Mini Shell
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__cpname__ = 'DirectAdmin'
def detect():
return os.path.isfile('/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin') or \
import os
import glob
import re
from clcommon.clconfpars import load as loadconfig
from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import NoDBAccessData, CpApiTypeError
from clcommon.cpapi.plugins.universal import _dblogin_cplogin_pairs
from clcommon import ClPwd
DA_DB_CONF = '/usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf'
DA_USERS_PATH = '/usr/local/directadmin/data/users'
USER_CONF = 'user.conf'
RESELLERS_LIST = '/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/reseller.list'
USER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'.+/(.+)/%s' % re.escape(USER_CONF))
'dns': 'domain',
'package': 'package',
'mail': 'email',
'locale': 'language',
'cplogin': 'name',
'reseller': 'reseller'
def db_access(_conf_path=DA_DB_CONF):
access = dict()
login_data = loadconfig(_conf_path)
access['login'] = login_data['user']
access['pass'] = login_data['passwd']
except IOError, err:
raise NoDBAccessData('Can not open file with data to database access; ' + str(err))
except KeyError:
raise NoDBAccessData('Can not get database access data from file %s' % (_conf_path,))
return access
def cpusers(_path=DA_USERS_PATH):
match_list = [USER_PATTERN.match(path) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(_path, '*', USER_CONF))]
users_list = [ for match in match_list if match]
return tuple(users_list)
def resellers(_resellers_path=RESELLERS_LIST):
stream = open(_resellers_path)
resellers_list = map(str.strip, stream.readlines())
return tuple(resellers_list)
def dblogin_cplogin_pairs(cplogin_lst=None, with_system_users=False):
access = db_access()
data = _dblogin_cplogin_pairs(cplogin_lst=cplogin_lst, access=access)
return data
def cpinfo(cpuser=None, keyls=('cplogin', 'package', 'mail', 'reseller', 'dns', 'locale'),
returned = list()
if isinstance(cpuser, (str, unicode)):
cpusers_list = [cpuser]
elif isinstance(cpuser, (list, tuple)):
cpusers_list = tuple(cpuser)
elif cpuser is None:
match_list = [USER_PATTERN.match(path) for path in glob.iglob(os.path.join(_path, '*', USER_CONF))]
cpusers_list = [ for match in match_list if match]
raise CpApiTypeError(funcname='cpinfo', supportettypes='str|unicode|list|tuple',
# generate user reseller map
user_reseller_map = dict()
reseller_list_stream = open(RESELLERS_LIST)
for reseller_login in reseller_list_stream:
reseller_cpuser_list = open(os.path.join(os.path.join(_path, reseller_login.strip(), 'users.list')))
user_reseller_map.update(dict([(user_name, reseller_login) for user_name in reseller_cpuser_list
if user_name in cpusers_list]))
for cpuser in cpusers_list:
cpuser_data = loadconfig(os.path.join(_path, cpuser, 'user.conf'))
cpuser_data['reseller'] = user_reseller_map.get(cpuser) # insert reseller login
cpuser_data_lst = tuple([cpuser_data.get(USERCONF_PARAM_MAP.get(key)) for key in keyls])
if cpuser_data_lst not in returned:
return returned
def homedirs(_sysusers=None, _path=DA_USERS_PATH):
Detects and returns list of folders contained the home dirs of users of the DirectAdmin
:param str|None _sysusers: for testing
:param str|None _path: for testing
:return: list of folders, which are parent of home dirs of users of the panel
homedirs = []
clpwd = ClPwd()
users_dict = clpwd.get_user_dict()
# for testing only
if isinstance(_sysusers, (list, tuple)):
class pw(object):
def __init__(self, name, dir):
self.pw_name = name
self.pw_dir = dir
users_dict = {}
for (name,dir) in _sysusers:
users_dict[name] = pw(name, dir)
for user_name in users_dict:
conf_file = _path + '/' + user_name + '/user.conf'
if os.path.exists(conf_file):
homedir = os.path.dirname(users_dict[user_name].pw_dir)
if homedir not in homedirs:
return homedirs
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0