Mini Shell
"""Decide which plugins to use for authentication & installation"""
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import six
import zope.component
from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.compat import os
from certbot.display import util as display_util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
z_util = zope.component.getUtility
def pick_configurator(
config, default, plugins,
question="How would you like to authenticate and install "
"""Pick configurator plugin."""
return pick_plugin(
config, default, plugins, question,
(interfaces.IAuthenticator, interfaces.IInstaller))
def pick_installer(config, default, plugins,
question="How would you like to install certificates?"):
"""Pick installer plugin."""
return pick_plugin(
config, default, plugins, question, (interfaces.IInstaller,))
def pick_authenticator(
config, default, plugins, question="How would you "
"like to authenticate with the ACME CA?"):
"""Pick authentication plugin."""
return pick_plugin(
config, default, plugins, question, (interfaces.IAuthenticator,))
def get_unprepared_installer(config, plugins):
Get an unprepared interfaces.IInstaller object.
:param certbot.interfaces.IConfig config: Configuration
:param certbot._internal.plugins.disco.PluginsRegistry plugins:
All plugins registered as entry points.
:returns: Unprepared installer plugin or None
:rtype: IPlugin or None
_, req_inst = cli_plugin_requests(config)
if not req_inst:
return None
installers = plugins.filter(lambda p_ep: p_ep.check_name(req_inst))
installers = installers.verify((interfaces.IInstaller,))
if len(installers) > 1:
raise errors.PluginSelectionError(
"Found multiple installers with the name %s, Certbot is unable to "
"determine which one to use. Skipping." % req_inst)
if installers:
inst = list(installers.values())[0]
logger.debug("Selecting plugin: %s", inst)
return inst.init(config)
raise errors.PluginSelectionError(
"Could not select or initialize the requested installer %s." % req_inst)
def pick_plugin(config, default, plugins, question, ifaces):
"""Pick plugin.
:param certbot.interfaces.IConfig: Configuration
:param str default: Plugin name supplied by user or ``None``.
:param certbot._internal.plugins.disco.PluginsRegistry plugins:
All plugins registered as entry points.
:param str question: Question to be presented to the user in case
multiple candidates are found.
:param list ifaces: Interfaces that plugins must provide.
:returns: Initialized plugin.
:rtype: IPlugin
if default is not None:
# throw more UX-friendly error if default not in plugins
filtered = plugins.filter(lambda p_ep: p_ep.check_name(default))
if config.noninteractive_mode:
# it's really bad to auto-select the single available plugin in
# non-interactive mode, because an update could later add a second
# available plugin
raise errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(
"Missing command line flags. For non-interactive execution, "
"you will need to specify a plugin on the command line. Run "
"with '--help plugins' to see a list of options, and see "
" for more detail on what "
"the plugins do and how to use them.")
filtered = plugins.visible().ifaces(ifaces)
verified = filtered.verify(ifaces)
prepared = verified.available()
if len(prepared) > 1:
logger.debug("Multiple candidate plugins: %s", prepared)
plugin_ep = choose_plugin(list(six.itervalues(prepared)), question)
if plugin_ep is None:
return None
return plugin_ep.init()
elif len(prepared) == 1:
plugin_ep = list(prepared.values())[0]
logger.debug("Single candidate plugin: %s", plugin_ep)
if plugin_ep.misconfigured:
return None
return plugin_ep.init()
logger.debug("No candidate plugin")
return None
def choose_plugin(prepared, question):
"""Allow the user to choose their plugin.
:param list prepared: List of `~.PluginEntryPoint`.
:param str question: Question to be presented to the user.
:returns: Plugin entry point chosen by the user.
:rtype: `~.PluginEntryPoint`
opts = [plugin_ep.description_with_name +
(" [Misconfigured]" if plugin_ep.misconfigured else "")
for plugin_ep in prepared]
names = set( for plugin_ep in prepared)
while True:
disp = z_util(interfaces.IDisplay)
if "CERTBOT_AUTO" in os.environ and names == {"apache", "nginx"}:
# The possibility of being offered exactly apache and nginx here
# is new interactivity brought by,
# so set apache as a default for those kinds of non-interactive use
# (the user will get a warning to set --non-interactive or --force-interactive)
apache_idx = [n for n, p in enumerate(prepared) if == "apache"][0]
code, index =, opts, default=apache_idx)
code, index =, opts, force_interactive=True)
if code == display_util.OK:
plugin_ep = prepared[index]
if plugin_ep.misconfigured:
"The selected plugin encountered an error while parsing "
"your server configuration and cannot be used. The error "
"was:\n\n{0}".format(plugin_ep.prepare()), pause=False)
return plugin_ep
return None
noninstaller_plugins = ["webroot", "manual", "standalone", "dns-cloudflare", "dns-cloudxns",
"dns-digitalocean", "dns-dnsimple", "dns-dnsmadeeasy", "dns-gehirn",
"dns-google", "dns-linode", "dns-luadns", "dns-nsone", "dns-ovh",
"dns-rfc2136", "dns-route53", "dns-sakuracloud"]
def record_chosen_plugins(config, plugins, auth, inst):
"Update the config entries to reflect the plugins we actually selected."
config.authenticator = plugins.find_init(auth).name if auth else None
config.installer = plugins.find_init(inst).name if inst else None"Plugins selected: Authenticator %s, Installer %s",
config.authenticator, config.installer)
def choose_configurator_plugins(config, plugins, verb):
Figure out which configurator we're going to use, modifies
config.authenticator and config.installer strings to reflect that choice if
:raises errors.PluginSelectionError if there was a problem
:returns: (an `IAuthenticator` or None, an `IInstaller` or None)
:rtype: tuple
req_auth, req_inst = cli_plugin_requests(config)
installer_question = None
if verb == "enhance":
installer_question = ("Which installer would you like to use to "
"configure the selected enhancements?")
# Which plugins do we need?
if verb == "run":
need_inst = need_auth = True
from certbot._internal.cli import cli_command
if req_auth in noninstaller_plugins and not req_inst:
msg = ('With the {0} plugin, you probably want to use the "certonly" command, eg:{1}'
'{1} {2} certonly --{0}{1}{1}'
'(Alternatively, add a --installer flag. See'
'{1} and "--help plugins" for more information.)'.format(
req_auth, os.linesep, cli_command))
raise errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(msg)
need_inst = need_auth = False
if verb == "certonly":
need_auth = True
elif verb in ("install", "enhance"):
need_inst = True
if config.authenticator:
logger.warning("Specifying an authenticator doesn't make sense when "
"running Certbot with verb \"%s\"", verb)
# Try to meet the user's request and/or ask them to pick plugins
authenticator = installer = None
if verb == "run" and req_auth == req_inst:
# Unless the user has explicitly asked for different auth/install,
# only consider offering a single choice
authenticator = installer = pick_configurator(config, req_inst, plugins)
if need_inst or req_inst:
installer = pick_installer(config, req_inst, plugins, installer_question)
if need_auth:
authenticator = pick_authenticator(config, req_auth, plugins)
logger.debug("Selected authenticator %s and installer %s", authenticator, installer)
# Report on any failures
if need_inst and not installer:
diagnose_configurator_problem("installer", req_inst, plugins)
if need_auth and not authenticator:
diagnose_configurator_problem("authenticator", req_auth, plugins)
record_chosen_plugins(config, plugins, authenticator, installer)
return installer, authenticator
def set_configurator(previously, now):
Setting configurators multiple ways is okay, as long as they all agree
:param str previously: previously identified request for the installer/authenticator
:param str requested: the request currently being processed
if not now:
# we're not actually setting anything
return previously
if previously:
if previously != now:
msg = "Too many flags setting configurators/installers/authenticators {0} -> {1}"
raise errors.PluginSelectionError(msg.format(repr(previously), repr(now)))
return now
def cli_plugin_requests(config):
Figure out which plugins the user requested with CLI and config options
:returns: (requested authenticator string or None, requested installer string or None)
:rtype: tuple
req_inst = req_auth = config.configurator
req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst, config.installer)
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, config.authenticator)
if config.nginx:
req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst, "nginx")
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "nginx")
if config.apache:
req_inst = set_configurator(req_inst, "apache")
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "apache")
if config.standalone:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "standalone")
if config.webroot:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "webroot")
if config.manual:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "manual")
if config.dns_cloudflare:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-cloudflare")
if config.dns_cloudxns:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-cloudxns")
if config.dns_digitalocean:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-digitalocean")
if config.dns_dnsimple:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-dnsimple")
if config.dns_dnsmadeeasy:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-dnsmadeeasy")
if config.dns_gehirn:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-gehirn")
if config.dns_google:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-google")
if config.dns_linode:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-linode")
if config.dns_luadns:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-luadns")
if config.dns_nsone:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-nsone")
if config.dns_ovh:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-ovh")
if config.dns_rfc2136:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-rfc2136")
if config.dns_route53:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-route53")
if config.dns_sakuracloud:
req_auth = set_configurator(req_auth, "dns-sakuracloud")
logger.debug("Requested authenticator %s and installer %s", req_auth, req_inst)
return req_auth, req_inst
def diagnose_configurator_problem(cfg_type, requested, plugins):
Raise the most helpful error message about a plugin being unavailable
:param str cfg_type: either "installer" or "authenticator"
:param str requested: the plugin that was requested
:param .PluginsRegistry plugins: available plugins
:raises error.PluginSelectionError: if there was a problem
if requested:
if requested not in plugins:
msg = "The requested {0} plugin does not appear to be installed".format(requested)
msg = ("The {0} plugin is not working; there may be problems with "
"your existing configuration.\nThe error was: {1!r}"
.format(requested, plugins[requested].problem))
elif cfg_type == "installer":
from certbot._internal.cli import cli_command
msg = ('Certbot doesn\'t know how to automatically configure the web '
'server on this system. However, it can still get a certificate for '
'you. Please run "{0} certonly" to do so. You\'ll need to '
'manually configure your web server to use the resulting '
msg = "{0} could not be determined or is not installed".format(cfg_type)
raise errors.PluginSelectionError(msg)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0