Mini Shell
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import pytest
from cerberus import Validator, errors, SchemaError
from cerberus.schema import UnvalidatedSchema
from cerberus.tests import assert_schema_error
def test_empty_schema():
validator = Validator()
with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=errors.SCHEMA_ERROR_MISSING):
validator({}, schema=None)
def test_bad_schema_type(validator):
schema = "this string should really be dict"
msg = errors.SCHEMA_ERROR_DEFINITION_TYPE.format(schema)
with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=msg):
validator.schema = schema
def test_bad_schema_type_field(validator):
field = 'foo'
schema = {field: {'schema': {'bar': {'type': 'strong'}}}}
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
validator.schema = schema
def test_unknown_rule(validator):
msg = "{'foo': [{'unknown': ['unknown rule']}]}"
with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=re.escape(msg)):
validator.schema = {'foo': {'unknown': 'rule'}}
def test_unknown_type(validator):
msg = str({'foo': [{'type': ['Unsupported types: unknown']}]})
with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=re.escape(msg)):
validator.schema = {'foo': {'type': 'unknown'}}
def test_bad_schema_definition(validator):
field = 'name'
msg = str({field: ['must be of dict type']})
with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=re.escape(msg)):
validator.schema = {field: 'this should really be a dict'}
def test_bad_of_rules():
schema = {'foo': {'anyof': {'type': 'string'}}}
assert_schema_error({}, schema)
def test_normalization_rules_are_invalid_in_of_rules():
schema = {0: {'anyof': [{'coerce': lambda x: x}]}}
assert_schema_error({}, schema)
def test_anyof_allof_schema_validate():
# make sure schema with 'anyof' and 'allof' constraints are checked
# correctly
schema = {
'doc': {'type': 'dict', 'anyof': [{'schema': [{'param': {'type': 'number'}}]}]}
assert_schema_error({'doc': 'this is my document'}, schema)
schema = {
'doc': {'type': 'dict', 'allof': [{'schema': [{'param': {'type': 'number'}}]}]}
assert_schema_error({'doc': 'this is my document'}, schema)
def test_repr():
v = Validator({'foo': {'type': 'string'}})
assert repr(v.schema) == "{'foo': {'type': 'string'}}"
def test_validated_schema_cache():
v = Validator({'foozifix': {'coerce': int}})
cache_size = len(v._valid_schemas)
v = Validator({'foozifix': {'type': 'integer'}})
cache_size += 1
assert len(v._valid_schemas) == cache_size
v = Validator({'foozifix': {'coerce': int}})
assert len(v._valid_schemas) == cache_size
max_cache_size = 163
assert cache_size <= max_cache_size, (
"There's an unexpected high amount (%s) of cached valid "
"definition schemas. Unless you added further tests, "
"there are good chances that something is wrong. "
"If you added tests with new schemas, you can try to "
"adjust the variable `max_cache_size` according to "
"the added schemas." % cache_size
def test_expansion_in_nested_schema():
schema = {'detroit': {'schema': {'anyof_regex': ['^Aladdin', 'Sane$']}}}
v = Validator(schema)
assert v.schema['detroit']['schema'] == {
'anyof': [{'regex': '^Aladdin'}, {'regex': 'Sane$'}]
def test_unvalidated_schema_can_be_copied():
schema = UnvalidatedSchema()
schema_copy = schema.copy()
assert schema_copy == schema
# TODO remove with next major release
def test_deprecated_rule_names_in_valueschema():
def check_with(field, value, error):
schema = {
"field_1": {
"type": "dict",
"valueschema": {
"type": "dict",
"keyschema": {"type": "string"},
"valueschema": {"type": "string"},
"field_2": {
"type": "list",
"items": [
{"keyschema": {}},
{"validator": check_with},
{"valueschema": {}},
validator = Validator(schema)
assert validator.schema == {
"field_1": {
"type": "dict",
"valuesrules": {
"type": "dict",
"keysrules": {"type": "string"},
"valuesrules": {"type": "string"},
"field_2": {
"type": "list",
"items": [
{"keysrules": {}},
{"check_with": check_with},
{"valuesrules": {}},
def test_anyof_check_with():
def foo(field, value, error):
def bar(field, value, error):
schema = {'field': {'anyof_check_with': [foo, bar]}}
validator = Validator(schema)
assert validator.schema == {
'field': {'anyof': [{'check_with': foo}, {'check_with': bar}]}
def test_rulename_space_is_normalized():
Validator(schema={"field": {"default setter": lambda x: x, "type": "string"}})
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0