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=begin comment

# !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
# This file is machine-generated by lib/unicore/mktables from the Unicode
# database, Version 6.1.0.  Any changes made here will be lost!

To change this file, edit lib/unicore/mktables instead.

=end comment

=head1 NAME

perluniprops - Index of Unicode Version 6.1.0 character properties in Perl


This document provides information about the portion of the Unicode database
that deals with character properties, that is the portion that is defined on
single code points.  (L</Other information in the Unicode data base>
below briefly mentions other data that Unicode provides.)

Perl can provide access to all non-provisional Unicode character properties,
though not all are enabled by default.  The omitted ones are the Unihan
properties (accessible via the CPAN module L<Unicode::Unihan>) and certain
deprecated or Unicode-internal properties.  (An installation may choose to
recompile Perl's tables to change this.  See L<Unicode character
properties that are NOT accepted by Perl>.)

For most purposes, access to Unicode properties from the Perl core is through
regular expression matches, as described in the next section.
For some special purposes, and to access the properties that are not suitable
for regular expression matching, all the Unicode character properties that
Perl handles are accessible via the standard L<Unicode::UCD> module, as
described in the section L</Properties accessible through Unicode::UCD>.

Perl also provides some additional extensions and short-cut synonyms
for Unicode properties.

This document merely lists all available properties and does not attempt to
explain what each property really means.  There is a brief description of each
Perl extension; see L<perlunicode/Other Properties> for more information on
these.  There is some detail about Blocks, Scripts, General_Category,
and Bidi_Class in L<perlunicode>, but to find out about the intricacies of the
official Unicode properties, refer to the Unicode standard.  A good starting
place is L<>.

Note that you can define your own properties; see
L<perlunicode/"User-Defined Character Properties">.

=head1 Properties accessible through C<\p{}> and C<\P{}>

The Perl regular expression C<\p{}> and C<\P{}> constructs give access to
most of the Unicode character properties.  The table below shows all these
constructs, both single and compound forms.

B<Compound forms> consist of two components, separated by an equals sign or a
colon.  The first component is the property name, and the second component is
the particular value of the property to match against, for example,
C<\p{Script: Greek}> and C<\p{Script=Greek}> both mean to match characters
whose Script property is Greek.

B<Single forms>, like C<\p{Greek}>, are mostly Perl-defined shortcuts for
their equivalent compound forms.  The table shows these equivalences.  (In our
example, C<\p{Greek}> is a just a shortcut for C<\p{Script=Greek}>.)
There are also a few Perl-defined single forms that are not shortcuts for a
compound form.  One such is C<\p{Word}>.  These are also listed in the table.

In parsing these constructs, Perl always ignores Upper/lower case differences
everywhere within the {braces}.  Thus C<\p{Greek}> means the same thing as
C<\p{greek}>.  But note that changing the case of the C<"p"> or C<"P"> before
the left brace completely changes the meaning of the construct, from "match"
(for C<\p{}>) to "doesn't match" (for C<\P{}>).  Casing in this document is
for improved legibility.

Also, white space, hyphens, and underscores are also normally ignored
everywhere between the {braces}, and hence can be freely added or removed
even if the C</x> modifier hasn't been specified on the regular expression.
But a 'B<T>' at the beginning of an entry in the table below
means that tighter (stricter) rules are used for that entry:

=over 4

=item Single form (C<\p{name}>) tighter rules:

White space, hyphens, and underscores ARE significant
except for:

=over 4

=item * white space adjacent to a non-word character

=item * underscores separating digits in numbers


That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space
adjacent to (but within) the braces without affecting the meaning.

=item Compound form (C<\p{name=value}> or C<\p{name:value}>) tighter rules:

The tighter rules given above for the single form apply to everything to the
right of the colon or equals; the looser rules still apply to everything to
the left.

That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space
adjacent to (but within) the braces and the colon or equal sign.


Some properties are considered obsolete by Unicode, but still available.
There are several varieties of obsolescence:

=over 4

=item Stabilized

A property may be stabilized.  Such a determination does not indicate
that the property should or should not be used; instead it is a declaration
that the property will not be maintained nor extended for newly encoded
characters.  Such properties are marked with an 'B<S>' in the

=item Deprecated

A property may be deprecated, perhaps because its original intent
has been replaced by another property, or because its specification was
somehow defective.  This means that its use is strongly
discouraged, so much so that a warning will be issued if used, unless the
regular expression is in the scope of a C<S<no warnings 'deprecated'>>
statement.  A 'B<D>' flags each such entry in the table, and
the entry there for the longest, most descriptive version of the property will
give the reason it is deprecated, and perhaps advice.  Perl may issue such a
warning, even for properties that aren't officially deprecated by Unicode,
when there used to be characters or code points that were matched by them, but
no longer.  This is to warn you that your program may not work like it did on
earlier Unicode releases.

A deprecated property may be made unavailable in a future Perl version, so it
is best to move away from them.

A deprecated property may also be stabilized, but this fact is not shown.

=item Obsolete

Properties marked with an 'B<O>' in the table are considered (plain)
obsolete.  Generally this designation is given to properties that Unicode once
used for internal purposes (but not any longer).


Some Perl extensions are present for backwards compatibility and are
discouraged from being used, but are not obsolete.  An 'B<X>'
flags each such entry in the table.  Future Unicode versions may force
some of these extensions to be removed without warning, replaced by another
property with the same name that means something different.  Use the
equivalent shown instead.

Matches in the Block property have shortcuts that begin with "In_".  For
example, C<\p{Block=Latin1}> can be written as C<\p{In_Latin1}>.  For
backward compatibility, if there is no conflict with another shortcut, these
may also be written as C<\p{Latin1}> or C<\p{Is_Latin1}>.  But, N.B., there
are numerous such conflicting shortcuts.  Use of these forms for Block is
discouraged, and are flagged as such, not only because of the potential
confusion as to what is meant, but also because a later release of Unicode may
preempt the shortcut, and your program would no longer be correct.  Use the
"In_" form instead to avoid this, or even more clearly, use the compound form,
e.g., C<\p{blk:latin1}>.  See L<perlunicode/"Blocks"> for more information
about this.

The table below has two columns.  The left column contains the C<\p{}>
constructs to look up, possibly preceded by the flags mentioned above; and
the right column contains information about them, like a description, or
synonyms.  It shows both the single and compound forms for each property that
has them.  If the left column is a short name for a property, the right column
will give its longer, more descriptive name; and if the left column is the
longest name, the right column will show any equivalent shortest name, in both
single and compound forms if applicable.

The right column will also caution you if a property means something different
than what might normally be expected.

All single forms are Perl extensions; a few compound forms are as well, and
are noted as such.

Numbers in (parentheses) indicate the total number of code points matched by
the property.  For emphasis, those properties that match no code points at all
are listed as well in a separate section following the table.

Most properties match the same code points regardless of whether C<"/i">
case-insensitive matching is specified or not.  But a few properties are
affected.  These are shown with the notation

 (/i= other_property)

in the second column.  Under case-insensitive matching they match the
same code pode points as the property "other_property".

There is no description given for most non-Perl defined properties (See
L<> for that).

For compactness, 'B<*>' is used as a wildcard instead of showing all possible
combinations.  For example, entries like:

 \p{Gc: *}                                  \p{General_Category: *}

mean that 'Gc' is a synonym for 'General_Category', and anything that is valid
for the latter is also valid for the former.  Similarly,

 \p{Is_*}                                   \p{*}

means that if and only if, for example, C<\p{Foo}> exists, then
C<\p{Is_Foo}> and C<\p{IsFoo}> are also valid and all mean the same thing.
And similarly, C<\p{Foo=Bar}> means the same as C<\p{Is_Foo=Bar}> and
C<\p{IsFoo=Bar}>.  "*" here is restricted to something not beginning with an

Also, in binary properties, 'Yes', 'T', and 'True' are all synonyms for 'Y'.
And 'No', 'F', and 'False' are all synonyms for 'N'.  The table shows 'Y*' and
'N*' to indicate this, and doesn't have separate entries for the other
possibilities.  Note that not all properties which have values 'Yes' and 'No'
are binary, and they have all their values spelled out without using this wild
card, and a C<NOT> clause in their description that highlights their not being
binary.  These also require the compound form to match them, whereas true
binary properties have both single and compound forms available.

Note that all non-essential underscores are removed in the display of the
short names below.

B<Legend summary:>

=over 4

=item Z<>B<*> is a wild-card

=item B<(\d+)> in the info column gives the number of code points matched by
this property.

=item B<D> means this is deprecated.

=item B<O> means this is obsolete.

=item B<S> means this is stabilized.

=item B<T> means tighter (stricter) name matching applies.

=item B<X> means use of this form is discouraged, and may not be


       NAME                           INFO

 X \p{Aegean_Numbers}      \p{Block=Aegean_Numbers} (64)
 T \p{Age: 1.1}            \p{Age=V1_1} (33_979)
 T \p{Age: 2.0}            \p{Age=V2_0} (144_521)
 T \p{Age: 2.1}            \p{Age=V2_1} (2)
 T \p{Age: 3.0}            \p{Age=V3_0} (10_307)
 T \p{Age: 3.1}            \p{Age=V3_1} (44_978)
 T \p{Age: 3.2}            \p{Age=V3_2} (1016)
 T \p{Age: 4.0}            \p{Age=V4_0} (1226)
 T \p{Age: 4.1}            \p{Age=V4_1} (1273)
 T \p{Age: 5.0}            \p{Age=V5_0} (1369)
 T \p{Age: 5.1}            \p{Age=V5_1} (1624)
 T \p{Age: 5.2}            \p{Age=V5_2} (6648)
 T \p{Age: 6.0}            \p{Age=V6_0} (2088)
 T \p{Age: 6.1}            \p{Age=V6_1} (732)
   \p{Age: NA}             \p{Age=Unassigned} (864_349)
   \p{Age: Unassigned}     Code point's usage has not been assigned
                             in any Unicode release thus far. (Short:
                             \p{Age=NA}) (864_349)
   \p{Age: V1_1}           Code point's usage introduced in version
                             1.1 (33_979)
   \p{Age: V2_0}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 2.0; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (144_521)
   \p{Age: V2_1}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 2.1; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (2)
   \p{Age: V3_0}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 3.0; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (10_307)
   \p{Age: V3_1}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 3.1; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (44_978)
   \p{Age: V3_2}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 3.2; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (1016)
   \p{Age: V4_0}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 4.0; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (1226)
   \p{Age: V4_1}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 4.1; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (1273)
   \p{Age: V5_0}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 5.0; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (1369)
   \p{Age: V5_1}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 5.1; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (1624)
   \p{Age: V5_2}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 5.2; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (6648)
   \p{Age: V6_0}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 6.0; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (2088)
   \p{Age: V6_1}           Code point's usage was introduced in
                             version 6.1; See also Property
                             'Present_In' (732)
   \p{AHex}                \p{PosixXDigit} (= \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y})
   \p{AHex: *}             \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: *}
 X \p{Alchemical}          \p{Alchemical_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Alchemical_Symbols}) (128)
 X \p{Alchemical_Symbols}  \p{Block=Alchemical_Symbols} (Short:
                             \p{InAlchemical}) (128)
   \p{All}                 \p{Any} (1_114_112)
   \p{Alnum}               Alphabetic and (decimal) Numeric (102_619)
   \p{Alpha}               \p{Alphabetic=Y} (102_159)
   \p{Alpha: *}            \p{Alphabetic: *}
   \p{Alphabetic}          \p{Alpha} (= \p{Alphabetic=Y}) (102_159)
   \p{Alphabetic: N*}      (Short: \p{Alpha=N}, \P{Alpha}) (1_011_953)
   \p{Alphabetic: Y*}      (Short: \p{Alpha=Y}, \p{Alpha}) (102_159)
 X \p{Alphabetic_PF}       \p{Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (=
 X \p{Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} \p{Block=
                             Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (Short:
                             \p{InAlphabeticPF}) (80)
 X \p{Ancient_Greek_Music} \p{Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (=
                             Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation}) (80)
 X \p{Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} \p{Block=
                             Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (Short:
                             \p{InAncientGreekMusic}) (80)
 X \p{Ancient_Greek_Numbers} \p{Block=Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (80)
 X \p{Ancient_Symbols}     \p{Block=Ancient_Symbols} (64)
   \p{Any}                 [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}] (1_114_112)
   \p{Arab}                \p{Arabic} (= \p{Script=Arabic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Arabic}) (1234)
   \p{Arabic}              \p{Script=Arabic} (Short: \p{Arab}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Arabic}) (1234)
 X \p{Arabic_Ext_A}        \p{Arabic_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Arabic_Extended_A}) (96)
 X \p{Arabic_Extended_A}   \p{Block=Arabic_Extended_A} (Short:
                             \p{InArabicExtA}) (96)
 X \p{Arabic_Math}         \p{Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols}
                             (= \p{Block=
 X \p{Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InArabicMath}) (256)
 X \p{Arabic_PF_A}         \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (=
 X \p{Arabic_PF_B}         \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (=
 X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} \p{Block=
                             Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (Short:
                             \p{InArabicPFA}) (688)
 X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} \p{Block=
                             Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (Short:
                             \p{InArabicPFB}) (144)
 X \p{Arabic_Sup}          \p{Arabic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Arabic_Supplement}) (48)
 X \p{Arabic_Supplement}   \p{Block=Arabic_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InArabicSup}) (48)
   \p{Armenian}            \p{Script=Armenian} (Short: \p{Armn}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Armenian}) (91)
   \p{Armi}                \p{Imperial_Aramaic} (= \p{Script=
                             Imperial_Aramaic}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
   \p{Armn}                \p{Armenian} (= \p{Script=Armenian}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Armenian}) (91)
 X \p{Arrows}              \p{Block=Arrows} (112)
   \p{ASCII}               \p{Block=Basic_Latin} [[:ASCII:]] (128)
   \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}     \p{PosixXDigit} (= \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y})
   \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{AHex=N}, \P{AHex}) (1_114_090)
   \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{AHex=Y}, \p{AHex}) (22)
   \p{Assigned}            All assigned code points (249_697)
   \p{Avestan}             \p{Script=Avestan} (Short: \p{Avst}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
   \p{Avst}                \p{Avestan} (= \p{Script=Avestan}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
   \p{Bali}                \p{Balinese} (= \p{Script=Balinese}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
   \p{Balinese}            \p{Script=Balinese} (Short: \p{Bali}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
   \p{Bamu}                \p{Bamum} (= \p{Script=Bamum}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Bamum}) (657)
   \p{Bamum}               \p{Script=Bamum} (Short: \p{Bamu}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Bamum}) (657)
 X \p{Bamum_Sup}           \p{Bamum_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Bamum_Supplement}) (576)
 X \p{Bamum_Supplement}    \p{Block=Bamum_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InBamumSup}) (576)
 X \p{Basic_Latin}         \p{ASCII} (= \p{Block=Basic_Latin}) (128)
   \p{Batak}               \p{Script=Batak} (Short: \p{Batk}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Batak}) (56)
   \p{Batk}                \p{Batak} (= \p{Script=Batak}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Batak}) (56)
   \p{Bc: *}               \p{Bidi_Class: *}
   \p{Beng}                \p{Bengali} (= \p{Script=Bengali}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
   \p{Bengali}             \p{Script=Bengali} (Short: \p{Beng}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
   \p{Bidi_C}              \p{Bidi_Control} (= \p{Bidi_Control=Y}) (7)
   \p{Bidi_C: *}           \p{Bidi_Control: *}
   \p{Bidi_Class: AL}      \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Letter} (1438)
   \p{Bidi_Class: AN}      \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Number} (49)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Letter} (Short: \p{Bc=AL}) (1438)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=AN}) (49)
   \p{Bidi_Class: B}       \p{Bidi_Class=Paragraph_Separator} (7)
   \p{Bidi_Class: BN}      \p{Bidi_Class=Boundary_Neutral} (4015)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Boundary_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=BN}) (4015)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Common_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=CS}) (15)
   \p{Bidi_Class: CS}      \p{Bidi_Class=Common_Separator} (15)
   \p{Bidi_Class: EN}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Number} (131)
   \p{Bidi_Class: ES}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Separator} (12)
   \p{Bidi_Class: ET}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Terminator} (65)
   \p{Bidi_Class: European_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=EN}) (131)
   \p{Bidi_Class: European_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=ES}) (12)
   \p{Bidi_Class: European_Terminator} (Short: \p{Bc=ET}) (65)
   \p{Bidi_Class: L}       \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right} (1_098_531)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right} (Short: \p{Bc=L}) (1_098_531)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=LRE}) (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=LRO}) (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: LRE}     \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Embedding} (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: LRO}     \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Override} (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Bc=NSM}) (1290)
   \p{Bidi_Class: NSM}     \p{Bidi_Class=Nonspacing_Mark} (1290)
   \p{Bidi_Class: ON}      \p{Bidi_Class=Other_Neutral} (4447)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Other_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=ON}) (4447)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=B}) (7)
   \p{Bidi_Class: PDF}     \p{Bidi_Class=Pop_Directional_Format} (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Pop_Directional_Format} (Short: \p{Bc=PDF}) (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: R}       \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left} (4086)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left} (Short: \p{Bc=R}) (4086)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=RLE}) (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=RLO}) (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: RLE}     \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Embedding} (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: RLO}     \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Override} (1)
   \p{Bidi_Class: S}       \p{Bidi_Class=Segment_Separator} (3)
   \p{Bidi_Class: Segment_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=S}) (3)
   \p{Bidi_Class: White_Space} (Short: \p{Bc=WS}) (18)
   \p{Bidi_Class: WS}      \p{Bidi_Class=White_Space} (18)
   \p{Bidi_Control}        \p{Bidi_Control=Y} (Short: \p{BidiC}) (7)
   \p{Bidi_Control: N*}    (Short: \p{BidiC=N}, \P{BidiC}) (1_114_105)
   \p{Bidi_Control: Y*}    (Short: \p{BidiC=Y}, \p{BidiC}) (7)
   \p{Bidi_M}              \p{Bidi_Mirrored} (= \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y})
   \p{Bidi_M: *}           \p{Bidi_Mirrored: *}
   \p{Bidi_Mirrored}       \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y} (Short: \p{BidiM})
   \p{Bidi_Mirrored: N*}   (Short: \p{BidiM=N}, \P{BidiM}) (1_113_567)
   \p{Bidi_Mirrored: Y*}   (Short: \p{BidiM=Y}, \p{BidiM}) (545)
   \p{Blank}               \h, Horizontal white space (19)
   \p{Blk: *}              \p{Block: *}
   \p{Block: Aegean_Numbers} (Single: \p{InAegeanNumbers}) (64)
   \p{Block: Alchemical}   \p{Block=Alchemical_Symbols} (128)
   \p{Block: Alchemical_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=Alchemical},
                             \p{InAlchemical}) (128)
   \p{Block: Alphabetic_PF} \p{Block=Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms}
   \p{Block: Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             AlphabeticPF}, \p{InAlphabeticPF}) (80)
   \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Music} \p{Block=
                             Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (80)
   \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InAncientGreekMusic}) (80)
   \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (Single:
                             \p{InAncientGreekNumbers}) (80)
   \p{Block: Ancient_Symbols} (Single: \p{InAncientSymbols}) (64)
   \p{Block: Arabic}       (Single: \p{InArabic}; NOT \p{Arabic} NOR
                             \p{Is_Arabic}) (256)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Ext_A} \p{Block=Arabic_Extended_A} (96)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=ArabicExtA},
                             \p{InArabicExtA}) (96)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Math}  \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             ArabicMath}, \p{InArabicMath}) (256)
   \p{Block: Arabic_PF_A}  \p{Block=Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (688)
   \p{Block: Arabic_PF_B}  \p{Block=Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (144)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (Short: \p{Blk=ArabicPFA},
                             \p{InArabicPFA}) (688)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (Short: \p{Blk=ArabicPFB},
                             \p{InArabicPFB}) (144)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Sup}   \p{Block=Arabic_Supplement} (48)
   \p{Block: Arabic_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=ArabicSup},
                             \p{InArabicSup}) (48)
   \p{Block: Armenian}     (Single: \p{InArmenian}; NOT \p{Armenian}
                             NOR \p{Is_Armenian}) (96)
   \p{Block: Arrows}       (Single: \p{InArrows}) (112)
   \p{Block: ASCII}        \p{Block=Basic_Latin} (128)
   \p{Block: Avestan}      (Single: \p{InAvestan}; NOT \p{Avestan}
                             NOR \p{Is_Avestan}) (64)
   \p{Block: Balinese}     (Single: \p{InBalinese}; NOT \p{Balinese}
                             NOR \p{Is_Balinese}) (128)
   \p{Block: Bamum}        (Single: \p{InBamum}; NOT \p{Bamum} NOR
                             \p{Is_Bamum}) (96)
   \p{Block: Bamum_Sup}    \p{Block=Bamum_Supplement} (576)
   \p{Block: Bamum_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=BamumSup},
                             \p{InBamumSup}) (576)
   \p{Block: Basic_Latin}  (Short: \p{Blk=ASCII}, \p{ASCII}) (128)
   \p{Block: Batak}        (Single: \p{InBatak}; NOT \p{Batak} NOR
                             \p{Is_Batak}) (64)
   \p{Block: Bengali}      (Single: \p{InBengali}; NOT \p{Bengali}
                             NOR \p{Is_Bengali}) (128)
   \p{Block: Block_Elements} (Single: \p{InBlockElements}) (32)
   \p{Block: Bopomofo}     (Single: \p{InBopomofo}; NOT \p{Bopomofo}
                             NOR \p{Is_Bopomofo}) (48)
   \p{Block: Bopomofo_Ext} \p{Block=Bopomofo_Extended} (32)
   \p{Block: Bopomofo_Extended} (Short: \p{Blk=BopomofoExt},
                             \p{InBopomofoExt}) (32)
   \p{Block: Box_Drawing}  (Single: \p{InBoxDrawing}) (128)
   \p{Block: Brahmi}       (Single: \p{InBrahmi}; NOT \p{Brahmi} NOR
                             \p{Is_Brahmi}) (128)
   \p{Block: Braille}      \p{Block=Braille_Patterns} (256)
   \p{Block: Braille_Patterns} (Short: \p{Blk=Braille},
                             \p{InBraille}) (256)
   \p{Block: Buginese}     (Single: \p{InBuginese}; NOT \p{Buginese}
                             NOR \p{Is_Buginese}) (32)
   \p{Block: Buhid}        (Single: \p{InBuhid}; NOT \p{Buhid} NOR
                             \p{Is_Buhid}) (32)
   \p{Block: Byzantine_Music} \p{Block=Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}
   \p{Block: Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             ByzantineMusic}, \p{InByzantineMusic})
   \p{Block: Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Carian}       (Single: \p{InCarian}; NOT \p{Carian} NOR
                             \p{Is_Carian}) (64)
   \p{Block: Chakma}       (Single: \p{InChakma}; NOT \p{Chakma} NOR
                             \p{Is_Chakma}) (80)
   \p{Block: Cham}         (Single: \p{InCham}; NOT \p{Cham} NOR
                             \p{Is_Cham}) (96)
   \p{Block: Cherokee}     (Single: \p{InCherokee}; NOT \p{Cherokee}
                             NOR \p{Is_Cherokee}) (96)
   \p{Block: CJK}          \p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (20_992)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compat}   \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility} (256)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compat_Forms} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (32)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compat_Ideographs} \p{Block=
                             CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (512)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility} (Short: \p{Blk=CJKCompat},
                             \p{InCJKCompat}) (256)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (Short: \p{Blk=CJKCompatForms},
                             \p{InCJKCompatForms}) (32)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InCJKCompatIdeographs}) (512)
   \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InCJKCompatIdeographsSup}) (544)
   \p{Block: CJK_Ext_A}    \p{Block=
   \p{Block: CJK_Ext_B}    \p{Block=
   \p{Block: CJK_Ext_C}    \p{Block=
   \p{Block: CJK_Ext_D}    \p{Block=
                             CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D} (224)
   \p{Block: CJK_Radicals_Sup} \p{Block=CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (128)
   \p{Block: CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=CJKRadicalsSup},
                             \p{InCJKRadicalsSup}) (128)
   \p{Block: CJK_Strokes}  (Single: \p{InCJKStrokes}) (48)
   \p{Block: CJK_Symbols}  \p{Block=CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (64)
   \p{Block: CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Blk=CJKSymbols},
                             \p{InCJKSymbols}) (64)
   \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (Short: \p{Blk=CJK}, \p{InCJK})
   \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             CJKExtA}, \p{InCJKExtA}) (6592)
   \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             CJKExtB}, \p{InCJKExtB}) (42_720)
   \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             CJKExtC}, \p{InCJKExtC}) (4160)
   \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             CJKExtD}, \p{InCJKExtD}) (224)
   \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             Diacriticals}, \p{InDiacriticals}) (112)
   \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InDiacriticalsForSymbols}) (48)
   \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             DiacriticalsSup}, \p{InDiacriticalsSup})
   \p{Block: Combining_Half_Marks} (Short: \p{Blk=HalfMarks},
                             \p{InHalfMarks}) (16)
   \p{Block: Combining_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Common_Indic_Number_Forms} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InIndicNumberForms}) (16)
   \p{Block: Compat_Jamo}  \p{Block=Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (96)
   \p{Block: Control_Pictures} (Single: \p{InControlPictures}) (64)
   \p{Block: Coptic}       (Single: \p{InCoptic}; NOT \p{Coptic} NOR
                             \p{Is_Coptic}) (128)
   \p{Block: Counting_Rod} \p{Block=Counting_Rod_Numerals} (32)
   \p{Block: Counting_Rod_Numerals} (Short: \p{Blk=CountingRod},
                             \p{InCountingRod}) (32)
   \p{Block: Cuneiform}    (Single: \p{InCuneiform}; NOT
                             \p{Cuneiform} NOR \p{Is_Cuneiform})
   \p{Block: Cuneiform_Numbers} \p{Block=
                             Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (128)
   \p{Block: Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InCuneiformNumbers}) (128)
   \p{Block: Currency_Symbols} (Single: \p{InCurrencySymbols}) (48)
   \p{Block: Cypriot_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InCypriotSyllabary}) (64)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic}     (Single: \p{InCyrillic}; NOT \p{Cyrillic}
                             NOR \p{Is_Cyrillic}) (256)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Ext_A} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A} (32)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Ext_B} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_B} (96)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=CyrillicExtA},
                             \p{InCyrillicExtA}) (32)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_B} (Short: \p{Blk=CyrillicExtB},
                             \p{InCyrillicExtB}) (96)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Sup} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement} (48)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=CyrillicSup},
                             \p{InCyrillicSup}) (48)
   \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement}
   \p{Block: Deseret}      (Single: \p{InDeseret}) (80)
   \p{Block: Devanagari}   (Single: \p{InDevanagari}; NOT
                             \p{Devanagari} NOR \p{Is_Devanagari})
   \p{Block: Devanagari_Ext} \p{Block=Devanagari_Extended} (32)
   \p{Block: Devanagari_Extended} (Short: \p{Blk=DevanagariExt},
                             \p{InDevanagariExt}) (32)
   \p{Block: Diacriticals} \p{Block=Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (112)
   \p{Block: Diacriticals_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Diacriticals_Sup} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Dingbats}     (Single: \p{InDingbats}) (192)
   \p{Block: Domino}       \p{Block=Domino_Tiles} (112)
   \p{Block: Domino_Tiles} (Short: \p{Blk=Domino}, \p{InDomino}) (112)
   \p{Block: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Single:
                             \p{InEgyptianHieroglyphs}; NOT
                             \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} NOR
                             \p{Is_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1072)
   \p{Block: Emoticons}    (Single: \p{InEmoticons}) (80)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanum} \p{Block=Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (160)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup} \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (256)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InEnclosedAlphanumSup}) (256)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InEnclosedAlphanum}) (160)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_CJK} \p{Block=Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months}
   \p{Block: Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             EnclosedCJK}, \p{InEnclosedCJK}) (256)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup} \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (256)
   \p{Block: Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InEnclosedIdeographicSup}) (256)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic}     (Single: \p{InEthiopic}; NOT \p{Ethiopic}
                             NOR \p{Is_Ethiopic}) (384)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Ext} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended} (96)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Ext_A} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended_A} (48)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Extended} (Short: \p{Blk=EthiopicExt},
                             \p{InEthiopicExt}) (96)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=EthiopicExtA},
                             \p{InEthiopicExtA}) (48)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Sup} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Supplement} (32)
   \p{Block: Ethiopic_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=EthiopicSup},
                             \p{InEthiopicSup}) (32)
   \p{Block: General_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Blk=Punctuation},
                             \p{InPunctuation}; NOT \p{Punct} NOR
                             \p{Is_Punctuation}) (112)
   \p{Block: Geometric_Shapes} (Single: \p{InGeometricShapes}) (96)
   \p{Block: Georgian}     (Single: \p{InGeorgian}; NOT \p{Georgian}
                             NOR \p{Is_Georgian}) (96)
   \p{Block: Georgian_Sup} \p{Block=Georgian_Supplement} (48)
   \p{Block: Georgian_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=GeorgianSup},
                             \p{InGeorgianSup}) (48)
   \p{Block: Glagolitic}   (Single: \p{InGlagolitic}; NOT
                             \p{Glagolitic} NOR \p{Is_Glagolitic})
   \p{Block: Gothic}       (Single: \p{InGothic}; NOT \p{Gothic} NOR
                             \p{Is_Gothic}) (32)
   \p{Block: Greek}        \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (NOT \p{Greek}
                             NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
   \p{Block: Greek_And_Coptic} (Short: \p{Blk=Greek}, \p{InGreek};
                             NOT \p{Greek} NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
   \p{Block: Greek_Ext}    \p{Block=Greek_Extended} (256)
   \p{Block: Greek_Extended} (Short: \p{Blk=GreekExt},
                             \p{InGreekExt}) (256)
   \p{Block: Gujarati}     (Single: \p{InGujarati}; NOT \p{Gujarati}
                             NOR \p{Is_Gujarati}) (128)
   \p{Block: Gurmukhi}     (Single: \p{InGurmukhi}; NOT \p{Gurmukhi}
                             NOR \p{Is_Gurmukhi}) (128)
   \p{Block: Half_And_Full_Forms} \p{Block=
                             Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (240)
   \p{Block: Half_Marks}   \p{Block=Combining_Half_Marks} (16)
   \p{Block: Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InHalfAndFullForms}) (240)
   \p{Block: Hangul}       \p{Block=Hangul_Syllables} (NOT \p{Hangul}
                             NOR \p{Is_Hangul}) (11_184)
   \p{Block: Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (Short: \p{Blk=CompatJamo},
                             \p{InCompatJamo}) (96)
   \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo}  (Short: \p{Blk=Jamo}, \p{InJamo}) (256)
   \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=JamoExtA},
                             \p{InJamoExtA}) (32)
   \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (Short: \p{Blk=JamoExtB},
                             \p{InJamoExtB}) (80)
   \p{Block: Hangul_Syllables} (Short: \p{Blk=Hangul}, \p{InHangul};
                             NOT \p{Hangul} NOR \p{Is_Hangul})
   \p{Block: Hanunoo}      (Single: \p{InHanunoo}; NOT \p{Hanunoo}
                             NOR \p{Is_Hanunoo}) (32)
   \p{Block: Hebrew}       (Single: \p{InHebrew}; NOT \p{Hebrew} NOR
                             \p{Is_Hebrew}) (112)
   \p{Block: High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InHighPUSurrogates}) (128)
   \p{Block: High_PU_Surrogates} \p{Block=
                             High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (128)
   \p{Block: High_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InHighSurrogates}) (896)
   \p{Block: Hiragana}     (Single: \p{InHiragana}; NOT \p{Hiragana}
                             NOR \p{Is_Hiragana}) (96)
   \p{Block: IDC}          \p{Block=
                             Ideographic_Description_Characters} (NOT
                             \p{ID_Continue} NOR \p{Is_IDC}) (16)
   \p{Block: Ideographic_Description_Characters} (Short: \p{Blk=IDC},
                             \p{InIDC}; NOT \p{ID_Continue} NOR
                             \p{Is_IDC}) (16)
   \p{Block: Imperial_Aramaic} (Single: \p{InImperialAramaic}; NOT
                             \p{Imperial_Aramaic} NOR
                             \p{Is_Imperial_Aramaic}) (32)
   \p{Block: Indic_Number_Forms} \p{Block=Common_Indic_Number_Forms}
   \p{Block: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Single:
                             \p{InInscriptionalPahlavi}; NOT
                             \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} NOR
                             \p{Is_Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (32)
   \p{Block: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Single:
                             \p{InInscriptionalParthian}; NOT
                             \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} NOR
                             \p{Is_Inscriptional_Parthian}) (32)
   \p{Block: IPA_Ext}      \p{Block=IPA_Extensions} (96)
   \p{Block: IPA_Extensions} (Short: \p{Blk=IPAExt}, \p{InIPAExt})
   \p{Block: Jamo}         \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo} (256)
   \p{Block: Jamo_Ext_A}   \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (32)
   \p{Block: Jamo_Ext_B}   \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (80)
   \p{Block: Javanese}     (Single: \p{InJavanese}; NOT \p{Javanese}
                             NOR \p{Is_Javanese}) (96)
   \p{Block: Kaithi}       (Single: \p{InKaithi}; NOT \p{Kaithi} NOR
                             \p{Is_Kaithi}) (80)
   \p{Block: Kana_Sup}     \p{Block=Kana_Supplement} (256)
   \p{Block: Kana_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=KanaSup}, \p{InKanaSup})
   \p{Block: Kanbun}       (Single: \p{InKanbun}) (16)
   \p{Block: Kangxi}       \p{Block=Kangxi_Radicals} (224)
   \p{Block: Kangxi_Radicals} (Short: \p{Blk=Kangxi}, \p{InKangxi})
   \p{Block: Kannada}      (Single: \p{InKannada}; NOT \p{Kannada}
                             NOR \p{Is_Kannada}) (128)
   \p{Block: Katakana}     (Single: \p{InKatakana}; NOT \p{Katakana}
                             NOR \p{Is_Katakana}) (96)
   \p{Block: Katakana_Ext} \p{Block=Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (16)
   \p{Block: Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             KatakanaExt}, \p{InKatakanaExt}) (16)
   \p{Block: Kayah_Li}     (Single: \p{InKayahLi}) (48)
   \p{Block: Kharoshthi}   (Single: \p{InKharoshthi}; NOT
                             \p{Kharoshthi} NOR \p{Is_Kharoshthi})
   \p{Block: Khmer}        (Single: \p{InKhmer}; NOT \p{Khmer} NOR
                             \p{Is_Khmer}) (128)
   \p{Block: Khmer_Symbols} (Single: \p{InKhmerSymbols}) (32)
   \p{Block: Lao}          (Single: \p{InLao}; NOT \p{Lao} NOR
                             \p{Is_Lao}) (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_1}      \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_1_Sup}  \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_1_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=Latin1},
                             \p{InLatin1}) (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_Ext_A}  \p{Block=Latin_Extended_A} (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_Ext_Additional} \p{Block=
                             Latin_Extended_Additional} (256)
   \p{Block: Latin_Ext_B}  \p{Block=Latin_Extended_B} (208)
   \p{Block: Latin_Ext_C}  \p{Block=Latin_Extended_C} (32)
   \p{Block: Latin_Ext_D}  \p{Block=Latin_Extended_D} (224)
   \p{Block: Latin_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=LatinExtA},
                             \p{InLatinExtA}) (128)
   \p{Block: Latin_Extended_Additional} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InLatinExtAdditional}) (256)
   \p{Block: Latin_Extended_B} (Short: \p{Blk=LatinExtB},
                             \p{InLatinExtB}) (208)
   \p{Block: Latin_Extended_C} (Short: \p{Blk=LatinExtC},
                             \p{InLatinExtC}) (32)
   \p{Block: Latin_Extended_D} (Short: \p{Blk=LatinExtD},
                             \p{InLatinExtD}) (224)
   \p{Block: Lepcha}       (Single: \p{InLepcha}; NOT \p{Lepcha} NOR
                             \p{Is_Lepcha}) (80)
   \p{Block: Letterlike_Symbols} (Single: \p{InLetterlikeSymbols})
   \p{Block: Limbu}        (Single: \p{InLimbu}; NOT \p{Limbu} NOR
                             \p{Is_Limbu}) (80)
   \p{Block: Linear_B_Ideograms} (Single: \p{InLinearBIdeograms})
   \p{Block: Linear_B_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InLinearBSyllabary})
   \p{Block: Lisu}         (Single: \p{InLisu}) (48)
   \p{Block: Low_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InLowSurrogates}) (1024)
   \p{Block: Lycian}       (Single: \p{InLycian}; NOT \p{Lycian} NOR
                             \p{Is_Lycian}) (32)
   \p{Block: Lydian}       (Single: \p{InLydian}; NOT \p{Lydian} NOR
                             \p{Is_Lydian}) (32)
   \p{Block: Mahjong}      \p{Block=Mahjong_Tiles} (48)
   \p{Block: Mahjong_Tiles} (Short: \p{Blk=Mahjong}, \p{InMahjong})
   \p{Block: Malayalam}    (Single: \p{InMalayalam}; NOT
                             \p{Malayalam} NOR \p{Is_Malayalam}) (128)
   \p{Block: Mandaic}      (Single: \p{InMandaic}; NOT \p{Mandaic}
                             NOR \p{Is_Mandaic}) (32)
   \p{Block: Math_Alphanum} \p{Block=
                             Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (1024)
   \p{Block: Math_Operators} \p{Block=Mathematical_Operators} (256)
   \p{Block: Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             MathAlphanum}, \p{InMathAlphanum}) (1024)
   \p{Block: Mathematical_Operators} (Short: \p{Blk=MathOperators},
                             \p{InMathOperators}) (256)
   \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek} (Single: \p{InMeeteiMayek}; NOT
                             \p{Meetei_Mayek} NOR
                             \p{Is_Meetei_Mayek}) (64)
   \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek_Ext} \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek_Extensions} (32)
   \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek_Extensions} (Short: \p{Blk=MeeteiMayekExt},
                             \p{InMeeteiMayekExt}) (32)
   \p{Block: Meroitic_Cursive} (Single: \p{InMeroiticCursive}; NOT
                             \p{Meroitic_Cursive} NOR
                             \p{Is_Meroitic_Cursive}) (96)
   \p{Block: Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (Single:
                             \p{InMeroiticHieroglyphs}) (32)
   \p{Block: Miao}         (Single: \p{InMiao}; NOT \p{Miao} NOR
                             \p{Is_Miao}) (160)
   \p{Block: Misc_Arrows}  \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows}
   \p{Block: Misc_Math_Symbols_A} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Misc_Math_Symbols_B} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Misc_Pictographs} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Misc_Symbols} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols} (256)
   \p{Block: Misc_Technical} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Technical} (256)
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InMiscMathSymbolsA}) (48)
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InMiscMathSymbolsB}) (128)
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=MiscSymbols},
                             \p{InMiscSymbols}) (256)
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             MiscArrows}, \p{InMiscArrows}) (256)
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             MiscPictographs}, \p{InMiscPictographs})
   \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Technical} (Short: \p{Blk=MiscTechnical},
                             \p{InMiscTechnical}) (256)
   \p{Block: Modifier_Letters} \p{Block=Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (80)
   \p{Block: Modifier_Tone_Letters} (Single:
                             \p{InModifierToneLetters}) (32)
   \p{Block: Mongolian}    (Single: \p{InMongolian}; NOT
                             \p{Mongolian} NOR \p{Is_Mongolian}) (176)
   \p{Block: Music}        \p{Block=Musical_Symbols} (256)
   \p{Block: Musical_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=Music}, \p{InMusic})
   \p{Block: Myanmar}      (Single: \p{InMyanmar}; NOT \p{Myanmar}
                             NOR \p{Is_Myanmar}) (160)
   \p{Block: Myanmar_Ext_A} \p{Block=Myanmar_Extended_A} (32)
   \p{Block: Myanmar_Extended_A} (Short: \p{Blk=MyanmarExtA},
                             \p{InMyanmarExtA}) (32)
   \p{Block: NB}           \p{Block=No_Block} (860_672)
   \p{Block: New_Tai_Lue}  (Single: \p{InNewTaiLue}; NOT
                             \p{New_Tai_Lue} NOR \p{Is_New_Tai_Lue})
   \p{Block: NKo}          (Single: \p{InNKo}; NOT \p{Nko} NOR
                             \p{Is_NKo}) (64)
   \p{Block: No_Block}     (Short: \p{Blk=NB}, \p{InNB}) (860_672)
   \p{Block: Number_Forms} (Single: \p{InNumberForms}) (64)
   \p{Block: OCR}          \p{Block=Optical_Character_Recognition}
   \p{Block: Ogham}        (Single: \p{InOgham}; NOT \p{Ogham} NOR
                             \p{Is_Ogham}) (32)
   \p{Block: Ol_Chiki}     (Single: \p{InOlChiki}) (48)
   \p{Block: Old_Italic}   (Single: \p{InOldItalic}; NOT
                             \p{Old_Italic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Italic})
   \p{Block: Old_Persian}  (Single: \p{InOldPersian}; NOT
                             \p{Old_Persian} NOR \p{Is_Old_Persian})
   \p{Block: Old_South_Arabian} (Single: \p{InOldSouthArabian}) (32)
   \p{Block: Old_Turkic}   (Single: \p{InOldTurkic}; NOT
                             \p{Old_Turkic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Turkic})
   \p{Block: Optical_Character_Recognition} (Short: \p{Blk=OCR},
                             \p{InOCR}) (32)
   \p{Block: Oriya}        (Single: \p{InOriya}; NOT \p{Oriya} NOR
                             \p{Is_Oriya}) (128)
   \p{Block: Osmanya}      (Single: \p{InOsmanya}; NOT \p{Osmanya}
                             NOR \p{Is_Osmanya}) (48)
   \p{Block: Phags_Pa}     (Single: \p{InPhagsPa}; NOT \p{Phags_Pa}
                             NOR \p{Is_Phags_Pa}) (64)
   \p{Block: Phaistos}     \p{Block=Phaistos_Disc} (48)
   \p{Block: Phaistos_Disc} (Short: \p{Blk=Phaistos}, \p{InPhaistos})
   \p{Block: Phoenician}   (Single: \p{InPhoenician}; NOT
                             \p{Phoenician} NOR \p{Is_Phoenician})
   \p{Block: Phonetic_Ext} \p{Block=Phonetic_Extensions} (128)
   \p{Block: Phonetic_Ext_Sup} \p{Block=
                             Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (64)
   \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions} (Short: \p{Blk=PhoneticExt},
                             \p{InPhoneticExt}) (128)
   \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             PhoneticExtSup}, \p{InPhoneticExtSup})
   \p{Block: Playing_Cards} (Single: \p{InPlayingCards}) (96)
   \p{Block: Private_Use}  \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (NOT
                             \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
   \p{Block: Private_Use_Area} (Short: \p{Blk=PUA}, \p{InPUA}; NOT
                             \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
   \p{Block: PUA}          \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (NOT
                             \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
   \p{Block: Punctuation}  \p{Block=General_Punctuation} (NOT
                             \p{Punct} NOR \p{Is_Punctuation}) (112)
   \p{Block: Rejang}       (Single: \p{InRejang}; NOT \p{Rejang} NOR
                             \p{Is_Rejang}) (48)
   \p{Block: Rumi}         \p{Block=Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (32)
   \p{Block: Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=Rumi}, \p{InRumi})
   \p{Block: Runic}        (Single: \p{InRunic}; NOT \p{Runic} NOR
                             \p{Is_Runic}) (96)
   \p{Block: Samaritan}    (Single: \p{InSamaritan}; NOT
                             \p{Samaritan} NOR \p{Is_Samaritan}) (64)
   \p{Block: Saurashtra}   (Single: \p{InSaurashtra}; NOT
                             \p{Saurashtra} NOR \p{Is_Saurashtra})
   \p{Block: Sharada}      (Single: \p{InSharada}; NOT \p{Sharada}
                             NOR \p{Is_Sharada}) (96)
   \p{Block: Shavian}      (Single: \p{InShavian}) (48)
   \p{Block: Sinhala}      (Single: \p{InSinhala}; NOT \p{Sinhala}
                             NOR \p{Is_Sinhala}) (128)
   \p{Block: Small_Form_Variants} (Short: \p{Blk=SmallForms},
                             \p{InSmallForms}) (32)
   \p{Block: Small_Forms}  \p{Block=Small_Form_Variants} (32)
   \p{Block: Sora_Sompeng} (Single: \p{InSoraSompeng}; NOT
                             \p{Sora_Sompeng} NOR
                             \p{Is_Sora_Sompeng}) (48)
   \p{Block: Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             ModifierLetters}, \p{InModifierLetters})
   \p{Block: Specials}     (Single: \p{InSpecials}) (16)
   \p{Block: Sundanese}    (Single: \p{InSundanese}; NOT
                             \p{Sundanese} NOR \p{Is_Sundanese}) (64)
   \p{Block: Sundanese_Sup} \p{Block=Sundanese_Supplement} (16)
   \p{Block: Sundanese_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=SundaneseSup},
                             \p{InSundaneseSup}) (16)
   \p{Block: Sup_Arrows_A} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_A} (16)
   \p{Block: Sup_Arrows_B} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_B} (128)
   \p{Block: Sup_Math_Operators} \p{Block=
   \p{Block: Sup_PUA_A}    \p{Block=Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A}
   \p{Block: Sup_PUA_B}    \p{Block=Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B}
   \p{Block: Sup_Punctuation} \p{Block=Supplemental_Punctuation} (128)
   \p{Block: Super_And_Sub} \p{Block=Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (48)
   \p{Block: Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             SuperAndSub}, \p{InSuperAndSub}) (48)
   \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_A} (Short: \p{Blk=SupArrowsA},
                             \p{InSupArrowsA}) (16)
   \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_B} (Short: \p{Blk=SupArrowsB},
                             \p{InSupArrowsB}) (128)
   \p{Block: Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             \p{InSupMathOperators}) (256)
   \p{Block: Supplemental_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             SupPunctuation}, \p{InSupPunctuation})
   \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             SupPUAA}, \p{InSupPUAA}) (65_536)
   \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             SupPUAB}, \p{InSupPUAB}) (65_536)
   \p{Block: Syloti_Nagri} (Single: \p{InSylotiNagri}; NOT
                             \p{Syloti_Nagri} NOR
                             \p{Is_Syloti_Nagri}) (48)
   \p{Block: Syriac}       (Single: \p{InSyriac}; NOT \p{Syriac} NOR
                             \p{Is_Syriac}) (80)
   \p{Block: Tagalog}      (Single: \p{InTagalog}; NOT \p{Tagalog}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tagalog}) (32)
   \p{Block: Tagbanwa}     (Single: \p{InTagbanwa}; NOT \p{Tagbanwa}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tagbanwa}) (32)
   \p{Block: Tags}         (Single: \p{InTags}) (128)
   \p{Block: Tai_Le}       (Single: \p{InTaiLe}; NOT \p{Tai_Le} NOR
                             \p{Is_Tai_Le}) (48)
   \p{Block: Tai_Tham}     (Single: \p{InTaiTham}; NOT \p{Tai_Tham}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tai_Tham}) (144)
   \p{Block: Tai_Viet}     (Single: \p{InTaiViet}; NOT \p{Tai_Viet}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tai_Viet}) (96)
   \p{Block: Tai_Xuan_Jing} \p{Block=Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (96)
   \p{Block: Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=TaiXuanJing},
                             \p{InTaiXuanJing}) (96)
   \p{Block: Takri}        (Single: \p{InTakri}; NOT \p{Takri} NOR
                             \p{Is_Takri}) (80)
   \p{Block: Tamil}        (Single: \p{InTamil}; NOT \p{Tamil} NOR
                             \p{Is_Tamil}) (128)
   \p{Block: Telugu}       (Single: \p{InTelugu}; NOT \p{Telugu} NOR
                             \p{Is_Telugu}) (128)
   \p{Block: Thaana}       (Single: \p{InThaana}; NOT \p{Thaana} NOR
                             \p{Is_Thaana}) (64)
   \p{Block: Thai}         (Single: \p{InThai}; NOT \p{Thai} NOR
                             \p{Is_Thai}) (128)
   \p{Block: Tibetan}      (Single: \p{InTibetan}; NOT \p{Tibetan}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tibetan}) (256)
   \p{Block: Tifinagh}     (Single: \p{InTifinagh}; NOT \p{Tifinagh}
                             NOR \p{Is_Tifinagh}) (80)
   \p{Block: Transport_And_Map} \p{Block=Transport_And_Map_Symbols}
   \p{Block: Transport_And_Map_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             TransportAndMap}, \p{InTransportAndMap})
   \p{Block: UCAS}         \p{Block=
   \p{Block: UCAS_Ext}     \p{Block=
                             Extended} (80)
   \p{Block: Ugaritic}     (Single: \p{InUgaritic}; NOT \p{Ugaritic}
                             NOR \p{Is_Ugaritic}) (32)
   \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} (Short: \p{Blk=
                             UCAS}, \p{InUCAS}) (640)
   \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} (Short:
                             \p{Blk=UCASExt}, \p{InUCASExt}) (80)
   \p{Block: Vai}          (Single: \p{InVai}; NOT \p{Vai} NOR
                             \p{Is_Vai}) (320)
   \p{Block: Variation_Selectors} (Short: \p{Blk=VS}, \p{InVS}; NOT
                             \p{Variation_Selector} NOR \p{Is_VS})
   \p{Block: Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=VSSup},
                             \p{InVSSup}) (240)
   \p{Block: Vedic_Ext}    \p{Block=Vedic_Extensions} (48)
   \p{Block: Vedic_Extensions} (Short: \p{Blk=VedicExt},
                             \p{InVedicExt}) (48)
   \p{Block: Vertical_Forms} (Single: \p{InVerticalForms}) (16)
   \p{Block: VS}           \p{Block=Variation_Selectors} (NOT
                             \p{Variation_Selector} NOR \p{Is_VS})
   \p{Block: VS_Sup}       \p{Block=Variation_Selectors_Supplement}
   \p{Block: Yi_Radicals}  (Single: \p{InYiRadicals}) (64)
   \p{Block: Yi_Syllables} (Single: \p{InYiSyllables}) (1168)
   \p{Block: Yijing}       \p{Block=Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (64)
   \p{Block: Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=Yijing},
                             \p{InYijing}) (64)
 X \p{Block_Elements}      \p{Block=Block_Elements} (32)
   \p{Bopo}                \p{Bopomofo} (= \p{Script=Bopomofo}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (70)
   \p{Bopomofo}            \p{Script=Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Bopo}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (70)
 X \p{Bopomofo_Ext}        \p{Bopomofo_Extended} (= \p{Block=
                             Bopomofo_Extended}) (32)
 X \p{Bopomofo_Extended}   \p{Block=Bopomofo_Extended} (Short:
                             \p{InBopomofoExt}) (32)
 X \p{Box_Drawing}         \p{Block=Box_Drawing} (128)
   \p{Brah}                \p{Brahmi} (= \p{Script=Brahmi}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Brahmi}) (108)
   \p{Brahmi}              \p{Script=Brahmi} (Short: \p{Brah}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Brahmi}) (108)
   \p{Brai}                \p{Braille} (= \p{Script=Braille}) (256)
   \p{Braille}             \p{Script=Braille} (Short: \p{Brai}) (256)
 X \p{Braille_Patterns}    \p{Block=Braille_Patterns} (Short:
                             \p{InBraille}) (256)
   \p{Bugi}                \p{Buginese} (= \p{Script=Buginese}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
   \p{Buginese}            \p{Script=Buginese} (Short: \p{Bugi}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
   \p{Buhd}                \p{Buhid} (= \p{Script=Buhid}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
   \p{Buhid}               \p{Script=Buhid} (Short: \p{Buhd}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
 X \p{Byzantine_Music}     \p{Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}) (256)
 X \p{Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}
                             (Short: \p{InByzantineMusic}) (256)
   \p{C}                   \p{Other} (= \p{General_Category=Other})
   \p{Cakm}                \p{Chakma} (= \p{Script=Chakma}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Chakma}) (67)
   \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short:
                             \p{Cans}) (710)
 X \p{Canadian_Syllabics}  \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
                             (= \p{Block=
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 0} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Not_Reordered} (1_113_459)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 1} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Overlay} (26)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 7} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Nukta} (13)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 8} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Kana_Voicing} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 9} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Virama} (37)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 10} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC10} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 11} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC11} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 12} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC12} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 13} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC13} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 14} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC14} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 15} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC15} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 16} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC16} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 17} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC17} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 18} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC18} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 19} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC19} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 20} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC20} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 21} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC21} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 22} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC22} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 23} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC23} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 24} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC24} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 25} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC25} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 26} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC26} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 27} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC27} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 28} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC28} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 29} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC29} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 30} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC30} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 31} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC31} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 32} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC32} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 33} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC33} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 34} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC34} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 35} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC35} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 36} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC36} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 84} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC84} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 91} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC91} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 103} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC103} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 107} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC107} (4)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 118} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC118} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 122} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC122} (4)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 129} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC129} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 130} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC130} (6)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 132} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             CCC132} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 200} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Below_Left} (0)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 202} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Below} (5)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 214} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Above} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 216} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Above_Right} (9)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 218} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below_Left} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 220} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below} (129)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 222} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below_Right} (4)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 224} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Left} (2)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 226} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Right} (1)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 228} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above_Left} (3)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 230} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above} (349)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 232} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above_Right} (4)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 233} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Double_Below} (4)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 234} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Double_Above} (5)
 T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 240} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Iota_Subscript} (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: A} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above} (349)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=A}) (349)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=AL}) (3)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=AR}) (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above_Left} (3)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above_Right} (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Above} (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATAR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Above_Right} (9)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Below} (5)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATBL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Attached_Below_Left} (0)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATA})
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above_Right} (Short:
                             \p{Ccc=ATAR}) (9)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATB})
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=
                             ATBL}) (0)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: B} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below} (129)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=B}) (129)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=BL}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=BR}) (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below_Left} (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Below_Right} (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC10} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC10}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC103} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC103}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC107} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC107}) (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC11} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC11}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC118} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC118}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC12} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC12}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC122} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC122}) (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC129} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC129}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC13} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC13}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC130} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC130}) (6)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC132} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC132}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC14} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC14}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC15} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC15}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC16} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC16}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC17} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC17}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC18} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC18}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC19} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC19}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC20} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC20}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC21} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC21}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC22} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC22}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC23} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC23}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC24} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC24}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC25} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC25}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC26} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC26}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC27} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC27}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC28} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC28}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC29} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC29}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC30} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC30}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC31} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC31}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC32} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC32}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC33} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC33}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC34} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC34}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC35} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC35}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC36} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC36}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC84} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC84}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: CCC91} (Short: \p{Ccc=CCC91}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Double_Above} (5)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Double_Below} (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=DA}) (5)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=DB}) (4)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Iota_Subscript} (Short: \p{Ccc=IS})
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: IS} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Iota_Subscript} (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Kana_Voicing} (Short: \p{Ccc=KV}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: KV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Kana_Voicing} (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: L} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Left} (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=L}) (2)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NK} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Nukta} (13)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Not_Reordered} (Short: \p{Ccc=NR})
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Not_Reordered} (1_113_459)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Nukta} (Short: \p{Ccc=NK}) (13)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: OV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Overlay} (26)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Overlay} (Short: \p{Ccc=OV}) (26)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: R} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Right} (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=R}) (1)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Virama} (Short: \p{Ccc=VR}) (37)
   \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: VR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Virama} (37)
   \p{Cans}                \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} (= \p{Script=
                             Canadian_Aboriginal}) (710)
   \p{Cari}                \p{Carian} (= \p{Script=Carian}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
   \p{Carian}              \p{Script=Carian} (Short: \p{Cari}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
   \p{Case_Ignorable}      \p{Case_Ignorable=Y} (Short: \p{CI}) (1799)
   \p{Case_Ignorable: N*}  (Short: \p{CI=N}, \P{CI}) (1_112_313)
   \p{Case_Ignorable: Y*}  (Short: \p{CI=Y}, \p{CI}) (1799)
   \p{Cased}               \p{Cased=Y} (3448)
   \p{Cased: N*}           (Single: \P{Cased}) (1_110_664)
   \p{Cased: Y*}           (Single: \p{Cased}) (3448)
   \p{Cased_Letter}        \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (Short:
                             \p{LC}) (3223)
   \p{Category: *}         \p{General_Category: *}
   \p{Cc}                  \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
   \p{Ccc: *}              \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: *}
   \p{CE}                  \p{Composition_Exclusion} (=
                             \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (81)
   \p{CE: *}               \p{Composition_Exclusion: *}
   \p{Cf}                  \p{Format} (= \p{General_Category=Format})
   \p{Chakma}              \p{Script=Chakma} (Short: \p{Cakm}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Chakma}) (67)
   \p{Cham}                \p{Script=Cham} (NOT \p{Block=Cham}) (83)
   \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CWCF}) (1107)
   \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWCF=N}, \P{CWCF})
   \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCF=Y}, \p{CWCF})
   \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CWCM}) (2138)
   \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: N*} (Short: \p{CWCM=N}, \P{CWCM})
   \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCM=Y}, \p{CWCM})
   \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CWL}) (1043)
   \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWL=N}, \P{CWL})
   \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWL=Y}, \p{CWL}) (1043)
   \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=
                             Y} (Short: \p{CWKCF}) (9944)
   \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=N},
                             \P{CWKCF}) (1_104_168)
   \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=Y},
                             \p{CWKCF}) (9944)
   \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CWT}) (1099)
   \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: N*} (Short: \p{CWT=N}, \P{CWT})
   \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWT=Y}, \p{CWT}) (1099)
   \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CWU}) (1126)
   \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWU=N}, \P{CWU})
   \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWU=Y}, \p{CWU}) (1126)
   \p{Cher}                \p{Cherokee} (= \p{Script=Cherokee}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
   \p{Cherokee}            \p{Script=Cherokee} (Short: \p{Cher}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
   \p{CI}                  \p{Case_Ignorable} (= \p{Case_Ignorable=
                             Y}) (1799)
   \p{CI: *}               \p{Case_Ignorable: *}
 X \p{CJK}                 \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (= \p{Block=
                             CJK_Unified_Ideographs}) (20_992)
 X \p{CJK_Compat}          \p{CJK_Compatibility} (= \p{Block=
                             CJK_Compatibility}) (256)
 X \p{CJK_Compat_Forms}    \p{CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (= \p{Block=
                             CJK_Compatibility_Forms}) (32)
 X \p{CJK_Compat_Ideographs} \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (=
 X \p{CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup}
                             Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Supplement}) (544)
 X \p{CJK_Compatibility}   \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility} (Short:
                             \p{InCJKCompat}) (256)
 X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Forms} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility_Forms}
                             (Short: \p{InCJKCompatForms}) (32)
 X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} \p{Block=
                             CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (Short:
                             \p{InCJKCompatIdeographs}) (512)
 X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCJKCompatIdeographsSup})
 X \p{CJK_Ext_A}           \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} (=
 X \p{CJK_Ext_B}           \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} (=
 X \p{CJK_Ext_C}           \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} (=
 X \p{CJK_Ext_D}           \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D} (=
 X \p{CJK_Radicals_Sup}    \p{CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             CJK_Radicals_Supplement}) (128)
 X \p{CJK_Radicals_Supplement} \p{Block=CJK_Radicals_Supplement}
                             (Short: \p{InCJKRadicalsSup}) (128)
 X \p{CJK_Strokes}         \p{Block=CJK_Strokes} (48)
 X \p{CJK_Symbols}         \p{CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (=
 X \p{CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
                             CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (Short:
                             \p{InCJKSymbols}) (64)
 X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs} \p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs}
                             (Short: \p{InCJK}) (20_992)
 X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCJKExtA}) (6592)
 X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCJKExtB}) (42_720)
 X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCJKExtC}) (4160)
 X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCJKExtD}) (224)
   \p{Close_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Pe}) (71)
   \p{Cn}                  \p{Unassigned} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Unassigned}) (864_415)
   \p{Cntrl}               \p{General_Category=Control} Control
                             characters (Short: \p{Cc}) (65)
   \p{Co}                  \p{Private_Use} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Private_Use}) (NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
 X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks} \p{Block=
                             Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (Short:
                             \p{InDiacriticals}) (112)
 X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InDiacriticalsForSymbols})
 X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InDiacriticalsSup}) (64)
 X \p{Combining_Half_Marks} \p{Block=Combining_Half_Marks} (Short:
                             \p{InHalfMarks}) (16)
   \p{Combining_Mark}      \p{Mark} (= \p{General_Category=Mark})
 X \p{Combining_Marks_For_Symbols}
                             Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Symbols}) (48)
   \p{Common}              \p{Script=Common} (Short: \p{Zyyy}) (6412)
 X \p{Common_Indic_Number_Forms} \p{Block=Common_Indic_Number_Forms}
                             (Short: \p{InIndicNumberForms}) (16)
   \p{Comp_Ex}             \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} (=
                             \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (1120)
   \p{Comp_Ex: *}          \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: *}
 X \p{Compat_Jamo}         \p{Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (= \p{Block=
                             Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo}) (96)
   \p{Composition_Exclusion} \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y} (Short:
                             \p{CE}) (81)
   \p{Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CE=N}, \P{CE}) (1_114_031)
   \p{Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CE=Y}, \p{CE}) (81)
   \p{Connector_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=
                             Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Pc})
   \p{Control}             \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
 X \p{Control_Pictures}    \p{Block=Control_Pictures} (64)
   \p{Copt}                \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Coptic}) (137)
   \p{Coptic}              \p{Script=Coptic} (Short: \p{Copt}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Coptic}) (137)
 X \p{Counting_Rod}        \p{Counting_Rod_Numerals} (= \p{Block=
                             Counting_Rod_Numerals}) (32)
 X \p{Counting_Rod_Numerals} \p{Block=Counting_Rod_Numerals} (Short:
                             \p{InCountingRod}) (32)
   \p{Cprt}                \p{Cypriot} (= \p{Script=Cypriot}) (55)
   \p{Cs}                  \p{Surrogate} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Surrogate}) (2048)
   \p{Cuneiform}           \p{Script=Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Xsux}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
 X \p{Cuneiform_Numbers}   \p{Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (=
                             Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation}) (128)
 X \p{Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InCuneiformNumbers}) (128)
   \p{Currency_Symbol}     \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol}
                             (Short: \p{Sc}) (48)
 X \p{Currency_Symbols}    \p{Block=Currency_Symbols} (48)
   \p{CWCF}                \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} (=
                             \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y}) (1107)
   \p{CWCF: *}             \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: *}
   \p{CWCM}                \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} (=
                             \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y}) (2138)
   \p{CWCM: *}             \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: *}
   \p{CWKCF}               \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} (=
   \p{CWKCF: *}            \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: *}
   \p{CWL}                 \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} (=
                             \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y}) (1043)
   \p{CWL: *}              \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: *}
   \p{CWT}                 \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} (=
                             \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y}) (1099)
   \p{CWT: *}              \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: *}
   \p{CWU}                 \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} (=
                             \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y}) (1126)
   \p{CWU: *}              \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: *}
   \p{Cypriot}             \p{Script=Cypriot} (Short: \p{Cprt}) (55)
 X \p{Cypriot_Syllabary}   \p{Block=Cypriot_Syllabary} (64)
   \p{Cyrillic}            \p{Script=Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Cyrl}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (417)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Ext_A}      \p{Cyrillic_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Cyrillic_Extended_A}) (32)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Ext_B}      \p{Cyrillic_Extended_B} (= \p{Block=
                             Cyrillic_Extended_B}) (96)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_A} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A} (Short:
                             \p{InCyrillicExtA}) (32)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_B} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_B} (Short:
                             \p{InCyrillicExtB}) (96)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Sup}        \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Cyrillic_Supplement}) (48)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InCyrillicSup}) (48)
 X \p{Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Cyrillic_Supplement}) (48)
   \p{Cyrl}                \p{Cyrillic} (= \p{Script=Cyrillic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (417)
   \p{Dash}                \p{Dash=Y} (27)
   \p{Dash: N*}            (Single: \P{Dash}) (1_114_085)
   \p{Dash: Y*}            (Single: \p{Dash}) (27)
   \p{Dash_Punctuation}    \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Pd}) (23)
   \p{Decimal_Number}      \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Decimal_Number}) (460)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Can} \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Canonical} (Short: \p{Dt=Can}) (13_225)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Circle} (Short: \p{Dt=Enc}) (240)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Com} \p{Decomposition_Type=Compat} (720)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Compat} (Short: \p{Dt=Com}) (720)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Enc} \p{Decomposition_Type=Circle} (240)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Fin} \p{Decomposition_Type=Final} (240)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Final} (Short: \p{Dt=Fin}) (240)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Font} (Short: \p{Dt=Font}) (1184)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Fra} \p{Decomposition_Type=Fraction} (20)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Fraction} (Short: \p{Dt=Fra}) (20)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Init} \p{Decomposition_Type=Initial} (171)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Initial} (Short: \p{Dt=Init}) (171)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Iso} \p{Decomposition_Type=Isolated} (238)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Isolated} (Short: \p{Dt=Iso}) (238)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Med} \p{Decomposition_Type=Medial} (82)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Medial} (Short: \p{Dt=Med}) (82)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Nar} \p{Decomposition_Type=Narrow} (122)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Narrow} (Short: \p{Dt=Nar}) (122)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Nb} \p{Decomposition_Type=Nobreak} (5)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Nobreak} (Short: \p{Dt=Nb}) (5)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canon} \p{Decomposition_Type=
                             Non_Canonical} (Perl extension) (3655)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canonical} Union of all non-canonical
                             decompositions (Short: \p{Dt=NonCanon})
                             (Perl extension) (3655)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: None} (Short: \p{Dt=None}) (1_097_232)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Small} (Short: \p{Dt=Sml}) (26)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Sml} \p{Decomposition_Type=Small} (26)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Sqr} \p{Decomposition_Type=Square} (284)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Square} (Short: \p{Dt=Sqr}) (284)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Sub} (Short: \p{Dt=Sub}) (38)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Sup} \p{Decomposition_Type=Super} (146)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Super} (Short: \p{Dt=Sup}) (146)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Vert} \p{Decomposition_Type=Vertical} (35)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Vertical} (Short: \p{Dt=Vert}) (35)
   \p{Decomposition_Type: Wide} (Short: \p{Dt=Wide}) (104)
   \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
                             Y} (Short: \p{DI}) (4167)
   \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{DI=N}, \P{DI})
   \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{DI=Y}, \p{DI})
   \p{Dep}                 \p{Deprecated} (= \p{Deprecated=Y}) (111)
   \p{Dep: *}              \p{Deprecated: *}
   \p{Deprecated}          \p{Deprecated=Y} (Short: \p{Dep}) (111)
   \p{Deprecated: N*}      (Short: \p{Dep=N}, \P{Dep}) (1_114_001)
   \p{Deprecated: Y*}      (Short: \p{Dep=Y}, \p{Dep}) (111)
   \p{Deseret}             \p{Script=Deseret} (Short: \p{Dsrt}) (80)
   \p{Deva}                \p{Devanagari} (= \p{Script=Devanagari})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (151)
   \p{Devanagari}          \p{Script=Devanagari} (Short: \p{Deva};
                             NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (151)
 X \p{Devanagari_Ext}      \p{Devanagari_Extended} (= \p{Block=
                             Devanagari_Extended}) (32)
 X \p{Devanagari_Extended} \p{Block=Devanagari_Extended} (Short:
                             \p{InDevanagariExt}) (32)
   \p{DI}                  \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
   \p{DI: *}               \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
   \p{Dia}                 \p{Diacritic} (= \p{Diacritic=Y}) (693)
   \p{Dia: *}              \p{Diacritic: *}
   \p{Diacritic}           \p{Diacritic=Y} (Short: \p{Dia}) (693)
   \p{Diacritic: N*}       (Short: \p{Dia=N}, \P{Dia}) (1_113_419)
   \p{Diacritic: Y*}       (Short: \p{Dia=Y}, \p{Dia}) (693)
 X \p{Diacriticals}        \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (=
 X \p{Diacriticals_For_Symbols}
                             Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Symbols}) (48)
 X \p{Diacriticals_Sup}    \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement}
                             (= \p{Block=
   \p{Digit}               \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} [0-9]
                             + all other decimal digits (Short:
                             \p{Nd}) (460)
 X \p{Dingbats}            \p{Block=Dingbats} (192)
 X \p{Domino}              \p{Domino_Tiles} (= \p{Block=
                             Domino_Tiles}) (112)
 X \p{Domino_Tiles}        \p{Block=Domino_Tiles} (Short:
                             \p{InDomino}) (112)
   \p{Dsrt}                \p{Deseret} (= \p{Script=Deseret}) (80)
   \p{Dt: *}               \p{Decomposition_Type: *}
   \p{Ea: *}               \p{East_Asian_Width: *}
   \p{East_Asian_Width: A} \p{East_Asian_Width=Ambiguous} (138_746)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Ea=A}) (138_746)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: F} \p{East_Asian_Width=Fullwidth} (104)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Fullwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=F}) (104)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: H} \p{East_Asian_Width=Halfwidth} (123)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Halfwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=H}) (123)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: N} \p{East_Asian_Width=Neutral} (801_811)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Na} \p{East_Asian_Width=Narrow} (111)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Narrow} (Short: \p{Ea=Na}) (111)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Neutral} (Short: \p{Ea=N}) (801_811)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: W} \p{East_Asian_Width=Wide} (173_217)
   \p{East_Asian_Width: Wide} (Short: \p{Ea=W}) (173_217)
   \p{Egyp}                \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (= \p{Script=
                             Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
   \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short:
                             \p{Egyp}; NOT \p{Block=
                             Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
 X \p{Emoticons}           \p{Block=Emoticons} (80)
 X \p{Enclosed_Alphanum}   \p{Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (= \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_Alphanumerics}) (160)
 X \p{Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup} \p{Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (=
                             Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement}) (256)
 X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InEnclosedAlphanumSup}) (256)
 X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumerics} \p{Block=Enclosed_Alphanumerics}
                             (Short: \p{InEnclosedAlphanum}) (160)
 X \p{Enclosed_CJK}        \p{Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (=
                             Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months}) (256)
 X \p{Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (Short:
                             \p{InEnclosedCJK}) (256)
 X \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup} \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement}
                             (= \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement}) (256)
 X \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InEnclosedIdeographicSup}) (256)
   \p{Enclosing_Mark}      \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark}
                             (Short: \p{Me}) (12)
   \p{Ethi}                \p{Ethiopic} (= \p{Script=Ethiopic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (495)
   \p{Ethiopic}            \p{Script=Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Ethi}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (495)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Ext}        \p{Ethiopic_Extended} (= \p{Block=
                             Ethiopic_Extended}) (96)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Ext_A}      \p{Ethiopic_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Ethiopic_Extended_A}) (48)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Extended}   \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended} (Short:
                             \p{InEthiopicExt}) (96)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Extended_A} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended_A} (Short:
                             \p{InEthiopicExtA}) (48)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Sup}        \p{Ethiopic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Ethiopic_Supplement}) (32)
 X \p{Ethiopic_Supplement} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InEthiopicSup}) (32)
   \p{Ext}                 \p{Extender} (= \p{Extender=Y}) (31)
   \p{Ext: *}              \p{Extender: *}
   \p{Extender}            \p{Extender=Y} (Short: \p{Ext}) (31)
   \p{Extender: N*}        (Short: \p{Ext=N}, \P{Ext}) (1_114_081)
   \p{Extender: Y*}        (Short: \p{Ext=Y}, \p{Ext}) (31)
   \p{Final_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Pf}) (10)
   \p{Format}              \p{General_Category=Format} (Short:
                             \p{Cf}) (139)
   \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}
                             (Short: \p{CompEx}) (1120)
   \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CompEx=N},
                             \P{CompEx}) (1_112_992)
   \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CompEx=Y},
                             \p{CompEx}) (1120)
   \p{Gc: *}               \p{General_Category: *}
   \p{GCB: *}              \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: *}
   \p{General_Category: C} \p{General_Category=Other} (1_004_135)
   \p{General_Category: Cased_Letter} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}] (Short:
                             \p{Gc=LC}, \p{LC}) (3223)
   \p{General_Category: Cc} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
   \p{General_Category: Cf} \p{General_Category=Format} (139)
   \p{General_Category: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pe}, \p{Pe})
   \p{General_Category: Cn} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (864_415)
   \p{General_Category: Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
   \p{General_Category: Co} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (137_468)
   \p{General_Category: Combining_Mark} \p{General_Category=Mark}
   \p{General_Category: Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pc},
                             \p{Pc}) (10)
   \p{General_Category: Control} (Short: \p{Gc=Cc}, \p{Cc}) (65)
   \p{General_Category: Cs} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (2048)
   \p{General_Category: Currency_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sc}, \p{Sc})
   \p{General_Category: Dash_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pd}, \p{Pd})
   \p{General_Category: Decimal_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nd}, \p{Nd})
   \p{General_Category: Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}
   \p{General_Category: Enclosing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Me}, \p{Me})
   \p{General_Category: Final_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pf}, \p{Pf})
   \p{General_Category: Format} (Short: \p{Gc=Cf}, \p{Cf}) (139)
   \p{General_Category: Initial_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pi},
                             \p{Pi}) (12)
   \p{General_Category: L} \p{General_Category=Letter} (101_013)
 X \p{General_Category: L&} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3223)
 X \p{General_Category: L_} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} Note
                             the trailing '_' matters in spite of
                             loose matching rules. (3223)
   \p{General_Category: LC} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3223)
   \p{General_Category: Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=L}, \p{L}) (101_013)
   \p{General_Category: Letter_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nl}, \p{Nl})
   \p{General_Category: Line_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zl}, \p{Zl}) (1)
   \p{General_Category: Ll} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter)
   \p{General_Category: Lm} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter} (237)
   \p{General_Category: Lo} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (97_553)
   \p{General_Category: Lowercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Ll}, \p{Ll};
                             /i= General_Category=Cased_Letter) (1751)
   \p{General_Category: Lt} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter}
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter) (31)
   \p{General_Category: Lu} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter)
   \p{General_Category: M} \p{General_Category=Mark} (1645)
   \p{General_Category: Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=M}, \p{M}) (1645)
   \p{General_Category: Math_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sm}, \p{Sm}) (952)
   \p{General_Category: Mc} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (353)
   \p{General_Category: Me} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark} (12)
   \p{General_Category: Mn} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
   \p{General_Category: Modifier_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lm}, \p{Lm})
   \p{General_Category: Modifier_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sk}, \p{Sk})
   \p{General_Category: N} \p{General_Category=Number} (1148)
   \p{General_Category: Nd} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} (460)
   \p{General_Category: Nl} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (224)
   \p{General_Category: No} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (464)
   \p{General_Category: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mn}, \p{Mn})
   \p{General_Category: Number} (Short: \p{Gc=N}, \p{N}) (1148)
   \p{General_Category: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Ps}, \p{Ps})
   \p{General_Category: Other} (Short: \p{Gc=C}, \p{C}) (1_004_135)
   \p{General_Category: Other_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lo}, \p{Lo})
   \p{General_Category: Other_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=No}, \p{No}) (464)
   \p{General_Category: Other_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Po}, \p{Po})
   \p{General_Category: Other_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=So}, \p{So})
   \p{General_Category: P} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (632)
   \p{General_Category: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zp},
                             \p{Zp}) (1)
   \p{General_Category: Pc} \p{General_Category=
                             Connector_Punctuation} (10)
   \p{General_Category: Pd} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation} (23)
   \p{General_Category: Pe} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
   \p{General_Category: Pf} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
   \p{General_Category: Pi} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
   \p{General_Category: Po} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
   \p{General_Category: Private_Use} (Short: \p{Gc=Co}, \p{Co})
   \p{General_Category: Ps} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation} (72)
   \p{General_Category: Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (632)
   \p{General_Category: Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=P}, \p{P}) (632)
   \p{General_Category: S} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (5519)
   \p{General_Category: Sc} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol} (48)
   \p{General_Category: Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Z}, \p{Z}) (20)
   \p{General_Category: Sk} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol} (115)
   \p{General_Category: Sm} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (952)
   \p{General_Category: So} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (4404)
   \p{General_Category: Space_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zs}, \p{Zs})
   \p{General_Category: Spacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mc}, \p{Mc}) (353)
   \p{General_Category: Surrogate} (Short: \p{Gc=Cs}, \p{Cs}) (2048)
   \p{General_Category: Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=S}, \p{S}) (5519)
   \p{General_Category: Titlecase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lt}, \p{Lt};
                             /i= General_Category=Cased_Letter) (31)
   \p{General_Category: Unassigned} (Short: \p{Gc=Cn}, \p{Cn})
   \p{General_Category: Uppercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lu}, \p{Lu};
                             /i= General_Category=Cased_Letter) (1441)
   \p{General_Category: Z} \p{General_Category=Separator} (20)
   \p{General_Category: Zl} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator} (1)
   \p{General_Category: Zp} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
   \p{General_Category: Zs} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator} (18)
 X \p{General_Punctuation} \p{Block=General_Punctuation} (Short:
                             \p{InPunctuation}) (112)
 X \p{Geometric_Shapes}    \p{Block=Geometric_Shapes} (96)
   \p{Geor}                \p{Georgian} (= \p{Script=Georgian}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Georgian}) (127)
   \p{Georgian}            \p{Script=Georgian} (Short: \p{Geor}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Georgian}) (127)
 X \p{Georgian_Sup}        \p{Georgian_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Georgian_Supplement}) (48)
 X \p{Georgian_Supplement} \p{Block=Georgian_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InGeorgianSup}) (48)
   \p{Glag}                \p{Glagolitic} (= \p{Script=Glagolitic})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
   \p{Glagolitic}          \p{Script=Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Glag};
                             NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
   \p{Goth}                \p{Gothic} (= \p{Script=Gothic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
   \p{Gothic}              \p{Script=Gothic} (Short: \p{Goth}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
   \p{Gr_Base}             \p{Grapheme_Base} (= \p{Grapheme_Base=Y})
   \p{Gr_Base: *}          \p{Grapheme_Base: *}
   \p{Gr_Ext}              \p{Grapheme_Extend} (= \p{Grapheme_Extend=
                             Y}) (1317)
   \p{Gr_Ext: *}           \p{Grapheme_Extend: *}
   \p{Graph}               Characters that are graphical (247_564)
   \p{Grapheme_Base}       \p{Grapheme_Base=Y} (Short: \p{GrBase})
   \p{Grapheme_Base: N*}   (Short: \p{GrBase=N}, \P{GrBase})
   \p{Grapheme_Base: Y*}   (Short: \p{GrBase=Y}, \p{GrBase}) (108_660)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CN} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Control}
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Control} (Short: \p{GCB=CN}) (6023)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CR} (Short: \p{GCB=CR}) (1)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: EX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend}
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{GCB=EX}) (1317)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: L} (Short: \p{GCB=L}) (125)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LF} (Short: \p{GCB=LF}) (1)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LV} (Short: \p{GCB=LV}) (399)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LVT} (Short: \p{GCB=LVT}) (10_773)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Other} (Short: \p{GCB=XX}) (1_094_950)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: PP} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend}
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Prepend} (Short: \p{GCB=PP}) (0)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SM} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=
                             SpacingMark} (291)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SpacingMark} (Short: \p{GCB=SM}) (291)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: T} (Short: \p{GCB=T}) (137)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: V} (Short: \p{GCB=V}) (95)
   \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: XX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Other}
   \p{Grapheme_Extend}     \p{Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short: \p{GrExt})
   \p{Grapheme_Extend: N*} (Short: \p{GrExt=N}, \P{GrExt}) (1_112_795)
   \p{Grapheme_Extend: Y*} (Short: \p{GrExt=Y}, \p{GrExt}) (1317)
   \p{Greek}               \p{Script=Greek} (Short: \p{Grek}; NOT
                             \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
 X \p{Greek_And_Coptic}    \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (Short:
                             \p{InGreek}) (144)
 X \p{Greek_Ext}           \p{Greek_Extended} (= \p{Block=
                             Greek_Extended}) (256)
 X \p{Greek_Extended}      \p{Block=Greek_Extended} (Short:
                             \p{InGreekExt}) (256)
   \p{Grek}                \p{Greek} (= \p{Script=Greek}) (NOT
                             \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
   \p{Gujarati}            \p{Script=Gujarati} (Short: \p{Gujr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Gujarati}) (84)
   \p{Gujr}                \p{Gujarati} (= \p{Script=Gujarati}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Gujarati}) (84)
   \p{Gurmukhi}            \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Guru}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
   \p{Guru}                \p{Gurmukhi} (= \p{Script=Gurmukhi}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
 X \p{Half_And_Full_Forms} \p{Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (=
 X \p{Half_Marks}          \p{Combining_Half_Marks} (= \p{Block=
                             Combining_Half_Marks}) (16)
 X \p{Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} \p{Block=
                             Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (Short:
                             \p{InHalfAndFullForms}) (240)
   \p{Han}                 \p{Script=Han} (75_963)
   \p{Hang}                \p{Hangul} (= \p{Script=Hangul}) (NOT
                             \p{Hangul_Syllables}) (11_739)
   \p{Hangul}              \p{Script=Hangul} (Short: \p{Hang}; NOT
                             \p{Hangul_Syllables}) (11_739)
 X \p{Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo}
                             (Short: \p{InCompatJamo}) (96)
 X \p{Hangul_Jamo}         \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo} (Short: \p{InJamo})
 X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A}
                             (Short: \p{InJamoExtA}) (32)
 X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B}
                             (Short: \p{InJamoExtB}) (80)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: L} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Leading_Jamo}
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Leading_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=L}) (125)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LV_Syllable}
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LV}) (399)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
                             LVT_Syllable} (10_773)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LVT})
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: NA} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
                             Not_Applicable} (1_102_583)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Not_Applicable} (Short: \p{Hst=NA})
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: T} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Trailing_Jamo}
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Trailing_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=T}) (137)
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: V} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Vowel_Jamo}
   \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Vowel_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=V}) (95)
 X \p{Hangul_Syllables}    \p{Block=Hangul_Syllables} (Short:
                             \p{InHangul}) (11_184)
   \p{Hani}                \p{Han} (= \p{Script=Han}) (75_963)
   \p{Hano}                \p{Hanunoo} (= \p{Script=Hanunoo}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
   \p{Hanunoo}             \p{Script=Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Hano}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
   \p{Hebr}                \p{Hebrew} (= \p{Script=Hebrew}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
   \p{Hebrew}              \p{Script=Hebrew} (Short: \p{Hebr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
   \p{Hex}                 \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
   \p{Hex: *}              \p{Hex_Digit: *}
   \p{Hex_Digit}           \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
   \p{Hex_Digit: N*}       (Short: \p{Hex=N}, \P{Hex}) (1_114_068)
   \p{Hex_Digit: Y*}       (Short: \p{Hex=Y}, \p{Hex}) (44)
 X \p{High_Private_Use_Surrogates} \p{Block=
                             High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (Short:
                             \p{InHighPUSurrogates}) (128)
 X \p{High_PU_Surrogates}  \p{High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (=
 X \p{High_Surrogates}     \p{Block=High_Surrogates} (896)
   \p{Hira}                \p{Hiragana} (= \p{Script=Hiragana}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Hiragana}) (91)
   \p{Hiragana}            \p{Script=Hiragana} (Short: \p{Hira}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Hiragana}) (91)
   \p{HorizSpace}          \p{Blank} (19)
   \p{Hst: *}              \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: *}
 D \p{Hyphen}              \p{Hyphen=Y} (11)
 D \p{Hyphen: N*}          Supplanted by Line_Break property values;
                             (Single: \P{Hyphen}) (1_114_101)
 D \p{Hyphen: Y*}          Supplanted by Line_Break property values;
                             (Single: \p{Hyphen}) (11)
   \p{ID_Continue}         \p{ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{IDC}; NOT
   \p{ID_Continue: N*}     (Short: \p{IDC=N}, \P{IDC}) (1_010_757)
   \p{ID_Continue: Y*}     (Short: \p{IDC=Y}, \p{IDC}) (103_355)
   \p{ID_Start}            \p{ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{IDS}) (101_240)
   \p{ID_Start: N*}        (Short: \p{IDS=N}, \P{IDS}) (1_012_872)
   \p{ID_Start: Y*}        (Short: \p{IDS=Y}, \p{IDS}) (101_240)
   \p{IDC}                 \p{ID_Continue} (= \p{ID_Continue=Y}) (NOT
   \p{IDC: *}              \p{ID_Continue: *}
   \p{Ideo}                \p{Ideographic} (= \p{Ideographic=Y})
   \p{Ideo: *}             \p{Ideographic: *}
   \p{Ideographic}         \p{Ideographic=Y} (Short: \p{Ideo})
   \p{Ideographic: N*}     (Short: \p{Ideo=N}, \P{Ideo}) (1_038_479)
   \p{Ideographic: Y*}     (Short: \p{Ideo=Y}, \p{Ideo}) (75_633)
 X \p{Ideographic_Description_Characters} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InIDC}) (16)
   \p{IDS}                 \p{ID_Start} (= \p{ID_Start=Y}) (101_240)
   \p{IDS: *}              \p{ID_Start: *}
   \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y} (Short:
                             \p{IDSB}) (10)
   \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDSB=N}, \P{IDSB})
   \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDSB=Y}, \p{IDSB}) (10)
   \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y} (Short:
                             \p{IDST}) (2)
   \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDST=N}, \P{IDST})
   \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDST=Y}, \p{IDST}) (2)
   \p{IDSB}                \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} (=
                             \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y}) (10)
   \p{IDSB: *}             \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: *}
   \p{IDST}                \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} (=
                             \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y}) (2)
   \p{IDST: *}             \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: *}
   \p{Imperial_Aramaic}    \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (Short:
                             \p{Armi}; NOT \p{Block=
                             Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
   \p{In: *}               \p{Present_In: *} (Perl extension)
   \p{In_*}                \p{Block: *}
 X \p{Indic_Number_Forms}  \p{Common_Indic_Number_Forms} (= \p{Block=
                             Common_Indic_Number_Forms}) (16)
   \p{Inherited}           \p{Script=Inherited} (Short: \p{Zinh})
   \p{Initial_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Pi}) (12)
   \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short:
                             \p{Phli}; NOT \p{Block=
                             Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
   \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian}
                             (Short: \p{Prti}; NOT \p{Block=
                             Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
 X \p{IPA_Ext}             \p{IPA_Extensions} (= \p{Block=
                             IPA_Extensions}) (96)
 X \p{IPA_Extensions}      \p{Block=IPA_Extensions} (Short:
                             \p{InIPAExt}) (96)
   \p{Is_*}                \p{*} (Any exceptions are individually
                             noted beginning with the word NOT.) If
                             an entry has flag(s) at its beginning,
                             like "D", the "Is_" form has the same
   \p{Ital}                \p{Old_Italic} (= \p{Script=Old_Italic})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
 X \p{Jamo}                \p{Hangul_Jamo} (= \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo})
 X \p{Jamo_Ext_A}          \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A}) (32)
 X \p{Jamo_Ext_B}          \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (= \p{Block=
                             Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B}) (80)
   \p{Java}                \p{Javanese} (= \p{Script=Javanese}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
   \p{Javanese}            \p{Script=Javanese} (Short: \p{Java}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
   \p{Jg: *}               \p{Joining_Group: *}
   \p{Join_C}              \p{Join_Control} (= \p{Join_Control=Y}) (2)
   \p{Join_C: *}           \p{Join_Control: *}
   \p{Join_Control}        \p{Join_Control=Y} (Short: \p{JoinC}) (2)
   \p{Join_Control: N*}    (Short: \p{JoinC=N}, \P{JoinC}) (1_114_110)
   \p{Join_Control: Y*}    (Short: \p{JoinC=Y}, \p{JoinC}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Ain}  (Short: \p{Jg=Ain}) (7)
   \p{Joining_Group: Alaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Alaph}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Alef} (Short: \p{Jg=Alef}) (10)
   \p{Joining_Group: Beh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Beh}) (20)
   \p{Joining_Group: Beth} (Short: \p{Jg=Beth}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Burushaski_Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=
                             BurushaskiYehBarree}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Dal}  (Short: \p{Jg=Dal}) (14)
   \p{Joining_Group: Dalath_Rish} (Short: \p{Jg=DalathRish}) (4)
   \p{Joining_Group: E}    (Short: \p{Jg=E}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Farsi_Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=FarsiYeh}) (7)
   \p{Joining_Group: Fe}   (Short: \p{Jg=Fe}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Feh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Feh}) (10)
   \p{Joining_Group: Final_Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=FinalSemkath}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Gaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Gaf}) (13)
   \p{Joining_Group: Gamal} (Short: \p{Jg=Gamal}) (3)
   \p{Joining_Group: Hah}  (Short: \p{Jg=Hah}) (18)
   \p{Joining_Group: Hamza_On_Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=
                             HamzaOnHehGoal}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: He}   (Short: \p{Jg=He}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Heh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Heh}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=HehGoal}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Heth} (Short: \p{Jg=Heth}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Kaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Kaf}) (5)
   \p{Joining_Group: Kaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaph}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Khaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Khaph}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Knotted_Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=KnottedHeh}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Lam}  (Short: \p{Jg=Lam}) (7)
   \p{Joining_Group: Lamadh} (Short: \p{Jg=Lamadh}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Meem} (Short: \p{Jg=Meem}) (4)
   \p{Joining_Group: Mim}  (Short: \p{Jg=Mim}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: No_Joining_Group} (Short: \p{Jg=NoJoiningGroup})
   \p{Joining_Group: Noon} (Short: \p{Jg=Noon}) (8)
   \p{Joining_Group: Nun}  (Short: \p{Jg=Nun}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Nya}  (Short: \p{Jg=Nya}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Pe}   (Short: \p{Jg=Pe}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Qaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Qaf}) (5)
   \p{Joining_Group: Qaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaph}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Reh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Reh}) (17)
   \p{Joining_Group: Reversed_Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=ReversedPe}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Rohingya_Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=RohingyaYeh}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Sad}  (Short: \p{Jg=Sad}) (5)
   \p{Joining_Group: Sadhe} (Short: \p{Jg=Sadhe}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Seen} (Short: \p{Jg=Seen}) (11)
   \p{Joining_Group: Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=Semkath}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Shin} (Short: \p{Jg=Shin}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Swash_Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=SwashKaf}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Syriac_Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=SyriacWaw}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Tah}  (Short: \p{Jg=Tah}) (4)
   \p{Joining_Group: Taw}  (Short: \p{Jg=Taw}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Teh_Marbuta} (Short: \p{Jg=TehMarbuta}) (3)
   \p{Joining_Group: Teh_Marbuta_Goal} \p{Joining_Group=
                             Hamza_On_Heh_Goal} (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Teth} (Short: \p{Jg=Teth}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Waw}  (Short: \p{Jg=Waw}) (16)
   \p{Joining_Group: Yeh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Yeh}) (10)
   \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=YehBarree}) (2)
   \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_With_Tail} (Short: \p{Jg=YehWithTail}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Yudh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yudh}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Yudh_He} (Short: \p{Jg=YudhHe}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Zain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zain}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Group: Zhain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zhain}) (1)
   \p{Joining_Type: C}     \p{Joining_Type=Join_Causing} (3)
   \p{Joining_Type: D}     \p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining} (215)
   \p{Joining_Type: Dual_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=D}) (215)
   \p{Joining_Type: Join_Causing} (Short: \p{Jt=C}) (3)
   \p{Joining_Type: L}     \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining} (0)
   \p{Joining_Type: Left_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=L}) (0)
   \p{Joining_Type: Non_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=U}) (1_112_389)
   \p{Joining_Type: R}     \p{Joining_Type=Right_Joining} (82)
   \p{Joining_Type: Right_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=R}) (82)
   \p{Joining_Type: T}     \p{Joining_Type=Transparent} (1423)
   \p{Joining_Type: Transparent} (Short: \p{Jt=T}) (1423)
   \p{Joining_Type: U}     \p{Joining_Type=Non_Joining} (1_112_389)
   \p{Jt: *}               \p{Joining_Type: *}
   \p{Kaithi}              \p{Script=Kaithi} (Short: \p{Kthi}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
   \p{Kali}                \p{Kayah_Li} (= \p{Script=Kayah_Li}) (48)
   \p{Kana}                \p{Katakana} (= \p{Script=Katakana}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Katakana}) (300)
 X \p{Kana_Sup}            \p{Kana_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Kana_Supplement}) (256)
 X \p{Kana_Supplement}     \p{Block=Kana_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InKanaSup}) (256)
 X \p{Kanbun}              \p{Block=Kanbun} (16)
 X \p{Kangxi}              \p{Kangxi_Radicals} (= \p{Block=
                             Kangxi_Radicals}) (224)
 X \p{Kangxi_Radicals}     \p{Block=Kangxi_Radicals} (Short:
                             \p{InKangxi}) (224)
   \p{Kannada}             \p{Script=Kannada} (Short: \p{Knda}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Kannada}) (86)
   \p{Katakana}            \p{Script=Katakana} (Short: \p{Kana}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Katakana}) (300)
 X \p{Katakana_Ext}        \p{Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (=
 X \p{Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=
                             Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (Short:
                             \p{InKatakanaExt}) (16)
   \p{Kayah_Li}            \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Kali}) (48)
   \p{Khar}                \p{Kharoshthi} (= \p{Script=Kharoshthi})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
   \p{Kharoshthi}          \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Khar};
                             NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
   \p{Khmer}               \p{Script=Khmer} (Short: \p{Khmr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
 X \p{Khmer_Symbols}       \p{Block=Khmer_Symbols} (32)
   \p{Khmr}                \p{Khmer} (= \p{Script=Khmer}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
   \p{Knda}                \p{Kannada} (= \p{Script=Kannada}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Kannada}) (86)
   \p{Kthi}                \p{Kaithi} (= \p{Script=Kaithi}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
   \p{L}                   \p{Letter} (= \p{General_Category=Letter})
 X \p{L&}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter}) (3223)
 X \p{L_}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter}) Note the trailing '_'
                             matters in spite of loose matching
                             rules. (3223)
   \p{Lana}                \p{Tai_Tham} (= \p{Script=Tai_Tham}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
   \p{Lao}                 \p{Script=Lao} (NOT \p{Block=Lao}) (67)
   \p{Laoo}                \p{Lao} (= \p{Script=Lao}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Lao}) (67)
   \p{Latin}               \p{Script=Latin} (Short: \p{Latn}) (1272)
 X \p{Latin_1}             \p{Latin_1_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_1_Supplement}) (128)
 X \p{Latin_1_Sup}         \p{Latin_1_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_1_Supplement}) (128)
 X \p{Latin_1_Supplement}  \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InLatin1}) (128)
 X \p{Latin_Ext_A}         \p{Latin_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_Extended_A}) (128)
 X \p{Latin_Ext_Additional} \p{Latin_Extended_Additional} (=
 X \p{Latin_Ext_B}         \p{Latin_Extended_B} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_Extended_B}) (208)
 X \p{Latin_Ext_C}         \p{Latin_Extended_C} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_Extended_C}) (32)
 X \p{Latin_Ext_D}         \p{Latin_Extended_D} (= \p{Block=
                             Latin_Extended_D}) (224)
 X \p{Latin_Extended_A}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_A} (Short:
                             \p{InLatinExtA}) (128)
 X \p{Latin_Extended_Additional} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_Additional}
                             (Short: \p{InLatinExtAdditional}) (256)
 X \p{Latin_Extended_B}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_B} (Short:
                             \p{InLatinExtB}) (208)
 X \p{Latin_Extended_C}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_C} (Short:
                             \p{InLatinExtC}) (32)
 X \p{Latin_Extended_D}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_D} (Short:
                             \p{InLatinExtD}) (224)
   \p{Latn}                \p{Latin} (= \p{Script=Latin}) (1272)
   \p{Lb: *}               \p{Line_Break: *}
   \p{LC}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter}) (3223)
   \p{Lepc}                \p{Lepcha} (= \p{Script=Lepcha}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
   \p{Lepcha}              \p{Script=Lepcha} (Short: \p{Lepc}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
   \p{Letter}              \p{General_Category=Letter} (Short: \p{L})
   \p{Letter_Number}       \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (Short:
                             \p{Nl}) (224)
 X \p{Letterlike_Symbols}  \p{Block=Letterlike_Symbols} (80)
   \p{Limb}                \p{Limbu} (= \p{Script=Limbu}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
   \p{Limbu}               \p{Script=Limbu} (Short: \p{Limb}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
   \p{Linb}                \p{Linear_B} (= \p{Script=Linear_B}) (211)
   \p{Line_Break: AI}      \p{Line_Break=Ambiguous} (724)
   \p{Line_Break: AL}      \p{Line_Break=Alphabetic} (16_251)
   \p{Line_Break: Alphabetic} (Short: \p{Lb=AL}) (16_251)
   \p{Line_Break: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Lb=AI}) (724)
   \p{Line_Break: B2}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Both} (3)
   \p{Line_Break: BA}      \p{Line_Break=Break_After} (151)
   \p{Line_Break: BB}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Before} (19)
   \p{Line_Break: BK}      \p{Line_Break=Mandatory_Break} (4)
   \p{Line_Break: Break_After} (Short: \p{Lb=BA}) (151)
   \p{Line_Break: Break_Before} (Short: \p{Lb=BB}) (19)
   \p{Line_Break: Break_Both} (Short: \p{Lb=B2}) (3)
   \p{Line_Break: Break_Symbols} (Short: \p{Lb=SY}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Carriage_Return} (Short: \p{Lb=CR}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: CB}      \p{Line_Break=Contingent_Break} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: CJ}      \p{Line_Break=
                             Conditional_Japanese_Starter} (51)
   \p{Line_Break: CL}      \p{Line_Break=Close_Punctuation} (87)
   \p{Line_Break: Close_Parenthesis} (Short: \p{Lb=CP}) (2)
   \p{Line_Break: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=CL}) (87)
   \p{Line_Break: CM}      \p{Line_Break=Combining_Mark} (1628)
   \p{Line_Break: Combining_Mark} (Short: \p{Lb=CM}) (1628)
   \p{Line_Break: Complex_Context} (Short: \p{Lb=SA}) (665)
   \p{Line_Break: Conditional_Japanese_Starter} (Short: \p{Lb=CJ})
   \p{Line_Break: Contingent_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=CB}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: CP}      \p{Line_Break=Close_Parenthesis} (2)
   \p{Line_Break: CR}      \p{Line_Break=Carriage_Return} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: EX}      \p{Line_Break=Exclamation} (34)
   \p{Line_Break: Exclamation} (Short: \p{Lb=EX}) (34)
   \p{Line_Break: GL}      \p{Line_Break=Glue} (18)
   \p{Line_Break: Glue}    (Short: \p{Lb=GL}) (18)
   \p{Line_Break: H2}      (Short: \p{Lb=H2}) (399)
   \p{Line_Break: H3}      (Short: \p{Lb=H3}) (10_773)
   \p{Line_Break: Hebrew_Letter} (Short: \p{Lb=HL}) (74)
   \p{Line_Break: HL}      \p{Line_Break=Hebrew_Letter} (74)
   \p{Line_Break: HY}      \p{Line_Break=Hyphen} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Hyphen}  (Short: \p{Lb=HY}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: ID}      \p{Line_Break=Ideographic} (161_793)
   \p{Line_Break: Ideographic} (Short: \p{Lb=ID}) (161_793)
   \p{Line_Break: IN}      \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
   \p{Line_Break: Infix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=IS}) (13)
   \p{Line_Break: Inseparable} (Short: \p{Lb=IN}) (4)
   \p{Line_Break: Inseperable} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
   \p{Line_Break: IS}      \p{Line_Break=Infix_Numeric} (13)
   \p{Line_Break: JL}      (Short: \p{Lb=JL}) (125)
   \p{Line_Break: JT}      (Short: \p{Lb=JT}) (137)
   \p{Line_Break: JV}      (Short: \p{Lb=JV}) (95)
   \p{Line_Break: LF}      \p{Line_Break=Line_Feed} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Line_Feed} (Short: \p{Lb=LF}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Mandatory_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=BK}) (4)
   \p{Line_Break: Next_Line} (Short: \p{Lb=NL}) (1)
   \p{Line_Break: NL}      \p{Line_Break=Next_Line} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Nonstarter} (Short: \p{Lb=NS}) (26)
   \p{Line_Break: NS}      \p{Line_Break=Nonstarter} (26)
   \p{Line_Break: NU}      \p{Line_Break=Numeric} (452)
   \p{Line_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=NU}) (452)
   \p{Line_Break: OP}      \p{Line_Break=Open_Punctuation} (81)
   \p{Line_Break: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=OP}) (81)
   \p{Line_Break: PO}      \p{Line_Break=Postfix_Numeric} (28)
   \p{Line_Break: Postfix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PO}) (28)
   \p{Line_Break: PR}      \p{Line_Break=Prefix_Numeric} (45)
   \p{Line_Break: Prefix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PR}) (45)
   \p{Line_Break: QU}      \p{Line_Break=Quotation} (34)
   \p{Line_Break: Quotation} (Short: \p{Lb=QU}) (34)
   \p{Line_Break: SA}      \p{Line_Break=Complex_Context} (665)
 D \p{Line_Break: SG}      \p{Line_Break=Surrogate} (2048)
   \p{Line_Break: SP}      \p{Line_Break=Space} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Space}   (Short: \p{Lb=SP}) (1)
 D \p{Line_Break: Surrogate} Deprecated by Unicode because surrogates
                             should never appear in well-formed text,
                             and therefore shouldn't be the basis for
                             line breaking (Short: \p{Lb=SG}) (2048)
   \p{Line_Break: SY}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Symbols} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: Unknown} (Short: \p{Lb=XX}) (918_338)
   \p{Line_Break: WJ}      \p{Line_Break=Word_Joiner} (2)
   \p{Line_Break: Word_Joiner} (Short: \p{Lb=WJ}) (2)
   \p{Line_Break: XX}      \p{Line_Break=Unknown} (918_338)
   \p{Line_Break: ZW}      \p{Line_Break=ZWSpace} (1)
   \p{Line_Break: ZWSpace} (Short: \p{Lb=ZW}) (1)
   \p{Line_Separator}      \p{General_Category=Line_Separator}
                             (Short: \p{Zl}) (1)
   \p{Linear_B}            \p{Script=Linear_B} (Short: \p{Linb}) (211)
 X \p{Linear_B_Ideograms}  \p{Block=Linear_B_Ideograms} (128)
 X \p{Linear_B_Syllabary}  \p{Block=Linear_B_Syllabary} (128)
   \p{Lisu}                \p{Script=Lisu} (48)
   \p{Ll}                  \p{Lowercase_Letter} (=
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter)
   \p{Lm}                  \p{Modifier_Letter} (=
   \p{Lo}                  \p{Other_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Other_Letter}) (97_553)
   \p{LOE}                 \p{Logical_Order_Exception} (=
                             \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y}) (15)
   \p{LOE: *}              \p{Logical_Order_Exception: *}
   \p{Logical_Order_Exception} \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y} (Short:
                             \p{LOE}) (15)
   \p{Logical_Order_Exception: N*} (Short: \p{LOE=N}, \P{LOE})
   \p{Logical_Order_Exception: Y*} (Short: \p{LOE=Y}, \p{LOE}) (15)
 X \p{Low_Surrogates}      \p{Block=Low_Surrogates} (1024)
   \p{Lower}               \p{Lowercase=Y} (/i= Cased=Yes) (1934)
   \p{Lower: *}            \p{Lowercase: *}
   \p{Lowercase}           \p{Lower} (= \p{Lowercase=Y}) (/i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1934)
   \p{Lowercase: N*}       (Short: \p{Lower=N}, \P{Lower}; /i= Cased=
                             No) (1_112_178)
   \p{Lowercase: Y*}       (Short: \p{Lower=Y}, \p{Lower}; /i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1934)
   \p{Lowercase_Letter}    \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
                             (Short: \p{Ll}; /i= General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter) (1751)
   \p{Lt}                  \p{Titlecase_Letter} (=
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter) (31)
   \p{Lu}                  \p{Uppercase_Letter} (=
                             (/i= General_Category=Cased_Letter)
   \p{Lyci}                \p{Lycian} (= \p{Script=Lycian}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
   \p{Lycian}              \p{Script=Lycian} (Short: \p{Lyci}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
   \p{Lydi}                \p{Lydian} (= \p{Script=Lydian}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
   \p{Lydian}              \p{Script=Lydian} (Short: \p{Lydi}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
   \p{M}                   \p{Mark} (= \p{General_Category=Mark})
 X \p{Mahjong}             \p{Mahjong_Tiles} (= \p{Block=
                             Mahjong_Tiles}) (48)
 X \p{Mahjong_Tiles}       \p{Block=Mahjong_Tiles} (Short:
                             \p{InMahjong}) (48)
   \p{Malayalam}           \p{Script=Malayalam} (Short: \p{Mlym}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Malayalam}) (98)
   \p{Mand}                \p{Mandaic} (= \p{Script=Mandaic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Mandaic}) (29)
   \p{Mandaic}             \p{Script=Mandaic} (Short: \p{Mand}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Mandaic}) (29)
   \p{Mark}                \p{General_Category=Mark} (Short: \p{M})
   \p{Math}                \p{Math=Y} (2310)
   \p{Math: N*}            (Single: \P{Math}) (1_111_802)
   \p{Math: Y*}            (Single: \p{Math}) (2310)
 X \p{Math_Alphanum}       \p{Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (=
 X \p{Math_Operators}      \p{Mathematical_Operators} (= \p{Block=
                             Mathematical_Operators}) (256)
   \p{Math_Symbol}         \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (Short:
                             \p{Sm}) (952)
 X \p{Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InMathAlphanum}) (1024)
 X \p{Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=Mathematical_Operators}
                             (Short: \p{InMathOperators}) (256)
   \p{Mc}                  \p{Spacing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Spacing_Mark}) (353)
   \p{Me}                  \p{Enclosing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Enclosing_Mark}) (12)
   \p{Meetei_Mayek}        \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Mtei};
                             NOT \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek}) (79)
 X \p{Meetei_Mayek_Ext}    \p{Meetei_Mayek_Extensions} (= \p{Block=
                             Meetei_Mayek_Extensions}) (32)
 X \p{Meetei_Mayek_Extensions} \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek_Extensions}
                             (Short: \p{InMeeteiMayekExt}) (32)
   \p{Merc}                \p{Meroitic_Cursive} (= \p{Script=
                             Meroitic_Cursive}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Meroitic_Cursive}) (26)
   \p{Mero}                \p{Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (= \p{Script=
                             Meroitic_Hieroglyphs}) (32)
   \p{Meroitic_Cursive}    \p{Script=Meroitic_Cursive} (Short:
                             \p{Merc}; NOT \p{Block=
                             Meroitic_Cursive}) (26)
   \p{Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} \p{Script=Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (Short:
                             \p{Mero}) (32)
   \p{Miao}                \p{Script=Miao} (NOT \p{Block=Miao}) (133)
 X \p{Misc_Arrows}         \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (=
                             Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows}) (256)
 X \p{Misc_Math_Symbols_A} \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A}
                             (= \p{Block=
 X \p{Misc_Math_Symbols_B} \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B}
                             (= \p{Block=
 X \p{Misc_Pictographs}    \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs}
                             (= \p{Block=
 X \p{Misc_Symbols}        \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Miscellaneous_Symbols}) (256)
 X \p{Misc_Technical}      \p{Miscellaneous_Technical} (= \p{Block=
                             Miscellaneous_Technical}) (256)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InMiscMathSymbolsA}) (48)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InMiscMathSymbolsB}) (128)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols} (Short:
                             \p{InMiscSymbols}) (256)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InMiscArrows}) (256)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InMiscPictographs}) (768)
 X \p{Miscellaneous_Technical} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Technical}
                             (Short: \p{InMiscTechnical}) (256)
   \p{Mlym}                \p{Malayalam} (= \p{Script=Malayalam})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Malayalam}) (98)
   \p{Mn}                  \p{Nonspacing_Mark} (=
   \p{Modifier_Letter}     \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter}
                             (Short: \p{Lm}) (237)
 X \p{Modifier_Letters}    \p{Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (= \p{Block=
                             Spacing_Modifier_Letters}) (80)
   \p{Modifier_Symbol}     \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol}
                             (Short: \p{Sk}) (115)
 X \p{Modifier_Tone_Letters} \p{Block=Modifier_Tone_Letters} (32)
   \p{Mong}                \p{Mongolian} (= \p{Script=Mongolian})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
   \p{Mongolian}           \p{Script=Mongolian} (Short: \p{Mong}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
   \p{Mtei}                \p{Meetei_Mayek} (= \p{Script=
                             Meetei_Mayek}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Meetei_Mayek}) (79)
 X \p{Music}               \p{Musical_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Musical_Symbols}) (256)
 X \p{Musical_Symbols}     \p{Block=Musical_Symbols} (Short:
                             \p{InMusic}) (256)
   \p{Myanmar}             \p{Script=Myanmar} (Short: \p{Mymr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
 X \p{Myanmar_Ext_A}       \p{Myanmar_Extended_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Myanmar_Extended_A}) (32)
 X \p{Myanmar_Extended_A}  \p{Block=Myanmar_Extended_A} (Short:
                             \p{InMyanmarExtA}) (32)
   \p{Mymr}                \p{Myanmar} (= \p{Script=Myanmar}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
   \p{N}                   \p{Number} (= \p{General_Category=Number})
 X \p{NB}                  \p{No_Block} (= \p{Block=No_Block})
   \p{NChar}               \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} (=
                             \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y}) (66)
   \p{NChar: *}            \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: *}
   \p{Nd}                  \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Decimal_Number}) (460)
   \p{New_Tai_Lue}         \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Talu};
                             NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
   \p{NFC_QC: *}           \p{NFC_Quick_Check: *}
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: M}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (104)
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFCQC=M}) (104)
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: N}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
                             \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC})
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFCQC=N}; NOT
                             \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC})
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Y}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
                             \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC})
   \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFCQC=Y}; NOT
                             \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC})
   \p{NFD_QC: *}           \p{NFD_Quick_Check: *}
   \p{NFD_Quick_Check: N}  \p{NFD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
                             \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC})
   \p{NFD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFDQC=N}; NOT
                             \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC})
   \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Y}  \p{NFD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
                             \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC})
   \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFDQC=Y}; NOT
                             \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC})
   \p{NFKC_QC: *}          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: *}
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (104)
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=M}) (104)
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
                             \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC})
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=N}; NOT
                             \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC})
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
                             \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC})
   \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=Y}; NOT
                             \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC})
   \p{NFKD_QC: *}          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: *}
   \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
                             \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC})
   \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=N}; NOT
                             \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC})
   \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
                             \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC})
   \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=Y}; NOT
                             \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC})
   \p{Nko}                 \p{Script=Nko} (NOT \p{NKo}) (59)
   \p{Nkoo}                \p{Nko} (= \p{Script=Nko}) (NOT \p{NKo})
   \p{Nl}                  \p{Letter_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Letter_Number}) (224)
   \p{No}                  \p{Other_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Other_Number}) (464)
 X \p{No_Block}            \p{Block=No_Block} (Short: \p{InNB})
   \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y} (Short:
                             \p{NChar}) (66)
   \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{NChar=N}, \P{NChar})
   \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{NChar=Y}, \p{NChar})
   \p{Nonspacing_Mark}     \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
                             (Short: \p{Mn}) (1280)
   \p{Nt: *}               \p{Numeric_Type: *}
   \p{Number}              \p{General_Category=Number} (Short: \p{N})
 X \p{Number_Forms}        \p{Block=Number_Forms} (64)
   \p{Numeric_Type: De}    \p{Numeric_Type=Decimal} (460)
   \p{Numeric_Type: Decimal} (Short: \p{Nt=De}) (460)
   \p{Numeric_Type: Di}    \p{Numeric_Type=Digit} (128)
   \p{Numeric_Type: Digit} (Short: \p{Nt=Di}) (128)
   \p{Numeric_Type: None}  (Short: \p{Nt=None}) (1_112_887)
   \p{Numeric_Type: Nu}    \p{Numeric_Type=Numeric} (637)
   \p{Numeric_Type: Numeric} (Short: \p{Nt=Nu}) (637)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: -1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=-1/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 0}    (Short: \p{Nv=0}) (60)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/16} (Short: \p{Nv=1/16}) (3)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/10} (Short: \p{Nv=1/10}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/9}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/9}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/8}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/7}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/7}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/6}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/6}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/16} (Short: \p{Nv=3/16}) (3)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/5}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/4}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/4}) (9)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/3}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/3}) (4)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/8}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=2/5}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/2}) (10)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/5}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/8}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/3}  (Short: \p{Nv=2/3}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/4}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/4}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 4/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=4/5}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/6}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/6}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=7/8}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1}    (Short: \p{Nv=1}) (97)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 2}    (Short: \p{Nv=2}) (100)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3}    (Short: \p{Nv=3}) (102)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=7/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 4}    (Short: \p{Nv=4}) (93)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 9/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=9/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 5}    (Short: \p{Nv=5}) (90)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 11/2} (Short: \p{Nv=11/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 6}    (Short: \p{Nv=6}) (82)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 13/2} (Short: \p{Nv=13/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 7}    (Short: \p{Nv=7}) (81)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 15/2} (Short: \p{Nv=15/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 8}    (Short: \p{Nv=8}) (77)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 17/2} (Short: \p{Nv=17/2}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 9}    (Short: \p{Nv=9}) (81)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 10}   (Short: \p{Nv=10}) (40)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 11}   (Short: \p{Nv=11}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 12}   (Short: \p{Nv=12}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 13}   (Short: \p{Nv=13}) (4)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 14}   (Short: \p{Nv=14}) (4)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 15}   (Short: \p{Nv=15}) (4)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 16}   (Short: \p{Nv=16}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 17}   (Short: \p{Nv=17}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 18}   (Short: \p{Nv=18}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 19}   (Short: \p{Nv=19}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 20}   (Short: \p{Nv=20}) (19)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 21}   (Short: \p{Nv=21}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 22}   (Short: \p{Nv=22}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 23}   (Short: \p{Nv=23}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 24}   (Short: \p{Nv=24}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 25}   (Short: \p{Nv=25}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 26}   (Short: \p{Nv=26}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 27}   (Short: \p{Nv=27}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 28}   (Short: \p{Nv=28}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 29}   (Short: \p{Nv=29}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 30}   (Short: \p{Nv=30}) (11)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 31}   (Short: \p{Nv=31}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 32}   (Short: \p{Nv=32}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 33}   (Short: \p{Nv=33}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 34}   (Short: \p{Nv=34}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 35}   (Short: \p{Nv=35}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 36}   (Short: \p{Nv=36}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 37}   (Short: \p{Nv=37}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 38}   (Short: \p{Nv=38}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 39}   (Short: \p{Nv=39}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 40}   (Short: \p{Nv=40}) (10)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 41}   (Short: \p{Nv=41}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 42}   (Short: \p{Nv=42}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 43}   (Short: \p{Nv=43}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 44}   (Short: \p{Nv=44}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 45}   (Short: \p{Nv=45}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 46}   (Short: \p{Nv=46}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 47}   (Short: \p{Nv=47}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 48}   (Short: \p{Nv=48}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 49}   (Short: \p{Nv=49}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 50}   (Short: \p{Nv=50}) (20)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 60}   (Short: \p{Nv=60}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 70}   (Short: \p{Nv=70}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 80}   (Short: \p{Nv=80}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 90}   (Short: \p{Nv=90}) (6)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 100}  (Short: \p{Nv=100}) (20)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 200}  (Short: \p{Nv=200}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 300}  (Short: \p{Nv=300}) (3)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 400}  (Short: \p{Nv=400}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 500}  (Short: \p{Nv=500}) (12)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 600}  (Short: \p{Nv=600}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 700}  (Short: \p{Nv=700}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 800}  (Short: \p{Nv=800}) (2)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 900}  (Short: \p{Nv=900}) (3)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000} (Short: \p{Nv=1000}) (17)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 2000} (Short: \p{Nv=2000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 3000} (Short: \p{Nv=3000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 4000} (Short: \p{Nv=4000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 5000} (Short: \p{Nv=5000}) (5)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 6000} (Short: \p{Nv=6000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 7000} (Short: \p{Nv=7000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 8000} (Short: \p{Nv=8000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 9000} (Short: \p{Nv=9000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 10000} (= 1.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=10000}) (7)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 20000} (= 2.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=20000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 30000} (= 3.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=30000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 40000} (= 4.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=40000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 50000} (= 5.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=50000}) (4)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 60000} (= 6.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=60000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 70000} (= 7.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=70000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 80000} (= 8.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=80000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 90000} (= 9.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=90000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000} (= 1.0e+05) (Short: \p{Nv=100000}) (1)
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000000} (= 1.0e+08) (Short: \p{Nv=100000000})
 T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000000000000} (= 1.0e+12) (Short: \p{Nv=
                             1000000000000}) (1)
   \p{Numeric_Value: NaN}  (Short: \p{Nv=NaN}) (1_112_887)
   \p{Nv: *}               \p{Numeric_Value: *}
 X \p{OCR}                 \p{Optical_Character_Recognition} (=
   \p{Ogam}                \p{Ogham} (= \p{Script=Ogham}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
   \p{Ogham}               \p{Script=Ogham} (Short: \p{Ogam}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
   \p{Ol_Chiki}            \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Olck}) (48)
   \p{Olck}                \p{Ol_Chiki} (= \p{Script=Ol_Chiki}) (48)
   \p{Old_Italic}          \p{Script=Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Ital};
                             NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
   \p{Old_Persian}         \p{Script=Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Xpeo};
                             NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
   \p{Old_South_Arabian}   \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (Short:
                             \p{Sarb}) (32)
   \p{Old_Turkic}          \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Orkh};
                             NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
   \p{Open_Punctuation}    \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Ps}) (72)
 X \p{Optical_Character_Recognition} \p{Block=
                             Optical_Character_Recognition} (Short:
                             \p{InOCR}) (32)
   \p{Oriya}               \p{Script=Oriya} (Short: \p{Orya}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Oriya}) (90)
   \p{Orkh}                \p{Old_Turkic} (= \p{Script=Old_Turkic})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
   \p{Orya}                \p{Oriya} (= \p{Script=Oriya}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Oriya}) (90)
   \p{Osma}                \p{Osmanya} (= \p{Script=Osmanya}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
   \p{Osmanya}             \p{Script=Osmanya} (Short: \p{Osma}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
   \p{Other}               \p{General_Category=Other} (Short: \p{C})
   \p{Other_Letter}        \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (Short:
                             \p{Lo}) (97_553)
   \p{Other_Number}        \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (Short:
                             \p{No}) (464)
   \p{Other_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{Po}) (434)
   \p{Other_Symbol}        \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (Short:
                             \p{So}) (4404)
   \p{P}                   \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Punctuation}) (NOT
                             \p{General_Punctuation}) (632)
   \p{Paragraph_Separator} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
                             (Short: \p{Zp}) (1)
   \p{Pat_Syn}             \p{Pattern_Syntax} (= \p{Pattern_Syntax=
                             Y}) (2760)
   \p{Pat_Syn: *}          \p{Pattern_Syntax: *}
   \p{Pat_WS}              \p{Pattern_White_Space} (=
                             \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y}) (11)
   \p{Pat_WS: *}           \p{Pattern_White_Space: *}
   \p{Pattern_Syntax}      \p{Pattern_Syntax=Y} (Short: \p{PatSyn})
   \p{Pattern_Syntax: N*}  (Short: \p{PatSyn=N}, \P{PatSyn})
   \p{Pattern_Syntax: Y*}  (Short: \p{PatSyn=Y}, \p{PatSyn}) (2760)
   \p{Pattern_White_Space} \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y} (Short:
                             \p{PatWS}) (11)
   \p{Pattern_White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{PatWS=N}, \P{PatWS})
   \p{Pattern_White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{PatWS=Y}, \p{PatWS}) (11)
   \p{Pc}                  \p{Connector_Punctuation} (=
                             Connector_Punctuation}) (10)
   \p{Pd}                  \p{Dash_Punctuation} (=
   \p{Pe}                  \p{Close_Punctuation} (=
   \p{PerlSpace}           \s, restricted to ASCII = [ \f\n\r\t] (5)
   \p{PerlWord}            \w, restricted to ASCII = [A-Za-z0-9_] (63)
   \p{Pf}                  \p{Final_Punctuation} (=
   \p{Phag}                \p{Phags_Pa} (= \p{Script=Phags_Pa}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
   \p{Phags_Pa}            \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Phag}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
 X \p{Phaistos}            \p{Phaistos_Disc} (= \p{Block=
                             Phaistos_Disc}) (48)
 X \p{Phaistos_Disc}       \p{Block=Phaistos_Disc} (Short:
                             \p{InPhaistos}) (48)
   \p{Phli}                \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (= \p{Script=
                             Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
   \p{Phnx}                \p{Phoenician} (= \p{Script=Phoenician})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
   \p{Phoenician}          \p{Script=Phoenician} (Short: \p{Phnx};
                             NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
 X \p{Phonetic_Ext}        \p{Phonetic_Extensions} (= \p{Block=
                             Phonetic_Extensions}) (128)
 X \p{Phonetic_Ext_Sup}    \p{Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (=
                             Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement}) (64)
 X \p{Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=Phonetic_Extensions} (Short:
                             \p{InPhoneticExt}) (128)
 X \p{Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InPhoneticExtSup}) (64)
   \p{Pi}                  \p{Initial_Punctuation} (=
                             Initial_Punctuation}) (12)
 X \p{Playing_Cards}       \p{Block=Playing_Cards} (96)
   \p{Plrd}                \p{Miao} (= \p{Script=Miao}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Miao}) (133)
   \p{Po}                  \p{Other_Punctuation} (=
   \p{PosixAlnum}          [A-Za-z0-9] (62)
   \p{PosixAlpha}          [A-Za-z] (52)
   \p{PosixBlank}          \t and ' ' (2)
   \p{PosixCntrl}          ASCII control characters: NUL, SOH, STX,
                             ETX, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL, BS, HT, LF, VT,
                             FF, CR, SO, SI, DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4,
                             NAK, SYN, ETB, CAN, EOM, SUB, ESC, FS,
                             GS, RS, US, and DEL (33)
   \p{PosixDigit}          [0-9] (10)
   \p{PosixGraph}          [-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<>?@[\\]^_`{|}~0-9A-Za-
                             z] (94)
   \p{PosixLower}          [a-z] (/i= PosixAlpha) (26)
   \p{PosixPrint}          [- 0-9A-Za-
                             z!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<>?@[\\]^_`{|}~] (95)
   \p{PosixPunct}          [-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<>?@[\\]^_`{|}~] (32)
   \p{PosixSpace}          \t, \n, \cK, \f, \r, and ' '.  (\cK is
                             vertical tab) (6)
   \p{PosixUpper}          [A-Z] (/i= PosixAlpha) (26)
   \p{PosixWord}           \p{PerlWord} (63)
   \p{PosixXDigit}         \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y} [0-9A-Fa-f] (Short:
                             \p{AHex}) (22)
 T \p{Present_In: 1.1}     \p{Age=V1_1} (Short: \p{In=1.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (33_979)
 T \p{Present_In: 2.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             2.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.0}) (Perl
                             extension) (178_500)
 T \p{Present_In: 2.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             2.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (178_502)
 T \p{Present_In: 3.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             3.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.0}) (Perl
                             extension) (188_809)
 T \p{Present_In: 3.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             3.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (233_787)
 T \p{Present_In: 3.2}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             3.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.2}) (Perl
                             extension) (234_803)
 T \p{Present_In: 4.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             4.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.0}) (Perl
                             extension) (236_029)
 T \p{Present_In: 4.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             4.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (237_302)
 T \p{Present_In: 5.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             5.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.0}) (Perl
                             extension) (238_671)
 T \p{Present_In: 5.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             5.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (240_295)
 T \p{Present_In: 5.2}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             5.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.2}) (Perl
                             extension) (246_943)
 T \p{Present_In: 6.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             6.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=6.0}) (Perl
                             extension) (249_031)
 T \p{Present_In: 6.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
                             6.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=6.1}) (Perl
                             extension) (249_763)
   \p{Present_In: Unassigned} \p{Age=Unassigned} (Short: \p{In=
                             Unassigned}) (Perl extension) (864_349)
   \p{Print}               Characters that are graphical plus space
                             characters (but no controls) (247_582)
   \p{Private_Use}         \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (Short:
                             \p{Co}; NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
 X \p{Private_Use_Area}    \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (Short:
                             \p{InPUA}) (6400)
   \p{Prti}                \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} (= \p{Script=
                             Inscriptional_Parthian}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
   \p{Ps}                  \p{Open_Punctuation} (=
 X \p{PUA}                 \p{Private_Use_Area} (= \p{Block=
                             Private_Use_Area}) (6400)
   \p{Punct}               \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (Short:
                             \p{P}; NOT \p{General_Punctuation}) (632)
   \p{Punctuation}         \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Punctuation}) (NOT
                             \p{General_Punctuation}) (632)
   \p{Qaac}                \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Coptic}) (137)
   \p{Qaai}                \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
   \p{QMark}               \p{Quotation_Mark} (= \p{Quotation_Mark=
                             Y}) (29)
   \p{QMark: *}            \p{Quotation_Mark: *}
   \p{Quotation_Mark}      \p{Quotation_Mark=Y} (Short: \p{QMark})
   \p{Quotation_Mark: N*}  (Short: \p{QMark=N}, \P{QMark}) (1_114_083)
   \p{Quotation_Mark: Y*}  (Short: \p{QMark=Y}, \p{QMark}) (29)
   \p{Radical}             \p{Radical=Y} (329)
   \p{Radical: N*}         (Single: \P{Radical}) (1_113_783)
   \p{Radical: Y*}         (Single: \p{Radical}) (329)
   \p{Rejang}              \p{Script=Rejang} (Short: \p{Rjng}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
   \p{Rjng}                \p{Rejang} (= \p{Script=Rejang}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
 X \p{Rumi}                \p{Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Rumi_Numeral_Symbols}) (32)
 X \p{Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} \p{Block=Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (Short:
                             \p{InRumi}) (32)
   \p{Runic}               \p{Script=Runic} (Short: \p{Runr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
   \p{Runr}                \p{Runic} (= \p{Script=Runic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
   \p{S}                   \p{Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=Symbol})
   \p{Samaritan}           \p{Script=Samaritan} (Short: \p{Samr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
   \p{Samr}                \p{Samaritan} (= \p{Script=Samaritan})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
   \p{Sarb}                \p{Old_South_Arabian} (= \p{Script=
                             Old_South_Arabian}) (32)
   \p{Saur}                \p{Saurashtra} (= \p{Script=Saurashtra})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
   \p{Saurashtra}          \p{Script=Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Saur};
                             NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
   \p{SB: *}               \p{Sentence_Break: *}
   \p{Sc}                  \p{Currency_Symbol} (=
   \p{Sc: *}               \p{Script: *}
   \p{Script: Arab}        \p{Script=Arabic} (1234)
   \p{Script: Arabic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Arab}, \p{Arab}) (1234)
   \p{Script: Armenian}    (Short: \p{Sc=Armn}, \p{Armn}) (91)
   \p{Script: Armi}        \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (31)
   \p{Script: Armn}        \p{Script=Armenian} (91)
   \p{Script: Avestan}     (Short: \p{Sc=Avst}, \p{Avst}) (61)
   \p{Script: Avst}        \p{Script=Avestan} (61)
   \p{Script: Bali}        \p{Script=Balinese} (121)
   \p{Script: Balinese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bali}, \p{Bali}) (121)
   \p{Script: Bamu}        \p{Script=Bamum} (657)
   \p{Script: Bamum}       (Short: \p{Sc=Bamu}, \p{Bamu}) (657)
   \p{Script: Batak}       (Short: \p{Sc=Batk}, \p{Batk}) (56)
   \p{Script: Batk}        \p{Script=Batak} (56)
   \p{Script: Beng}        \p{Script=Bengali} (92)
   \p{Script: Bengali}     (Short: \p{Sc=Beng}, \p{Beng}) (92)
   \p{Script: Bopo}        \p{Script=Bopomofo} (70)
   \p{Script: Bopomofo}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bopo}, \p{Bopo}) (70)
   \p{Script: Brah}        \p{Script=Brahmi} (108)
   \p{Script: Brahmi}      (Short: \p{Sc=Brah}, \p{Brah}) (108)
   \p{Script: Brai}        \p{Script=Braille} (256)
   \p{Script: Braille}     (Short: \p{Sc=Brai}, \p{Brai}) (256)
   \p{Script: Bugi}        \p{Script=Buginese} (30)
   \p{Script: Buginese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bugi}, \p{Bugi}) (30)
   \p{Script: Buhd}        \p{Script=Buhid} (20)
   \p{Script: Buhid}       (Short: \p{Sc=Buhd}, \p{Buhd}) (20)
   \p{Script: Cakm}        \p{Script=Chakma} (67)
   \p{Script: Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short: \p{Sc=Cans}, \p{Cans})
   \p{Script: Cans}        \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (710)
   \p{Script: Cari}        \p{Script=Carian} (49)
   \p{Script: Carian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Cari}, \p{Cari}) (49)
   \p{Script: Chakma}      (Short: \p{Sc=Cakm}, \p{Cakm}) (67)
   \p{Script: Cham}        (Short: \p{Sc=Cham}, \p{Cham}) (83)
   \p{Script: Cher}        \p{Script=Cherokee} (85)
   \p{Script: Cherokee}    (Short: \p{Sc=Cher}, \p{Cher}) (85)
   \p{Script: Common}      (Short: \p{Sc=Zyyy}, \p{Zyyy}) (6412)
   \p{Script: Copt}        \p{Script=Coptic} (137)
   \p{Script: Coptic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Copt}, \p{Copt}) (137)
   \p{Script: Cprt}        \p{Script=Cypriot} (55)
   \p{Script: Cuneiform}   (Short: \p{Sc=Xsux}, \p{Xsux}) (982)
   \p{Script: Cypriot}     (Short: \p{Sc=Cprt}, \p{Cprt}) (55)
   \p{Script: Cyrillic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Cyrl}, \p{Cyrl}) (417)
   \p{Script: Cyrl}        \p{Script=Cyrillic} (417)
   \p{Script: Deseret}     (Short: \p{Sc=Dsrt}, \p{Dsrt}) (80)
   \p{Script: Deva}        \p{Script=Devanagari} (151)
   \p{Script: Devanagari}  (Short: \p{Sc=Deva}, \p{Deva}) (151)
   \p{Script: Dsrt}        \p{Script=Deseret} (80)
   \p{Script: Egyp}        \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (1071)
   \p{Script: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Sc=Egyp}, \p{Egyp})
   \p{Script: Ethi}        \p{Script=Ethiopic} (495)
   \p{Script: Ethiopic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Ethi}, \p{Ethi}) (495)
   \p{Script: Geor}        \p{Script=Georgian} (127)
   \p{Script: Georgian}    (Short: \p{Sc=Geor}, \p{Geor}) (127)
   \p{Script: Glag}        \p{Script=Glagolitic} (94)
   \p{Script: Glagolitic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Glag}, \p{Glag}) (94)
   \p{Script: Goth}        \p{Script=Gothic} (27)
   \p{Script: Gothic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Goth}, \p{Goth}) (27)
   \p{Script: Greek}       (Short: \p{Sc=Grek}, \p{Grek}) (511)
   \p{Script: Grek}        \p{Script=Greek} (511)
   \p{Script: Gujarati}    (Short: \p{Sc=Gujr}, \p{Gujr}) (84)
   \p{Script: Gujr}        \p{Script=Gujarati} (84)
   \p{Script: Gurmukhi}    (Short: \p{Sc=Guru}, \p{Guru}) (79)
   \p{Script: Guru}        \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (79)
   \p{Script: Han}         (Short: \p{Sc=Han}, \p{Han}) (75_963)
   \p{Script: Hang}        \p{Script=Hangul} (11_739)
   \p{Script: Hangul}      (Short: \p{Sc=Hang}, \p{Hang}) (11_739)
   \p{Script: Hani}        \p{Script=Han} (75_963)
   \p{Script: Hano}        \p{Script=Hanunoo} (21)
   \p{Script: Hanunoo}     (Short: \p{Sc=Hano}, \p{Hano}) (21)
   \p{Script: Hebr}        \p{Script=Hebrew} (133)
   \p{Script: Hebrew}      (Short: \p{Sc=Hebr}, \p{Hebr}) (133)
   \p{Script: Hira}        \p{Script=Hiragana} (91)
   \p{Script: Hiragana}    (Short: \p{Sc=Hira}, \p{Hira}) (91)
   \p{Script: Imperial_Aramaic} (Short: \p{Sc=Armi}, \p{Armi}) (31)
   \p{Script: Inherited}   (Short: \p{Sc=Zinh}, \p{Zinh}) (524)
   \p{Script: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short: \p{Sc=Phli}, \p{Phli})
   \p{Script: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Short: \p{Sc=Prti}, \p{Prti})
   \p{Script: Ital}        \p{Script=Old_Italic} (35)
   \p{Script: Java}        \p{Script=Javanese} (91)
   \p{Script: Javanese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Java}, \p{Java}) (91)
   \p{Script: Kaithi}      (Short: \p{Sc=Kthi}, \p{Kthi}) (66)
   \p{Script: Kali}        \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (48)
   \p{Script: Kana}        \p{Script=Katakana} (300)
   \p{Script: Kannada}     (Short: \p{Sc=Knda}, \p{Knda}) (86)
   \p{Script: Katakana}    (Short: \p{Sc=Kana}, \p{Kana}) (300)
   \p{Script: Kayah_Li}    (Short: \p{Sc=Kali}, \p{Kali}) (48)
   \p{Script: Khar}        \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (65)
   \p{Script: Kharoshthi}  (Short: \p{Sc=Khar}, \p{Khar}) (65)
   \p{Script: Khmer}       (Short: \p{Sc=Khmr}, \p{Khmr}) (146)
   \p{Script: Khmr}        \p{Script=Khmer} (146)
   \p{Script: Knda}        \p{Script=Kannada} (86)
   \p{Script: Kthi}        \p{Script=Kaithi} (66)
   \p{Script: Lana}        \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (127)
   \p{Script: Lao}         (Short: \p{Sc=Lao}, \p{Lao}) (67)
   \p{Script: Laoo}        \p{Script=Lao} (67)
   \p{Script: Latin}       (Short: \p{Sc=Latn}, \p{Latn}) (1272)
   \p{Script: Latn}        \p{Script=Latin} (1272)
   \p{Script: Lepc}        \p{Script=Lepcha} (74)
   \p{Script: Lepcha}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lepc}, \p{Lepc}) (74)
   \p{Script: Limb}        \p{Script=Limbu} (66)
   \p{Script: Limbu}       (Short: \p{Sc=Limb}, \p{Limb}) (66)
   \p{Script: Linb}        \p{Script=Linear_B} (211)
   \p{Script: Linear_B}    (Short: \p{Sc=Linb}, \p{Linb}) (211)
   \p{Script: Lisu}        (Short: \p{Sc=Lisu}, \p{Lisu}) (48)
   \p{Script: Lyci}        \p{Script=Lycian} (29)
   \p{Script: Lycian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lyci}, \p{Lyci}) (29)
   \p{Script: Lydi}        \p{Script=Lydian} (27)
   \p{Script: Lydian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lydi}, \p{Lydi}) (27)
   \p{Script: Malayalam}   (Short: \p{Sc=Mlym}, \p{Mlym}) (98)
   \p{Script: Mand}        \p{Script=Mandaic} (29)
   \p{Script: Mandaic}     (Short: \p{Sc=Mand}, \p{Mand}) (29)
   \p{Script: Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Sc=Mtei}, \p{Mtei}) (79)
   \p{Script: Merc}        \p{Script=Meroitic_Cursive} (26)
   \p{Script: Mero}        \p{Script=Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (32)
   \p{Script: Meroitic_Cursive} (Short: \p{Sc=Merc}, \p{Merc}) (26)
   \p{Script: Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Sc=Mero}, \p{Mero})
   \p{Script: Miao}        (Short: \p{Sc=Miao}, \p{Miao}) (133)
   \p{Script: Mlym}        \p{Script=Malayalam} (98)
   \p{Script: Mong}        \p{Script=Mongolian} (153)
   \p{Script: Mongolian}   (Short: \p{Sc=Mong}, \p{Mong}) (153)
   \p{Script: Mtei}        \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (79)
   \p{Script: Myanmar}     (Short: \p{Sc=Mymr}, \p{Mymr}) (188)
   \p{Script: Mymr}        \p{Script=Myanmar} (188)
   \p{Script: New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Sc=Talu}, \p{Talu}) (83)
   \p{Script: Nko}         (Short: \p{Sc=Nko}, \p{Nko}) (59)
   \p{Script: Nkoo}        \p{Script=Nko} (59)
   \p{Script: Ogam}        \p{Script=Ogham} (29)
   \p{Script: Ogham}       (Short: \p{Sc=Ogam}, \p{Ogam}) (29)
   \p{Script: Ol_Chiki}    (Short: \p{Sc=Olck}, \p{Olck}) (48)
   \p{Script: Olck}        \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (48)
   \p{Script: Old_Italic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Ital}, \p{Ital}) (35)
   \p{Script: Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Sc=Xpeo}, \p{Xpeo}) (50)
   \p{Script: Old_South_Arabian} (Short: \p{Sc=Sarb}, \p{Sarb}) (32)
   \p{Script: Old_Turkic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Orkh}, \p{Orkh}) (73)
   \p{Script: Oriya}       (Short: \p{Sc=Orya}, \p{Orya}) (90)
   \p{Script: Orkh}        \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (73)
   \p{Script: Orya}        \p{Script=Oriya} (90)
   \p{Script: Osma}        \p{Script=Osmanya} (40)
   \p{Script: Osmanya}     (Short: \p{Sc=Osma}, \p{Osma}) (40)
   \p{Script: Phag}        \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (56)
   \p{Script: Phags_Pa}    (Short: \p{Sc=Phag}, \p{Phag}) (56)
   \p{Script: Phli}        \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (27)
   \p{Script: Phnx}        \p{Script=Phoenician} (29)
   \p{Script: Phoenician}  (Short: \p{Sc=Phnx}, \p{Phnx}) (29)
   \p{Script: Plrd}        \p{Script=Miao} (133)
   \p{Script: Prti}        \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian} (30)
   \p{Script: Qaac}        \p{Script=Coptic} (137)
   \p{Script: Qaai}        \p{Script=Inherited} (524)
   \p{Script: Rejang}      (Short: \p{Sc=Rjng}, \p{Rjng}) (37)
   \p{Script: Rjng}        \p{Script=Rejang} (37)
   \p{Script: Runic}       (Short: \p{Sc=Runr}, \p{Runr}) (78)
   \p{Script: Runr}        \p{Script=Runic} (78)
   \p{Script: Samaritan}   (Short: \p{Sc=Samr}, \p{Samr}) (61)
   \p{Script: Samr}        \p{Script=Samaritan} (61)
   \p{Script: Sarb}        \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (32)
   \p{Script: Saur}        \p{Script=Saurashtra} (81)
   \p{Script: Saurashtra}  (Short: \p{Sc=Saur}, \p{Saur}) (81)
   \p{Script: Sharada}     (Short: \p{Sc=Shrd}, \p{Shrd}) (83)
   \p{Script: Shavian}     (Short: \p{Sc=Shaw}, \p{Shaw}) (48)
   \p{Script: Shaw}        \p{Script=Shavian} (48)
   \p{Script: Shrd}        \p{Script=Sharada} (83)
   \p{Script: Sinh}        \p{Script=Sinhala} (80)
   \p{Script: Sinhala}     (Short: \p{Sc=Sinh}, \p{Sinh}) (80)
   \p{Script: Sora}        \p{Script=Sora_Sompeng} (35)
   \p{Script: Sora_Sompeng} (Short: \p{Sc=Sora}, \p{Sora}) (35)
   \p{Script: Sund}        \p{Script=Sundanese} (72)
   \p{Script: Sundanese}   (Short: \p{Sc=Sund}, \p{Sund}) (72)
   \p{Script: Sylo}        \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (44)
   \p{Script: Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sc=Sylo}, \p{Sylo}) (44)
   \p{Script: Syrc}        \p{Script=Syriac} (77)
   \p{Script: Syriac}      (Short: \p{Sc=Syrc}, \p{Syrc}) (77)
   \p{Script: Tagalog}     (Short: \p{Sc=Tglg}, \p{Tglg}) (20)
   \p{Script: Tagb}        \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (18)
   \p{Script: Tagbanwa}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tagb}, \p{Tagb}) (18)
   \p{Script: Tai_Le}      (Short: \p{Sc=Tale}, \p{Tale}) (35)
   \p{Script: Tai_Tham}    (Short: \p{Sc=Lana}, \p{Lana}) (127)
   \p{Script: Tai_Viet}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tavt}, \p{Tavt}) (72)
   \p{Script: Takr}        \p{Script=Takri} (66)
   \p{Script: Takri}       (Short: \p{Sc=Takr}, \p{Takr}) (66)
   \p{Script: Tale}        \p{Script=Tai_Le} (35)
   \p{Script: Talu}        \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (83)
   \p{Script: Tamil}       (Short: \p{Sc=Taml}, \p{Taml}) (72)
   \p{Script: Taml}        \p{Script=Tamil} (72)
   \p{Script: Tavt}        \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (72)
   \p{Script: Telu}        \p{Script=Telugu} (93)
   \p{Script: Telugu}      (Short: \p{Sc=Telu}, \p{Telu}) (93)
   \p{Script: Tfng}        \p{Script=Tifinagh} (59)
   \p{Script: Tglg}        \p{Script=Tagalog} (20)
   \p{Script: Thaa}        \p{Script=Thaana} (50)
   \p{Script: Thaana}      (Short: \p{Sc=Thaa}, \p{Thaa}) (50)
   \p{Script: Thai}        (Short: \p{Sc=Thai}, \p{Thai}) (86)
   \p{Script: Tibetan}     (Short: \p{Sc=Tibt}, \p{Tibt}) (207)
   \p{Script: Tibt}        \p{Script=Tibetan} (207)
   \p{Script: Tifinagh}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tfng}, \p{Tfng}) (59)
   \p{Script: Ugar}        \p{Script=Ugaritic} (31)
   \p{Script: Ugaritic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Ugar}, \p{Ugar}) (31)
   \p{Script: Unknown}     (Short: \p{Sc=Zzzz}, \p{Zzzz}) (1_003_931)
   \p{Script: Vai}         (Short: \p{Sc=Vai}, \p{Vai}) (300)
   \p{Script: Vaii}        \p{Script=Vai} (300)
   \p{Script: Xpeo}        \p{Script=Old_Persian} (50)
   \p{Script: Xsux}        \p{Script=Cuneiform} (982)
   \p{Script: Yi}          (Short: \p{Sc=Yi}, \p{Yi}) (1220)
   \p{Script: Yiii}        \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
   \p{Script: Zinh}        \p{Script=Inherited} (524)
   \p{Script: Zyyy}        \p{Script=Common} (6412)
   \p{Script: Zzzz}        \p{Script=Unknown} (1_003_931)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Arab} \p{Script_Extensions=Arabic} (1261)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Arabic} (Short: \p{Scx=Arab}) (1261)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Armenian} (Short: \p{Scx=Armn}) (92)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Armi} \p{Script_Extensions=Imperial_Aramaic}
   \p{Script_Extensions: Armn} \p{Script_Extensions=Armenian} (92)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Avestan} (Short: \p{Scx=Avst}) (61)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Avst} \p{Script_Extensions=Avestan} (61)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bali} \p{Script_Extensions=Balinese} (121)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Balinese} (Short: \p{Scx=Bali}) (121)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bamu} \p{Script_Extensions=Bamum} (657)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bamum} (Short: \p{Scx=Bamu}) (657)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Batak} (Short: \p{Scx=Batk}) (56)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Batk} \p{Script_Extensions=Batak} (56)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Beng} \p{Script_Extensions=Bengali} (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bengali} (Short: \p{Scx=Beng}) (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bopo} \p{Script_Extensions=Bopomofo} (306)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Scx=Bopo}) (306)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Brah} \p{Script_Extensions=Brahmi} (108)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Brahmi} (Short: \p{Scx=Brah}) (108)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Brai} \p{Script_Extensions=Braille} (256)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Braille} (Short: \p{Scx=Brai}) (256)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Bugi} \p{Script_Extensions=Buginese} (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Buginese} (Short: \p{Scx=Bugi}) (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Buhd} \p{Script_Extensions=Buhid} (22)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Buhid} (Short: \p{Scx=Buhd}) (22)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cakm} \p{Script_Extensions=Chakma} (67)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short: \p{Scx=Cans})
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cans} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Canadian_Aboriginal} (710)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cari} \p{Script_Extensions=Carian} (49)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Carian} (Short: \p{Scx=Cari}) (49)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Chakma} (Short: \p{Scx=Cakm}) (67)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cham} (Short: \p{Scx=Cham}) (83)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cher} \p{Script_Extensions=Cherokee} (85)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cherokee} (Short: \p{Scx=Cher}) (85)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Common} (Short: \p{Scx=Zyyy}) (6059)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Copt} \p{Script_Extensions=Coptic} (137)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Coptic} (Short: \p{Scx=Copt}) (137)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cprt} \p{Script_Extensions=Cypriot} (112)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Scx=Xsux}) (982)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cypriot} (Short: \p{Scx=Cprt}) (112)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Scx=Cyrl}) (417)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Cyrl} \p{Script_Extensions=Cyrillic} (417)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Deseret} (Short: \p{Scx=Dsrt}) (80)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Deva} \p{Script_Extensions=Devanagari} (163)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Devanagari} (Short: \p{Scx=Deva}) (163)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Dsrt} \p{Script_Extensions=Deseret} (80)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Egyp} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (1071)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Scx=Egyp})
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ethi} \p{Script_Extensions=Ethiopic} (495)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Scx=Ethi}) (495)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Geor} \p{Script_Extensions=Georgian} (128)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Georgian} (Short: \p{Scx=Geor}) (128)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Glag} \p{Script_Extensions=Glagolitic} (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Scx=Glag}) (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Goth} \p{Script_Extensions=Gothic} (27)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Gothic} (Short: \p{Scx=Goth}) (27)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Greek} (Short: \p{Scx=Grek}) (511)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Grek} \p{Script_Extensions=Greek} (511)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Gujarati} (Short: \p{Scx=Gujr}) (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Gujr} \p{Script_Extensions=Gujarati} (94)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Scx=Guru}) (91)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Guru} \p{Script_Extensions=Gurmukhi} (91)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Han} (Short: \p{Scx=Han}) (76_218)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hang} \p{Script_Extensions=Hangul} (11_971)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hangul} (Short: \p{Scx=Hang}) (11_971)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hani} \p{Script_Extensions=Han} (76_218)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hano} \p{Script_Extensions=Hanunoo} (23)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Scx=Hano}) (23)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hebr} \p{Script_Extensions=Hebrew} (133)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hebrew} (Short: \p{Scx=Hebr}) (133)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hira} \p{Script_Extensions=Hiragana} (356)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Hiragana} (Short: \p{Scx=Hira}) (356)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Imperial_Aramaic} (Short: \p{Scx=Armi}) (31)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Inherited} (Short: \p{Scx=Zinh}) (506)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short: \p{Scx=Phli})
   \p{Script_Extensions: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Short: \p{Scx=
                             Prti}) (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ital} \p{Script_Extensions=Old_Italic} (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Java} \p{Script_Extensions=Javanese} (91)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Javanese} (Short: \p{Scx=Java}) (91)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kaithi} (Short: \p{Scx=Kthi}) (76)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kali} \p{Script_Extensions=Kayah_Li} (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kana} \p{Script_Extensions=Katakana} (565)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kannada} (Short: \p{Scx=Knda}) (86)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Katakana} (Short: \p{Scx=Kana}) (565)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Scx=Kali}) (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Khar} \p{Script_Extensions=Kharoshthi} (65)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Scx=Khar}) (65)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Khmer} (Short: \p{Scx=Khmr}) (146)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Khmr} \p{Script_Extensions=Khmer} (146)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Knda} \p{Script_Extensions=Kannada} (86)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Kthi} \p{Script_Extensions=Kaithi} (76)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lana} \p{Script_Extensions=Tai_Tham} (127)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lao} (Short: \p{Scx=Lao}) (67)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Laoo} \p{Script_Extensions=Lao} (67)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Latin} (Short: \p{Scx=Latn}) (1272)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Latn} \p{Script_Extensions=Latin} (1272)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lepc} \p{Script_Extensions=Lepcha} (74)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lepcha} (Short: \p{Scx=Lepc}) (74)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Limb} \p{Script_Extensions=Limbu} (66)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Limbu} (Short: \p{Scx=Limb}) (66)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Linb} \p{Script_Extensions=Linear_B} (268)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Linear_B} (Short: \p{Scx=Linb}) (268)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lisu} (Short: \p{Scx=Lisu}) (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lyci} \p{Script_Extensions=Lycian} (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lycian} (Short: \p{Scx=Lyci}) (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lydi} \p{Script_Extensions=Lydian} (27)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Lydian} (Short: \p{Scx=Lydi}) (27)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Malayalam} (Short: \p{Scx=Mlym}) (98)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mand} \p{Script_Extensions=Mandaic} (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mandaic} (Short: \p{Scx=Mand}) (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Scx=Mtei}) (79)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Merc} \p{Script_Extensions=Meroitic_Cursive}
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mero} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (32)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Meroitic_Cursive} (Short: \p{Scx=Merc}) (26)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Meroitic_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Scx=Mero})
   \p{Script_Extensions: Miao} (Short: \p{Scx=Miao}) (133)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mlym} \p{Script_Extensions=Malayalam} (98)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mong} \p{Script_Extensions=Mongolian} (156)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mongolian} (Short: \p{Scx=Mong}) (156)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mtei} \p{Script_Extensions=Meetei_Mayek} (79)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Myanmar} (Short: \p{Scx=Mymr}) (188)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Mymr} \p{Script_Extensions=Myanmar} (188)
   \p{Script_Extensions: New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Scx=Talu}) (83)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Nko} (Short: \p{Scx=Nko}) (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Nkoo} \p{Script_Extensions=Nko} (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ogam} \p{Script_Extensions=Ogham} (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ogham} (Short: \p{Scx=Ogam}) (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Scx=Olck}) (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Olck} \p{Script_Extensions=Ol_Chiki} (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Scx=Ital}) (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Scx=Xpeo}) (50)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Old_South_Arabian} (Short: \p{Scx=Sarb}) (32)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Scx=Orkh}) (73)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Oriya} (Short: \p{Scx=Orya}) (92)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Orkh} \p{Script_Extensions=Old_Turkic} (73)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Orya} \p{Script_Extensions=Oriya} (92)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Osma} \p{Script_Extensions=Osmanya} (40)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Osmanya} (Short: \p{Scx=Osma}) (40)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Phag} \p{Script_Extensions=Phags_Pa} (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Scx=Phag}) (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Phli} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (27)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Phnx} \p{Script_Extensions=Phoenician} (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Phoenician} (Short: \p{Scx=Phnx}) (29)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Plrd} \p{Script_Extensions=Miao} (133)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Prti} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Inscriptional_Parthian} (30)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Qaac} \p{Script_Extensions=Coptic} (137)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Qaai} \p{Script_Extensions=Inherited} (506)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Rejang} (Short: \p{Scx=Rjng}) (37)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Rjng} \p{Script_Extensions=Rejang} (37)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Runic} (Short: \p{Scx=Runr}) (78)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Runr} \p{Script_Extensions=Runic} (78)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Samaritan} (Short: \p{Scx=Samr}) (61)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Samr} \p{Script_Extensions=Samaritan} (61)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sarb} \p{Script_Extensions=
                             Old_South_Arabian} (32)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Saur} \p{Script_Extensions=Saurashtra} (81)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Scx=Saur}) (81)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sharada} (Short: \p{Scx=Shrd}) (83)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Shavian} (Short: \p{Scx=Shaw}) (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Shaw} \p{Script_Extensions=Shavian} (48)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Shrd} \p{Script_Extensions=Sharada} (83)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sinh} \p{Script_Extensions=Sinhala} (80)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sinhala} (Short: \p{Scx=Sinh}) (80)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sora} \p{Script_Extensions=Sora_Sompeng} (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sora_Sompeng} (Short: \p{Scx=Sora}) (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sund} \p{Script_Extensions=Sundanese} (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sundanese} (Short: \p{Scx=Sund}) (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Sylo} \p{Script_Extensions=Syloti_Nagri} (44)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Scx=Sylo}) (44)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Syrc} \p{Script_Extensions=Syriac} (93)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Syriac} (Short: \p{Scx=Syrc}) (93)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tagalog} (Short: \p{Scx=Tglg}) (22)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tagb} \p{Script_Extensions=Tagbanwa} (20)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Scx=Tagb}) (20)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Scx=Tale}) (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Scx=Lana}) (127)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Scx=Tavt}) (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Takr} \p{Script_Extensions=Takri} (78)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Takri} (Short: \p{Scx=Takr}) (78)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tale} \p{Script_Extensions=Tai_Le} (35)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Talu} \p{Script_Extensions=New_Tai_Lue} (83)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tamil} (Short: \p{Scx=Taml}) (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Taml} \p{Script_Extensions=Tamil} (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tavt} \p{Script_Extensions=Tai_Viet} (72)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Telu} \p{Script_Extensions=Telugu} (93)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Telugu} (Short: \p{Scx=Telu}) (93)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tfng} \p{Script_Extensions=Tifinagh} (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tglg} \p{Script_Extensions=Tagalog} (22)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Thaa} \p{Script_Extensions=Thaana} (65)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Thaana} (Short: \p{Scx=Thaa}) (65)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Thai} (Short: \p{Scx=Thai}) (86)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tibetan} (Short: \p{Scx=Tibt}) (207)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tibt} \p{Script_Extensions=Tibetan} (207)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Scx=Tfng}) (59)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ugar} \p{Script_Extensions=Ugaritic} (31)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Scx=Ugar}) (31)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Unknown} (Short: \p{Scx=Zzzz}) (1_003_931)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Vai} (Short: \p{Scx=Vai}) (300)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Vaii} \p{Script_Extensions=Vai} (300)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Xpeo} \p{Script_Extensions=Old_Persian} (50)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Xsux} \p{Script_Extensions=Cuneiform} (982)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Yi} (Short: \p{Scx=Yi}) (1246)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Yiii} \p{Script_Extensions=Yi} (1246)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Zinh} \p{Script_Extensions=Inherited} (506)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Zyyy} \p{Script_Extensions=Common} (6059)
   \p{Script_Extensions: Zzzz} \p{Script_Extensions=Unknown}
   \p{Scx: *}              \p{Script_Extensions: *}
   \p{SD}                  \p{Soft_Dotted} (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
   \p{SD: *}               \p{Soft_Dotted: *}
   \p{Sentence_Break: AT}  \p{Sentence_Break=ATerm} (4)
   \p{Sentence_Break: ATerm} (Short: \p{SB=AT}) (4)
   \p{Sentence_Break: CL}  \p{Sentence_Break=Close} (177)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Close} (Short: \p{SB=CL}) (177)
   \p{Sentence_Break: CR}  (Short: \p{SB=CR}) (1)
   \p{Sentence_Break: EX}  \p{Sentence_Break=Extend} (1649)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{SB=EX}) (1649)
   \p{Sentence_Break: FO}  \p{Sentence_Break=Format} (137)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Format} (Short: \p{SB=FO}) (137)
   \p{Sentence_Break: LE}  \p{Sentence_Break=OLetter} (97_841)
   \p{Sentence_Break: LF}  (Short: \p{SB=LF}) (1)
   \p{Sentence_Break: LO}  \p{Sentence_Break=Lower} (1933)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Lower} (Short: \p{SB=LO}) (1933)
   \p{Sentence_Break: NU}  \p{Sentence_Break=Numeric} (452)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{SB=NU}) (452)
   \p{Sentence_Break: OLetter} (Short: \p{SB=LE}) (97_841)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Other} (Short: \p{SB=XX}) (1_010_273)
   \p{Sentence_Break: SC}  \p{Sentence_Break=SContinue} (26)
   \p{Sentence_Break: SContinue} (Short: \p{SB=SC}) (26)
   \p{Sentence_Break: SE}  \p{Sentence_Break=Sep} (3)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Sep} (Short: \p{SB=SE}) (3)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Sp}  (Short: \p{SB=Sp}) (21)
   \p{Sentence_Break: ST}  \p{Sentence_Break=STerm} (80)
   \p{Sentence_Break: STerm} (Short: \p{SB=ST}) (80)
   \p{Sentence_Break: UP}  \p{Sentence_Break=Upper} (1514)
   \p{Sentence_Break: Upper} (Short: \p{SB=UP}) (1514)
   \p{Sentence_Break: XX}  \p{Sentence_Break=Other} (1_010_273)
   \p{Separator}           \p{General_Category=Separator} (Short:
                             \p{Z}) (20)
   \p{Sharada}             \p{Script=Sharada} (Short: \p{Shrd}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Sharada}) (83)
   \p{Shavian}             \p{Script=Shavian} (Short: \p{Shaw}) (48)
   \p{Shaw}                \p{Shavian} (= \p{Script=Shavian}) (48)
   \p{Shrd}                \p{Sharada} (= \p{Script=Sharada}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Sharada}) (83)
   \p{Sinh}                \p{Sinhala} (= \p{Script=Sinhala}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
   \p{Sinhala}             \p{Script=Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sinh}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
   \p{Sk}                  \p{Modifier_Symbol} (=
   \p{Sm}                  \p{Math_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Math_Symbol}) (952)
 X \p{Small_Form_Variants} \p{Block=Small_Form_Variants} (Short:
                             \p{InSmallForms}) (32)
 X \p{Small_Forms}         \p{Small_Form_Variants} (= \p{Block=
                             Small_Form_Variants}) (32)
   \p{So}                  \p{Other_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Other_Symbol}) (4404)
   \p{Soft_Dotted}         \p{Soft_Dotted=Y} (Short: \p{SD}) (46)
   \p{Soft_Dotted: N*}     (Short: \p{SD=N}, \P{SD}) (1_114_066)
   \p{Soft_Dotted: Y*}     (Short: \p{SD=Y}, \p{SD}) (46)
   \p{Sora}                \p{Sora_Sompeng} (= \p{Script=
                             Sora_Sompeng}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Sora_Sompeng}) (35)
   \p{Sora_Sompeng}        \p{Script=Sora_Sompeng} (Short: \p{Sora};
                             NOT \p{Block=Sora_Sompeng}) (35)
   \p{Space}               \p{White_Space=Y} \s including beyond
                             ASCII plus vertical tab (26)
   \p{Space: *}            \p{White_Space: *}
   \p{Space_Separator}     \p{General_Category=Space_Separator}
                             (Short: \p{Zs}) (18)
   \p{SpacePerl}           \p{XPerlSpace} (25)
   \p{Spacing_Mark}        \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (Short:
                             \p{Mc}) (353)
 X \p{Spacing_Modifier_Letters} \p{Block=Spacing_Modifier_Letters}
                             (Short: \p{InModifierLetters}) (80)
 X \p{Specials}            \p{Block=Specials} (16)
   \p{STerm}               \p{STerm=Y} (83)
   \p{STerm: N*}           (Single: \P{STerm}) (1_114_029)
   \p{STerm: Y*}           (Single: \p{STerm}) (83)
   \p{Sund}                \p{Sundanese} (= \p{Script=Sundanese})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Sundanese}) (72)
   \p{Sundanese}           \p{Script=Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sund}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Sundanese}) (72)
 X \p{Sundanese_Sup}       \p{Sundanese_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
                             Sundanese_Supplement}) (16)
 X \p{Sundanese_Supplement} \p{Block=Sundanese_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InSundaneseSup}) (16)
 X \p{Sup_Arrows_A}        \p{Supplemental_Arrows_A} (= \p{Block=
                             Supplemental_Arrows_A}) (16)
 X \p{Sup_Arrows_B}        \p{Supplemental_Arrows_B} (= \p{Block=
                             Supplemental_Arrows_B}) (128)
 X \p{Sup_Math_Operators}  \p{Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} (=
 X \p{Sup_PUA_A}           \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} (=
 X \p{Sup_PUA_B}           \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} (=
 X \p{Sup_Punctuation}     \p{Supplemental_Punctuation} (= \p{Block=
                             Supplemental_Punctuation}) (128)
 X \p{Super_And_Sub}       \p{Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (=
 X \p{Superscripts_And_Subscripts} \p{Block=
                             Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (Short:
                             \p{InSuperAndSub}) (48)
 X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_A} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_A} (Short:
                             \p{InSupArrowsA}) (16)
 X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_B} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_B} (Short:
                             \p{InSupArrowsB}) (128)
 X \p{Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InSupMathOperators}) (256)
 X \p{Supplemental_Punctuation} \p{Block=Supplemental_Punctuation}
                             (Short: \p{InSupPunctuation}) (128)
 X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InSupPUAA}) (65_536)
 X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InSupPUAB}) (65_536)
   \p{Surrogate}           \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (Short:
                             \p{Cs}) (2048)
   \p{Sylo}                \p{Syloti_Nagri} (= \p{Script=
                             Syloti_Nagri}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
   \p{Syloti_Nagri}        \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sylo};
                             NOT \p{Block=Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
   \p{Symbol}              \p{General_Category=Symbol} (Short: \p{S})
   \p{Syrc}                \p{Syriac} (= \p{Script=Syriac}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
   \p{Syriac}              \p{Script=Syriac} (Short: \p{Syrc}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
   \p{Tagalog}             \p{Script=Tagalog} (Short: \p{Tglg}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
   \p{Tagb}                \p{Tagbanwa} (= \p{Script=Tagbanwa}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
   \p{Tagbanwa}            \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Tagb}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
 X \p{Tags}                \p{Block=Tags} (128)
   \p{Tai_Le}              \p{Script=Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Tale}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
   \p{Tai_Tham}            \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Lana}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
   \p{Tai_Viet}            \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Tavt}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
 X \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing}       \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols}) (96)
 X \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} \p{Block=Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (Short:
                             \p{InTaiXuanJing}) (96)
   \p{Takr}                \p{Takri} (= \p{Script=Takri}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Takri}) (66)
   \p{Takri}               \p{Script=Takri} (Short: \p{Takr}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Takri}) (66)
   \p{Tale}                \p{Tai_Le} (= \p{Script=Tai_Le}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
   \p{Talu}                \p{New_Tai_Lue} (= \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue})
                             (NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
   \p{Tamil}               \p{Script=Tamil} (Short: \p{Taml}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
   \p{Taml}                \p{Tamil} (= \p{Script=Tamil}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
   \p{Tavt}                \p{Tai_Viet} (= \p{Script=Tai_Viet}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
   \p{Telu}                \p{Telugu} (= \p{Script=Telugu}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
   \p{Telugu}              \p{Script=Telugu} (Short: \p{Telu}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
   \p{Term}                \p{Terminal_Punctuation} (=
                             \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y}) (176)
   \p{Term: *}             \p{Terminal_Punctuation: *}
   \p{Terminal_Punctuation} \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y} (Short:
                             \p{Term}) (176)
   \p{Terminal_Punctuation: N*} (Short: \p{Term=N}, \P{Term})
   \p{Terminal_Punctuation: Y*} (Short: \p{Term=Y}, \p{Term}) (176)
   \p{Tfng}                \p{Tifinagh} (= \p{Script=Tifinagh}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (59)
   \p{Tglg}                \p{Tagalog} (= \p{Script=Tagalog}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
   \p{Thaa}                \p{Thaana} (= \p{Script=Thaana}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
   \p{Thaana}              \p{Script=Thaana} (Short: \p{Thaa}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
   \p{Thai}                \p{Script=Thai} (NOT \p{Block=Thai}) (86)
   \p{Tibetan}             \p{Script=Tibetan} (Short: \p{Tibt}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tibetan}) (207)
   \p{Tibt}                \p{Tibetan} (= \p{Script=Tibetan}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Tibetan}) (207)
   \p{Tifinagh}            \p{Script=Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Tfng}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (59)
   \p{Title}               \p{Titlecase} (/i= Cased=Yes) (31)
   \p{Titlecase}           (= \p{Gc=Lt}) (Short: \p{Title}; /i=
                             Cased=Yes) (31)
   \p{Titlecase_Letter}    \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter}
                             (Short: \p{Lt}; /i= General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter) (31)
 X \p{Transport_And_Map}   \p{Transport_And_Map_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Transport_And_Map_Symbols}) (128)
 X \p{Transport_And_Map_Symbols} \p{Block=Transport_And_Map_Symbols}
                             (Short: \p{InTransportAndMap}) (128)
 X \p{UCAS}                \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
                             (= \p{Block=
 X \p{UCAS_Ext}            \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_-
                             Extended} (= \p{Block=
                             Extended}) (80)
   \p{Ugar}                \p{Ugaritic} (= \p{Script=Ugaritic}) (NOT
                             \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
   \p{Ugaritic}            \p{Script=Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Ugar}; NOT
                             \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
   \p{UIdeo}               \p{Unified_Ideograph} (=
                             \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y}) (74_617)
   \p{UIdeo: *}            \p{Unified_Ideograph: *}
   \p{Unassigned}          \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (Short:
                             \p{Cn}) (864_415)
 X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} \p{Block=
                             (Short: \p{InUCAS}) (640)
 X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} \p{Block=
                             Extended} (Short: \p{InUCASExt}) (80)
   \p{Unified_Ideograph}   \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y} (Short: \p{UIdeo})
   \p{Unified_Ideograph: N*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=N}, \P{UIdeo})
   \p{Unified_Ideograph: Y*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=Y}, \p{UIdeo}) (74_617)
   \p{Unknown}             \p{Script=Unknown} (Short: \p{Zzzz})
   \p{Upper}               \p{Uppercase=Y} (/i= Cased=Yes) (1483)
   \p{Upper: *}            \p{Uppercase: *}
   \p{Uppercase}           \p{Upper} (= \p{Uppercase=Y}) (/i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1483)
   \p{Uppercase: N*}       (Short: \p{Upper=N}, \P{Upper}; /i= Cased=
                             No) (1_112_629)
   \p{Uppercase: Y*}       (Short: \p{Upper=Y}, \p{Upper}; /i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1483)
   \p{Uppercase_Letter}    \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
                             (Short: \p{Lu}; /i= General_Category=
                             Cased_Letter) (1441)
   \p{Vai}                 \p{Script=Vai} (NOT \p{Block=Vai}) (300)
   \p{Vaii}                \p{Vai} (= \p{Script=Vai}) (NOT \p{Block=
                             Vai}) (300)
   \p{Variation_Selector}  \p{Variation_Selector=Y} (Short: \p{VS};
                             NOT \p{Variation_Selectors}) (259)
   \p{Variation_Selector: N*} (Short: \p{VS=N}, \P{VS}) (1_113_853)
   \p{Variation_Selector: Y*} (Short: \p{VS=Y}, \p{VS}) (259)
 X \p{Variation_Selectors} \p{Block=Variation_Selectors} (Short:
                             \p{InVS}) (16)
 X \p{Variation_Selectors_Supplement} \p{Block=
                             Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (Short:
                             \p{InVSSup}) (240)
 X \p{Vedic_Ext}           \p{Vedic_Extensions} (= \p{Block=
                             Vedic_Extensions}) (48)
 X \p{Vedic_Extensions}    \p{Block=Vedic_Extensions} (Short:
                             \p{InVedicExt}) (48)
 X \p{Vertical_Forms}      \p{Block=Vertical_Forms} (16)
   \p{VertSpace}           \v (7)
   \p{VS}                  \p{Variation_Selector} (=
                             \p{Variation_Selector=Y}) (NOT
                             \p{Variation_Selectors}) (259)
   \p{VS: *}               \p{Variation_Selector: *}
 X \p{VS_Sup}              \p{Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (=
                             Variation_Selectors_Supplement}) (240)
   \p{WB: *}               \p{Word_Break: *}
   \p{White_Space}         \p{White_Space=Y} (Short: \p{WSpace}) (26)
   \p{White_Space: N*}     (Short: \p{Space=N}, \P{WSpace})
   \p{White_Space: Y*}     (Short: \p{Space=Y}, \p{WSpace}) (26)
   \p{Word}                \w, including beyond ASCII; = \p{Alnum} +
                             \pM + \p{Pc} (103_404)
   \p{Word_Break: ALetter} (Short: \p{WB=LE}) (24_941)
   \p{Word_Break: CR}      (Short: \p{WB=CR}) (1)
   \p{Word_Break: EX}      \p{Word_Break=ExtendNumLet} (10)
   \p{Word_Break: Extend}  (Short: \p{WB=Extend}) (1649)
   \p{Word_Break: ExtendNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=EX}) (10)
   \p{Word_Break: FO}      \p{Word_Break=Format} (136)
   \p{Word_Break: Format}  (Short: \p{WB=FO}) (136)
   \p{Word_Break: KA}      \p{Word_Break=Katakana} (310)
   \p{Word_Break: Katakana} (Short: \p{WB=KA}) (310)
   \p{Word_Break: LE}      \p{Word_Break=ALetter} (24_941)
   \p{Word_Break: LF}      (Short: \p{WB=LF}) (1)
   \p{Word_Break: MB}      \p{Word_Break=MidNumLet} (8)
   \p{Word_Break: MidLetter} (Short: \p{WB=ML}) (8)
   \p{Word_Break: MidNum}  (Short: \p{WB=MN}) (15)
   \p{Word_Break: MidNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=MB}) (8)
   \p{Word_Break: ML}      \p{Word_Break=MidLetter} (8)
   \p{Word_Break: MN}      \p{Word_Break=MidNum} (15)
   \p{Word_Break: Newline} (Short: \p{WB=NL}) (5)
   \p{Word_Break: NL}      \p{Word_Break=Newline} (5)
   \p{Word_Break: NU}      \p{Word_Break=Numeric} (451)
   \p{Word_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{WB=NU}) (451)
   \p{Word_Break: Other}   (Short: \p{WB=XX}) (1_086_577)
   \p{Word_Break: XX}      \p{Word_Break=Other} (1_086_577)
   \p{WSpace}              \p{White_Space} (= \p{White_Space=Y}) (26)
   \p{WSpace: *}           \p{White_Space: *}
   \p{XDigit}              \p{Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{Hex}) (44)
   \p{XID_Continue}        \p{XID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{XIDC})
   \p{XID_Continue: N*}    (Short: \p{XIDC=N}, \P{XIDC}) (1_010_776)
   \p{XID_Continue: Y*}    (Short: \p{XIDC=Y}, \p{XIDC}) (103_336)
   \p{XID_Start}           \p{XID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{XIDS}) (101_217)
   \p{XID_Start: N*}       (Short: \p{XIDS=N}, \P{XIDS}) (1_012_895)
   \p{XID_Start: Y*}       (Short: \p{XIDS=Y}, \p{XIDS}) (101_217)
   \p{XIDC}                \p{XID_Continue} (= \p{XID_Continue=Y})
   \p{XIDC: *}             \p{XID_Continue: *}
   \p{XIDS}                \p{XID_Start} (= \p{XID_Start=Y}) (101_217)
   \p{XIDS: *}             \p{XID_Start: *}
   \p{Xpeo}                \p{Old_Persian} (= \p{Script=Old_Persian})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
   \p{XPerlSpace}          \s, including beyond ASCII (Short:
                             \p{SpacePerl}) (25)
   \p{XPosixAlnum}         \p{Alnum} (102_619)
   \p{XPosixAlpha}         \p{Alpha} (= \p{Alphabetic=Y}) (102_159)
   \p{XPosixBlank}         \p{Blank} (19)
   \p{XPosixCntrl}         \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
   \p{XPosixDigit}         \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Decimal_Number}) (460)
   \p{XPosixGraph}         \p{Graph} (247_564)
   \p{XPosixLower}         \p{Lower} (= \p{Lowercase=Y}) (/i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1934)
   \p{XPosixPrint}         \p{Print} (247_582)
   \p{XPosixPunct}         \p{Punct} + ASCII-range \p{Symbol} (641)
   \p{XPosixSpace}         \p{Space} (= \p{White_Space=Y}) (26)
   \p{XPosixUpper}         \p{Upper} (= \p{Uppercase=Y}) (/i= Cased=
                             Yes) (1483)
   \p{XPosixWord}          \p{Word} (103_404)
   \p{XPosixXDigit}        \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
   \p{Xsux}                \p{Cuneiform} (= \p{Script=Cuneiform})
                             (NOT \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
   \p{Yi}                  \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
 X \p{Yi_Radicals}         \p{Block=Yi_Radicals} (64)
 X \p{Yi_Syllables}        \p{Block=Yi_Syllables} (1168)
   \p{Yiii}                \p{Yi} (= \p{Script=Yi}) (1220)
 X \p{Yijing}              \p{Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (= \p{Block=
                             Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols}) (64)
 X \p{Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} \p{Block=Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols}
                             (Short: \p{InYijing}) (64)
   \p{Z}                   \p{Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Separator}) (20)
   \p{Zinh}                \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
   \p{Zl}                  \p{Line_Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
                             Line_Separator}) (1)
   \p{Zp}                  \p{Paragraph_Separator} (=
                             Paragraph_Separator}) (1)
   \p{Zs}                  \p{Space_Separator} (=
   \p{Zyyy}                \p{Common} (= \p{Script=Common}) (6412)
   \p{Zzzz}                \p{Unknown} (= \p{Script=Unknown})
 TX\p{_CanonDCIJ}          (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
                             stable) (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
 TX\p{_Case_Ignorable}     (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
                             stable) (= \p{Case_Ignorable=Y}) (1799)
 TX\p{_CombAbove}          (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
                             stable) (= \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
                             Above}) (349)

=head2 Legal C<\p{}> and C<\P{}> constructs that match no characters

Unicode has some property-value pairs that currently don't match anything.
This happens generally either because they are obsolete, or they exist for
symmetry with other forms, but no language has yet been encoded that uses
them.  In this version of Unicode, the following match zero code points:

=over 4

=item \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Attached_Below_Left}

=item \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend}

=item \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining}


=head1 Properties accessible through Unicode::UCD

All the Unicode character properties mentioned above (except for those marked
as for internal use by Perl) are also accessible by

Due to their nature, not all Unicode character properties are suitable for
regular expression matches, nor C<prop_invlist()>.  The remaining
non-provisional, non-internal ones are accessible via
L<Unicode::UCD/prop_invmap()> (except for those that this Perl installation
hasn't included; see L<below for which those are|/Unicode character properties
that are NOT accepted by Perl>).

For compatibility with other parts of Perl, all the single forms given in the
table in the L<section above|/Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}>
are recognized.  BUT, there are some ambiguities between some Perl extensions
and the Unicode properties, all of which are silently resolved in favor of the
official Unicode property.  To avoid surprises, you should only use
C<prop_invmap()> for forms listed in the table below, which omits the
non-recommended ones.  The affected forms are the Perl single form equivalents
of Unicode properties, such as C<\p{sc}> being a single-form equivalent of
C<\p{gc=sc}>, which is treated by C<prop_invmap()> as the C<Script> property,
whose short name is C<sc>.  The table indicates the current ambiguities in the
INFO column, beginning with the word C<"NOT">.

The standard Unicode properties listed below are documented in
L<>; Perl_Decimal_Digit is documented in
L<Unicode::UCD/prop_invmap()>.  The other Perl extensions are in
L<perlunicode/Other Properties>;

The first column in the table is a name for the property; the second column is
an alternative name, if any, plus possibly some annotations.  The alternative
name is the property's full name, unless that would simply repeat the first
column, in which case the second column indicates the property's short name
(if different).  The annotations are given only in the entry for the full
name.  If a property is obsolete, etc, the entry will be flagged with the same
characters used in the table in the L<section above|/Properties accessible
through \p{} and \P{}>, like B<D> or B<S>.

   NAME                      INFO

   AHex                    ASCII_Hex_Digit
   All                     Any.  (Perl extension)
   Alnum                   (Perl extension).  Alphabetic and
                           (decimal) Numeric
   Alpha                   Alphabetic
   Alphabetic              (Short: Alpha)
   Any                     (Perl extension).  [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}]
   ASCII                   Block=ASCII.  (Perl extension).
   ASCII_Hex_Digit         (Short: AHex)
   Assigned                (Perl extension).  All assigned code points
   Bc                      Bidi_Class
   Bidi_C                  Bidi_Control
   Bidi_Class              (Short: bc)
   Bidi_Control            (Short: Bidi_C)
   Bidi_M                  Bidi_Mirrored
   Bidi_Mirrored           (Short: Bidi_M)
   Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph    (Short: bmg)
   Blank                   (Perl extension).  \h, Horizontal white
   Blk                     Block
   Block                   (Short: blk)
   Bmg                     Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph
   Canonical_Combining_Class (Short: ccc)
   Case_Folding            (Short: cf)
   Case_Ignorable          (Short: CI)
   Category                General_Category
   Ccc                     Canonical_Combining_Class
   CE                      Composition_Exclusion
   Cf                      Case_Folding; NOT 'cf' meaning
   Changes_When_Casefolded (Short: CWCF)
   Changes_When_Casemapped (Short: CWCM)
   Changes_When_Lowercased (Short: CWL)
   Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded (Short: CWKCF)
   Changes_When_Titlecased (Short: CWT)
   Changes_When_Uppercased (Short: CWU)
   CI                      Case_Ignorable
   Cntrl                   General_Category=Cntrl.  (Perl extension).
                           Control characters
   Comp_Ex                 Full_Composition_Exclusion
   Composition_Exclusion   (Short: CE)
   CWCF                    Changes_When_Casefolded
   CWCM                    Changes_When_Casemapped
   CWKCF                   Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
   CWL                     Changes_When_Lowercased
   CWT                     Changes_When_Titlecased
   CWU                     Changes_When_Uppercased
   Decomposition_Mapping   (Short: dm)
   Decomposition_Type      (Short: dt)
   Default_Ignorable_Code_Point (Short: DI)
   Dep                     Deprecated
   Deprecated              (Short: Dep)
   DI                      Default_Ignorable_Code_Point
   Dia                     Diacritic
   Diacritic               (Short: Dia)
   Digit                   General_Category=Digit.  (Perl extension).
                           [0-9] + all other decimal digits
   Dm                      Decomposition_Mapping
   Dt                      Decomposition_Type
   Ea                      East_Asian_Width
   East_Asian_Width        (Short: ea)
   Ext                     Extender
   Extender                (Short: Ext)
   Full_Composition_Exclusion (Short: Comp_Ex)
   Gc                      General_Category
   GCB                     Grapheme_Cluster_Break
   General_Category        (Short: gc)
   Gr_Base                 Grapheme_Base
   Gr_Ext                  Grapheme_Extend
   Graph                   (Perl extension).  Characters that are
   Grapheme_Base           (Short: Gr_Base)
   Grapheme_Cluster_Break  (Short: GCB)
   Grapheme_Extend         (Short: Gr_Ext)
   Hangul_Syllable_Type    (Short: hst)
   Hex                     Hex_Digit
   Hex_Digit               (Short: Hex)
   HorizSpace              Blank.  (Perl extension)
   Hst                     Hangul_Syllable_Type
 D Hyphen                  Supplanted by Line_Break property values;
   ID_Continue             (Short: IDC)
   ID_Start                (Short: IDS)
   IDC                     ID_Continue
   Ideo                    Ideographic
   Ideographic             (Short: Ideo)
   IDS                     ID_Start
   IDS_Binary_Operator     (Short: IDSB)
   IDS_Trinary_Operator    (Short: IDST)
   IDSB                    IDS_Binary_Operator
   IDST                    IDS_Trinary_Operator
   In                      Present_In.  (Perl extension)
   Isc                     ISO_Comment; NOT 'isc' meaning
   ISO_Comment             (Short: isc)
   Jg                      Joining_Group
   Join_C                  Join_Control
   Join_Control            (Short: Join_C)
   Joining_Group           (Short: jg)
   Joining_Type            (Short: jt)
   Jt                      Joining_Type
   Lb                      Line_Break
   Lc                      Lowercase_Mapping; NOT 'lc' meaning
   Line_Break              (Short: lb)
   LOE                     Logical_Order_Exception
   Logical_Order_Exception (Short: LOE)
   Lower                   Lowercase
   Lowercase               (Short: Lower)
   Lowercase_Mapping       (Short: lc)
   Na                      Name
   Na1                     Unicode_1_Name
   Name                    (Short: na)
   NChar                   Noncharacter_Code_Point
   NFC_QC                  NFC_Quick_Check
   NFC_Quick_Check         (Short: NFC_QC)
   NFD_QC                  NFD_Quick_Check
   NFD_Quick_Check         (Short: NFD_QC)
   NFKC_Casefold           (Short: NFKC_CF)
   NFKC_CF                 NFKC_Casefold
   NFKC_QC                 NFKC_Quick_Check
   NFKC_Quick_Check        (Short: NFKC_QC)
   NFKD_QC                 NFKD_Quick_Check
   NFKD_Quick_Check        (Short: NFKD_QC)
   Noncharacter_Code_Point (Short: NChar)
   Nt                      Numeric_Type
   Numeric_Type            (Short: nt)
   Numeric_Value           (Short: nv)
   Nv                      Numeric_Value
   Pat_Syn                 Pattern_Syntax
   Pat_WS                  Pattern_White_Space
   Pattern_Syntax          (Short: Pat_Syn)
   Pattern_White_Space     (Short: Pat_WS)
   Perl_Decimal_Digit      (Perl extension)
   PerlSpace               (Perl extension).  \s, restricted to ASCII
                           = [ \f\n\r\t]
   PerlWord                (Perl extension).  \w, restricted to ASCII
                           = [A-Za-z0-9_]
   PosixAlnum              (Perl extension).  [A-Za-z0-9]
   PosixAlpha              (Perl extension).  [A-Za-z]
   PosixBlank              (Perl extension).  \t and ' '
   PosixCntrl              (Perl extension).  ASCII control
                           characters: NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, ENQ,
                           ACK, BEL, BS, HT, LF, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI,
                           DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB,
                           CAN, EOM, SUB, ESC, FS, GS, RS, US, and DEL
   PosixDigit              (Perl extension).  [0-9]
   PosixGraph              (Perl extension).  [-
   PosixLower              (Perl extension).  [a-z]
   PosixPrint              (Perl extension).  [- 0-9A-Za-
   PosixPunct              (Perl extension).  [-
   PosixSpace              (Perl extension).  \t, \n, \cK, \f, \r,
                           and ' '.  (\cK is vertical tab)
   PosixUpper              (Perl extension).  [A-Z]
   PosixWord               PerlWord.  (Perl extension)
   PosixXDigit             (Perl extension).  [0-9A-Fa-f]
   Present_In              (Short: In).  (Perl extension)
   Print                   (Perl extension).  Characters that are
                           graphical plus space characters (but no
   Punct                   General_Category=Punct.  (Perl extension)
   QMark                   Quotation_Mark
   Quotation_Mark          (Short: QMark)
   SB                      Sentence_Break
   Sc                      Script; NOT 'sc' meaning
   Scf                     Simple_Case_Folding
   Script                  (Short: sc)
   Script_Extensions       (Short: scx)
   Scx                     Script_Extensions
   SD                      Soft_Dotted
   Sentence_Break          (Short: SB)
   Sfc                     Simple_Case_Folding
   Simple_Case_Folding     (Short: scf)
   Simple_Lowercase_Mapping (Short: slc)
   Simple_Titlecase_Mapping (Short: stc)
   Simple_Uppercase_Mapping (Short: suc)
   Slc                     Simple_Lowercase_Mapping
   Soft_Dotted             (Short: SD)
   Space                   White_Space
   SpacePerl               XPerlSpace.  (Perl extension)
   Stc                     Simple_Titlecase_Mapping
   Suc                     Simple_Uppercase_Mapping
   Tc                      Titlecase_Mapping
   Term                    Terminal_Punctuation
   Terminal_Punctuation    (Short: Term)
   Title                   Titlecase.  (Perl extension)
   Titlecase               (Short: Title).  (Perl extension).  (=
   Titlecase_Mapping       (Short: tc)
   Uc                      Uppercase_Mapping
   UIdeo                   Unified_Ideograph
   Unicode_1_Name          (Short: na1)
   Unified_Ideograph       (Short: UIdeo)
   Upper                   Uppercase
   Uppercase               (Short: Upper)
   Uppercase_Mapping       (Short: uc)
   Variation_Selector      (Short: VS)
   VertSpace               (Perl extension).  \v
   VS                      Variation_Selector
   WB                      Word_Break
   White_Space             (Short: WSpace)
   Word                    (Perl extension).  \w, including beyond
                           ASCII; = \p{Alnum} + \pM + \p{Pc}
   Word_Break              (Short: WB)
   WSpace                  White_Space
   XDigit                  (Perl extension)
   XID_Continue            (Short: XIDC)
   XID_Start               (Short: XIDS)
   XIDC                    XID_Continue
   XIDS                    XID_Start
   XPerlSpace              (Perl extension).  \s, including beyond
   XPosixAlnum             Alnum.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixAlpha             Alpha.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixBlank             Blank.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixCntrl             General_Category=Cntrl.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixDigit             General_Category=Digit.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixGraph             Graph.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixLower             Lower.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixPrint             Print.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixPunct             (Perl extension).  \p{Punct} + ASCII-range
   XPosixSpace             Space.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixUpper             Upper.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixWord              Word.  (Perl extension)
   XPosixXDigit            XDigit.  (Perl extension)

=head1 Properties accessible through other means

Certain properties are accessible also via core function calls.  These are:

 Lowercase_Mapping          lc() and lcfirst()
 Titlecase_Mapping          ucfirst()
 Uppercase_Mapping          uc()

Also, Case_Folding is accessible through the C</i> modifier in regular
expressions, the C<\F> transliteration escape, and the C<L<fc|perlfunc/fc>>

And, the Name and Name_Aliases properties are accessible through the C<\N{}>
interpolation in double-quoted strings and regular expressions; and functions
C<charnames::viacode()>, C<charnames::vianame()>, and
C<charnames::string_vianame()> (which require a C<use charnames ();> to be

Finally, most properties related to decomposition are accessible via

=head1 Unicode character properties that are NOT accepted by Perl

Perl will generate an error for a few character properties in Unicode when
used in a regular expression.  The non-Unihan ones are listed below, with the
reasons they are not accepted, perhaps with work-arounds.  The short names for
the properties are listed enclosed in (parentheses).
As described after the list, an installation can change the defaults and choose
to accept any of these.  The list is machine generated based on the
choices made for the installation that generated this document.

=over 4

=item I<Expands_On_NFC> (XO_NFC)

=item I<Expands_On_NFD> (XO_NFD)

=item I<Expands_On_NFKC> (XO_NFKC)

=item I<Expands_On_NFKD> (XO_NFKD)

Deprecated by Unicode.  These are characters that expand to more than one character in the specified normalization form, but whether they actually take up more bytes or not depends on the encoding being used.  For example, a UTF-8 encoded character may expand to a different number of bytes than a UTF-32 encoded character.

=item I<Grapheme_Link> (Gr_Link)

Deprecated by Unicode:  Duplicates ccc=vr (Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama)

=item I<Indic_Matra_Category> (InMC)

=item I<Indic_Syllabic_Category> (InSC)


=item I<Jamo_Short_Name> (JSN)

=item I<Other_Alphabetic> (OAlpha)

=item I<Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point> (ODI)

=item I<Other_Grapheme_Extend> (OGr_Ext)

=item I<Other_ID_Continue> (OIDC)

=item I<Other_ID_Start> (OIDS)

=item I<Other_Lowercase> (OLower)

=item I<Other_Math> (OMath)

=item I<Other_Uppercase> (OUpper)

Used by Unicode internally for generating other properties and not intended to be used stand-alone

=item I<Script=Katakana_Or_Hiragana> (sc=Hrkt)

Obsolete.  All code points previously matched by this have been moved to "Script=Common".  Consider instead using "Script_Extensions=Katakana" or "Script_Extensions=Hiragana (or both)"

=item I<Script_Extensions=Katakana_Or_Hiragana> (scx=Hrkt)

All code points that would be matched by this are matched by either "Script_Extensions=Katakana" or "Script_Extensions=Hiragana"


An installation can choose to allow any of these to be matched by downloading
the Unicode database from L<> to
C<$Config{privlib}>/F<unicore/> in the Perl source tree, changing the
controlling lists contained in the program
C<$Config{privlib}>/F<unicore/mktables> and then re-compiling and installing.
(C<%Config> is available from the Config module).

=head1 Other information in the Unicode data base

The Unicode data base is delivered in two different formats.  The XML version
is valid for more modern Unicode releases.  The other version is a collection
of files.  The two are intended to give equivalent information.  Perl uses the
older form; this allows you to recompile Perl to use early Unicode releases.

The only non-character property that Perl currently supports is Named
Sequences, in which a sequence of code points
is given a name and generally treated as a single entity.  (Perl supports
these via the C<\N{...}> double-quotish construct,
L<charnames/charnames::string_vianame(name)>, and L<Unicode::UCD/namedseq()>.

Below is a list of the files in the Unicode data base that Perl doesn't
currently use, along with very brief descriptions of their purposes.
Some of the names of the files have been shortened from those that Unicode
uses, in order to allow them to be distinguishable from similarly named files
on file systems for which only the first 8 characters of a name are

=over 4

=item F<auxiliary/GraphemeBreakTest.html> 

=item F<auxiliary/LineBreakTest.html> 

=item F<auxiliary/SentenceBreakTest.html> 

=item F<auxiliary/WordBreakTest.html> 

Documentation of validation tests

=item F<auxiliary/LBTest.txt> 

=item F<auxiliary/SBTest.txt> 

=item F<auxiliary/WBTest.txt> 

=item F<BidiTest.txt> 

=item F<NormalizationTest.txt> 

Validation Tests

=item F<CJKRadicals.txt> 

Maps the kRSUnicode property values to corresponding code points

=item F<EmojiSources.txt> 

Maps certain Unicode code points to their legacy Japanese cell-phone values

=item F<Index.txt> 

Alphabetical index of Unicode characters

=item F<IndicMatraCategory.txt> 

=item F<IndicSyllabicCategory.txt> 

Provisional; for the analysis and processing of Indic scripts

=item F<NamedSqProv.txt> 

Named sequences proposed for inclusion in a later version of the Unicode Standard; if you need them now, you can append this file to F<NamedSequences.txt> and recompile perl

=item F<NamesList.txt> 

Annotated list of characters

=item F<NormalizationCorrections.txt> 

Documentation of corrections already incorporated into the Unicode data base

=item F<Props.txt> 

Only in very early releases; is a subset of F<PropList.txt> (which is used instead)

=item F<ReadMe.txt> 


=item F<StandardizedVariants.txt> 

Certain glyph variations for character display are standardized.  This lists the non-Unihan ones; the Unihan ones are also not used by Perl, and are in a separate Unicode data base L<>


=head1 SEE ALSO




Zerion Mini Shell 1.0