eager and return. This could potentially be calculated
// during `setLevels` for more performance gains.
var targets = this._names.filter(function (name) {
var transport = self.transports[name];
return (transport.level && self.levels[transport.level] >= self.levels[level])
|| (!transport.level && self.levels[self.level] >= self.levels[level]);
if (!targets.length) {
if (callback) { callback(); }
// Determining what is `meta` and what are arguments for string interpolation
// turns out to be VERY tricky. e.g. in the cases like this:
//'No interpolation symbols', 'ok', 'why', { meta: 'is-this' });
var msg, meta = {}, validMeta = false;
var hasFormat = args && args[0] && args[0].match && args[0].match(formatRegExp) !== null;
var tokens = (hasFormat) ? args[0].match(formatRegExp) : [];
var ptokens = tokens.filter(function(t) { return t === '%%' });
if (((args.length - 1) - (tokens.length - ptokens.length)) > 0 || args.length === 1) {
// last arg is meta
meta = args[args.length - 1] || args;
var metaType =;
validMeta = metaType === '[object Object]' ||
metaType === '[object Error]' || metaType === '[object Array]';
meta = validMeta ? args.pop() : {};
msg = util.format.apply(null, args);
// Respond to the callback.
function finish(err) {
if (callback) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, level, msg, meta);
callback = null;
if (!err) {
self.emit('logged', level, msg, meta);
// If we should pad for levels, do so
if (this.padLevels) {
msg = new Array(this.levelLength - level.length + 1).join(' ') + msg;
this.rewriters.forEach(function (rewriter) {
meta = rewriter(level, msg, meta, self);
this.filters.forEach(function(filter) {
var filtered = filter(level, msg, meta, self);
if (typeof filtered === 'string')
msg = filtered;
else {
msg = filtered.msg;
meta = filtered.meta;
// For consideration of terminal 'color" programs like colors.js,
// which can add ANSI escape color codes to strings, we destyle the
// ANSI color escape codes when `this.stripColors` is set.
// see:
if (this.stripColors) {
var code = /\u001b\[(\d+(;\d+)*)?m/g;
msg = ('' + msg).replace(code, '');
// Log for each transport and emit 'logging' event
function transportLog(name, next) {
var transport = self.transports[name];
transport.log(level, msg, meta, function (err) {
if (err) {
err.transport = transport;
return next();
self.emit('logging', transport, level, msg, meta);
async.forEach(targets, transportLog, finish);
return this;
// ### function query (options, callback)
// #### @options {Object} Query options for this instance.
// #### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Queries the all transports for this instance with the specified `options`.
// This will aggregate each transport's results into one object containing
// a property per transport.
Logger.prototype.query = function (options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
var self = this,
options = options || {},
results = {},
query = common.clone(options.query) || {},
// Helper function to query a single transport
function queryTransport(transport, next) {
if (options.query) {
options.query = transport.formatQuery(query);
transport.query(options, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
next(null, transport.formatResults(results, options.format));
// Helper function to accumulate the results from
// `queryTransport` into the `results`.
function addResults(transport, next) {
queryTransport(transport, function (err, result) {
// queryTransport could potentially invoke the callback
// multiple times since Transport code can be unpredictable.
if (next) {
result = err || result;
if (result) {
results[] = result;
next = null;
// If an explicit transport is being queried then
// respond with the results from only that transport
if (options.transport) {
options.transport = options.transport.toLowerCase();
return queryTransport(this.transports[options.transport], callback);
// Create a list of all transports for this instance.
transports = (name) {
return self.transports[name];
}).filter(function (transport) {
return !!transport.query;
// Iterate over the transports in parallel setting the
// appropriate key in the `results`
async.forEach(transports, addResults, function () {
callback(null, results);
// ### function stream (options)
// #### @options {Object} Stream options for this instance.
// Returns a log stream for all transports. Options object is optional.
// = function (options) {
var self = this,
options = options || {},
out = new Stream,
streams = [],
if (options.transport) {
var transport = this.transports[options.transport];
delete options.transport;
if (transport && {
out._streams = streams;
out.destroy = function () {
var i = streams.length;
while (i--) streams[i].destroy();
// Create a list of all transports for this instance.
transports = (name) {
return self.transports[name];
}).filter(function (transport) {
return !!;
transports.forEach(function (transport) {
var stream =;
if (!stream) return;
stream.on('log', function (log) {
log.transport = log.transport || [];
out.emit('log', log);
stream.on('error', function (err) {
err.transport = err.transport || [];
out.emit('error', err);
return out;
// ### function close ()
// Cleans up resources (streams, event listeners) for all
// transports associated with this instance (if necessary).
Logger.prototype.close = function () {
var self = this;
this._names.forEach(function (name) {
var transport = self.transports[name];
if (transport && transport.close) {
// ### function handleExceptions ([tr0, tr1...] || tr0, tr1, ...)
// Handles `uncaughtException` events for the current process by
// ADDING any handlers passed in.
Logger.prototype.handleExceptions = function () {
var args =,
handlers = [],
self = this;
args.forEach(function (a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
handlers = handlers.concat(a);
else {
this.exceptionHandlers = this.exceptionHandlers || {};
handlers.forEach(function (handler) {
self.exceptionHandlers[] = handler;
this._hnames = Object.keys(self.exceptionHandlers);
if (!this.catchExceptions) {
this.catchExceptions = this._uncaughtException.bind(this);
process.on('uncaughtException', this.catchExceptions);
// ### function unhandleExceptions ()
// Removes any handlers to `uncaughtException` events
// for the current process
Logger.prototype.unhandleExceptions = function () {
var self = this;
if (this.catchExceptions) {
Object.keys(this.exceptionHandlers).forEach(function (name) {
var handler = self.exceptionHandlers[name];
if (handler.close) {
this.exceptionHandlers = {};
Object.keys(this.transports).forEach(function (name) {
var transport = self.transports[name];
if (transport.handleExceptions) {
transport.handleExceptions = false;
process.removeListener('uncaughtException', this.catchExceptions);
this.catchExceptions = false;
// ### function add (transport, [options])
// #### @transport {Transport} Prototype of the Transport object to add.
// #### @options {Object} **Optional** Options for the Transport to add.
// #### @instance {Boolean} **Optional** Value indicating if `transport` is already instantiated.
// Adds a transport of the specified type to this instance.
Logger.prototype.add = function (transport, options, created) {
var instance = created ? transport : (new (transport)(options));
if (! && !instance.log) {
throw new Error('Unknown transport with no log() method');
else if (this.transports[]) {
throw new Error('Transport already attached: ' + + ", assign a different name");
this.transports[] = instance;
this._names = Object.keys(this.transports);
// Listen for the `error` event on the new Transport
instance._onError = this._onError.bind(this, instance)
if (!created) {
instance.on('error', instance._onError);
// If this transport has `handleExceptions` set to `true`
// and we are not already handling exceptions, do so.
if (instance.handleExceptions && !this.catchExceptions) {
return this;
// ### function clear ()
// Remove all transports from this instance
Logger.prototype.clear = function () {
Object.keys(this.transports).forEach(function (name) {
this.remove({ name: name });
}, this);
// ### function remove (transport)
// #### @transport {Transport|String} Transport or Name to remove.
// Removes a transport of the specified type from this instance.
Logger.prototype.remove = function (transport) {
var name = typeof transport !== 'string'
? ||
: transport;
if (!this.transports[name]) {
throw new Error('Transport ' + name + ' not attached to this instance');
var instance = this.transports[name];
delete this.transports[name];
this._names = Object.keys(this.transports);
if (instance.close) {
if (instance._onError) {
instance.removeListener('error', instance._onError);
return this;
// ### function startTimer ()
// Returns an object corresponding to a specific timing. When done
// is called the timer will finish and log the duration. e.g.:
// timer = winston.startTimer()
// setTimeout(function(){
// timer.done("Logging message");
// }, 1000);
Logger.prototype.startTimer = function () {
return new ProfileHandler(this);
// ### function profile (id, [msg, meta, callback])
// #### @id {string} Unique id of the profiler
// #### @msg {string} **Optional** Message to log
// #### @meta {Object} **Optional** Additional metadata to attach
// #### @callback {function} **Optional** Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Tracks the time inbetween subsequent calls to this method
// with the same `id` parameter. The second call to this method
// will log the difference in milliseconds along with the message.
Logger.prototype.profile = function (id) {
var now =, then, args,
msg, meta, callback;
if (this.profilers[id]) {
then = this.profilers[id];
delete this.profilers[id];
// Support variable arguments: msg, meta, callback
args =;
callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' ? args.pop() : null;
meta = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'object' ? args.pop() : {};
msg = args.length === 2 ? args[1] : id;
// Set the duration property of the metadata
meta.durationMs = now - then;
return, meta, callback);
else {
this.profilers[id] = now;
return this;
// ### function setLevels (target)
// #### @target {Object} Target levels to use on this instance
// Sets the `target` levels specified on this instance.
Logger.prototype.setLevels = function (target) {
return common.setLevels(this, this.levels, target);
// ### function cli ()
// Configures this instance to have the default
// settings for command-line interfaces: no timestamp,
// colors enabled, padded output, and additional levels.
Logger.prototype.cli = function () {
this.padLevels = true;
if (this.transports.console) {
this.transports.console.colorize = this.transports.console.colorize || true;
this.transports.console.timestamp = this.transports.console.timestamp || false;
return this;
// ### @private function _uncaughtException (err)
// #### @err {Error} Error to handle
// Logs all relevant information around the `err` and
// exits the current process.
Logger.prototype._uncaughtException = function (err) {
var self = this,
responded = false,
info = exception.getAllInfo(err),
handlers = this._getExceptionHandlers(),
// Calculate if we should exit on this error
doExit = typeof this.exitOnError === 'function'
? this.exitOnError(err)
: this.exitOnError;
function logAndWait(transport, next) {
transport.logException('uncaughtException: ' + (err.message || err), info, next, err);
function gracefulExit() {
if (doExit && !responded) {
// Remark: Currently ignoring any exceptions from transports
// when catching uncaught exceptions.
responded = true;
if (!handlers || handlers.length === 0) {
return gracefulExit();
// Log to all transports and allow the operation to take
// only up to `3000ms`.
async.forEach(handlers, logAndWait, gracefulExit);
if (doExit) {
timeout = setTimeout(gracefulExit, 3000);
// ### @private function _getExceptionHandlers ()
// Returns the list of transports and exceptionHandlers
// for this instance.
Logger.prototype._getExceptionHandlers = function () {
var self = this;
return (name) {
return self.exceptionHandlers[name];
}).concat( (name) {
return self.transports[name].handleExceptions && self.transports[name];
// ### @private function _onError (transport, err)
// #### @transport {Object} Transport on which the error occured
// #### @err {Error} Error that occurred on the transport
// Bubbles the error, `err`, that occured on the specified `transport`
// up from this instance if `emitErrs` has been set.
Logger.prototype._onError = function (transport, err) {
if (this.emitErrs) {
this.emit('error', err, transport);
// ### @private ProfileHandler
// Constructor function for the ProfileHandler instance used by
// `Logger.prototype.startTimer`. When done is called the timer
// will finish and log the duration.
function ProfileHandler(logger) {
this.logger = logger;
this.start =;
// ### function done (msg)
// Ends the current timer (i.e. ProfileHandler) instance and
// logs the `msg` along with the duration since creation.
ProfileHandler.prototype.done = function (msg) {
var args =,
callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' ? args.pop() : null,
meta = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'object' ? args.pop() : {};
meta.duration = ( - this.start + 'ms';
return, meta, callback);
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0