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/*	 *	jQuery validVal version 5.0.2 *	demo's and documentation: * * *	Copyright (c) 2013 Fred Heusschen * * *	Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * */(function( $ ){	var _PLUGIN_	= 'validVal',		_FIELD_		= 'validValField',		_VERSION_	= '5.0.2',		_INPUTS_ 	= 'textarea, select, input:not( [type="button"], [type="submit"], [type="reset"] )';	//	validVal already excists	if ( $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] )	{		return;	}	function ValidVal( form, opts )	{		this.form = form;		this.opts = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults, opts );		this._gatherValidation();		this._bindEvents();		this._bindCustomEvents();		this.addField( this.opts.validate.fields.filter( $(_INPUTS_, this.form) ) );	}	ValidVal.prototype = {		//	Public methods		addField: function( $field )		{			if ( isHtmlElement( $field ) || typeof $field == 'string' )			{				$field = $( $field );			}			if ( !( $field instanceof $ ) )			{				$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'Not a valid argument for "$field"' );				return this;			}			var that = this;			return $field.each(				function()				{					var $f = $(this),						vf = $ _FIELD_ );					if ( vf )					{						vf.destroy();					}					$ _FIELD_, new ValidValField( $f, that ) );				}			);		},		validate: function( body, callCallback )		{			var that = this;			//	Complement arguments			if ( typeof body == 'undefined' )			{				body = this.form;				callCallback = true;			}			else if ( typeof callCallback != 'boolean' )			{				callCallback = false;			}			if ( typeof this.opts.form.onValidate == 'function' )			{ this.form[ 0 ], this.opts.language );			}			//	Set varialbes			var miss_arr = $(),				data_obj = {};			//	Validate fields			this.opts.validate.fields.filter( $(_INPUTS_, body) ).each(				function()				{					var $f = $(this),						vf = $ _FIELD_ );					if ( vf )					{						vf.validate( that.opts.validate.onSubmit )						if ( vf.valid )						{							var v = $f.val();							if ( $ '[type="radio"]' ) || $ '[type="checkbox"]' ) )							{								if ( !$ ':checked' ) )								{									v = '';								}							}							if ( typeof v == 'undefined' || v == null )							{								v = '';							}							data_obj[ $f.attr( 'name' ) ] = v;						}						else						{							if ( that.opts.validate.onSubmit !== false )							{								miss_arr = miss_arr.add( $f );							}						}					}				}			);			//	Not valid			if ( miss_arr.length > 0 )			{				if ( typeof this.opts.form.onInvalid == 'function' && callCallback )				{ this.form[ 0 ], miss_arr, this.opts.language );				}				return false;			}			//	Valid			else			{				if ( typeof this.opts.form.onValid == 'function' && callCallback )				{ this.form[ 0 ], this.opts.language );				}				return data_obj;			}		},		submitForm: function()		{			var result = this.validate();			if ( result )			{				this.opts.validate.fields.filter( $(_INPUTS_, this.form) ).each(					function()					{						var vf = $(this).data( _FIELD_ );						if ( vf )						{							vf.clearPlaceholderValue();						}					}				);			}			return result;		},		resetForm: function()		{			var that = this;			if ( typeof this.opts.form.onReset == 'function' )			{ this.form[ 0 ], this.opts.language );			}			this.opts.validate.fields.filter( $(_INPUTS_, this.form) ).each(				function()				{					var $f = $(this),						vf = $ _FIELD_ );					if ( vf )					{						if ( vf.placeholderValue !== false )						{							$f.addClass( 'inactive' );							$f.val( vf.placeholderValue );						}						else						{							$f.val( vf.originalValue );						}						vf.isValid( true, true );					}				}			);			return true;		},		options: function( o )		{			if ( typeof o == 'object' )			{				this.opts = $.extend( this.opts, o );			}			return this.opts;		},		destroy: function()		{			this.form.unbind( '.vv' ); _PLUGIN_, null );			this.opts.validate.fields.filter( $(_INPUTS_, this.form) ).each(				function()				{					var vf = $(this).data( _FIELD_ );					if ( vf )					{						vf.destroy();					}				}			);			return true;		},		//	Protected methods		_gatherValidation: function()		{			this.opts.validations = {};			if ( $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].customValidations )			{				this.opts.validations = $.extend( this.opts.validations, $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].customValidations );			}			if ( this.opts.customValidations )			{				this.opts.validations = $.extend( this.opts.validations, this.opts.customValidations );			}			this.opts.validations = $.extend( this.opts.validations, $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaultValidations );			return this;		},		_bindEvents: function ()		{			var that = this;			if ( 'form' ) )			{				this.form.attr( 'novalidate', 'novalidate' );				this.form.bind(					namespace( 'submit' ),					function( event, validate )					{						if ( typeof validate != 'boolean' )						{							validate = true;						}						return ( validate )							? that.submitForm()							: true;					}				);				this.form.bind(					namespace( 'reset' ),					function( event )					{						return that.resetForm();					}				);			}			return this;		},		_bindCustomEvents: function()		{			var that = this;			this.form.bind(				namespace([					'addField',					'destroy',					'validate',					'submitForm',					'resetForm',					'options'				]),				function()				{					arguments = arguments );					var event = arguments.shift(),						type = event.type;					event.stopPropagation();					if ( typeof that[ type ] != 'function' )					{						$.fn.validVal.debug( 'Public method "' + type + '" not found.' );						return false;					}					return that[ type ].apply( that, arguments );				}			);			return this;		}	};	function ValidValField( field, form )	{		this.field	= field;		this.form  	= form;		this.originalValue = this.field.attr( 'value' ) || '';		this._gatherValidations();		this._bindEvents();		this._bindCustomEvents();		this._init();	}	ValidValField.prototype = {			//	Public methods				validate: function( onEvent, fixPlaceholder )		{			var that = this;			if ( onEvent === false )			{				return;			}			if ( typeof fixPlaceholder != 'boolean' )			{				fixPlaceholder = true;			}			this.valid = true;			if ( ( ':hidden' ) && !this.form.opts.validate.fields.hidden ) ||				( ':disabled' ) && !this.form.opts.validate.fields.disabled )			) {				return true;			}			if ( fixPlaceholder )			{				this.clearPlaceholderValue();			}			if ( typeof this.form.opts.fields.onValidate == 'function' )			{ this.field[ 0 ], this.form.form, this.form.opts.language );			}			var invalid_check = false,				val = trim( this.field.val() );			for ( var v in this.form.opts.validations )			{				var f = this.form.opts.validations[ v ];				if ( typeof f == 'function' && $.inArray( v, this.validations ) != -1 )				{					if ( ! this.field[ 0 ], val ) )					{						invalid_check = v;						break;					}				}			}			this.valid = ( invalid_check ) ? false : true;			var callCallback = ( this.valid )				? ( onEvent !== 'invalid' )				: ( onEvent !== 'valid' );			this.isValid( this.valid, callCallback, invalid_check );			if ( this.validationgroup !== false )			{				$(_INPUTS_).not( this.field ).each(					function()					{						var vf = $(this).data( _FIELD_ );						if ( vf && vf.validationgroup == that.validationgroup )						{							vf.isValid( that.valid, true );						}					}				);			}			if ( fixPlaceholder )			{				this.restorePlaceholderValue();			}			if ( invalid_check )			{				$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'invalid validation: ' + invalid_check );			}			return this.valid;		},		isValid: function( valid, callCallback )		{			if ( typeof valid == 'boolean' )			{				this.valid = valid;				if ( callCallback )				{					var fn = ( valid ) ? 'onValid' : 'onInvalid';					if ( typeof this.form.opts.fields[ fn ] == 'function' )					{						this.form.opts.fields[ fn ].call( this.field[ 0 ], this.form.form, this.form.opts.language );					}				}			}			return this.valid;		},		getValidations: function()		{			return this.validations;		},		setValidations: function( validations )		{			if ( typeof validations == 'string' )			{				this.validations = validations.split( ' ' );			}			else if ( validations instanceof Array )			{				this.validations = validations;			}			else			{				$.fn.validVal.debug( 'Argument "validations" should be an array.' );			}			return this.validations;		},		addValidation: function( validation )		{			if ( typeof validation == 'string' )			{				validation = validation.split( ' ' );			}			for( var v in validation )			{				this.validations.push( validation[ v ] );			}			return this.validations;		},		removeValidation: function( validation )		{			if ( typeof validation == 'string' )			{				validation = validation.split( ' ' );			}			for( var v in validation )			{				var pos = $.inArray( validation[ v ], this.validations );				if ( pos != -1 )				{					this.validations.splice( pos, 1 );				}			}			return this.validations;		},		clearPlaceholderValue: function()		{			this._togglePlaceholderValue( 'clear' );			return true;		},		restorePlaceholderValue: function()		{			this._togglePlaceholderValue( 'restore' );			return true;		},		destroy: function()		{			this.field.unbind( '.vv' ); _FIELD_, null );			return true;		},			//	Protected methods		_gatherValidations: function()		{			this.autotab = false;			this.corresponding = false;			this.requiredgroup = false;			this.validationgroup = false;			this.placeholderValue = false;			this.placeholderNumber = false;			this.passwordplaceholder = false;			this.validations = [];			if ( 'select' ) )			{				this.originalValue = this.field.find( 'option:first' ).attr( 'value' ) || '';			}			else if ( 'textarea' ) )			{				this.originalValue = this.field.text();			}			//	Refactor HTML5 usage			if ( this.form.opts.supportHtml5 )			{				var valids = 'vv-validations' );				if ( valids )				{					this.validations.push( valids );					this.__removeAttr( 'data-vv-validations' );				}					//	Placeholder attribute, only use if placeholder not supported by browser or placeholder not in keepAttributes-option				if ( this.__hasHtml5Attr( 'placeholder' ) && this.field.attr( 'placeholder' ).length > 0 )				{					if ( !$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].support.placeholder || $.inArray( 'placeholder', this.form.opts.keepAttributes ) == -1 )					{						this.placeholderValue = this.field.attr( 'placeholder' );					}				}				if ( this.placeholderValue !== false )				{					this.__removeAttr( 'placeholder' );				}				//	Pattern attribute				if ( this.__hasHtml5Attr( 'pattern' ) && this.field.attr( 'pattern' ).length > 0 )				{					this.pattern = this.field.attr( 'pattern' );					this.validations.push( 'pattern' );					this.__removeAttr( 'pattern' );				}				//	Corresponding, required group and validation group				var dts = [ 'corresponding', 'requiredgroup', 'validationgroup' ];				for ( var d = 0, l = dts.length; d < l; d++ )				{					var dt = 'vv-' + dts[ d ] );					if ( dt )					{						this[ dts[ d ] ] = dt;						this.validations.push( dts[ d ] );						this.__removeAttr( 'data-vv-' + dts[ d ] );					}				}				// Attributes				var atr = [ 'required', 'autofocus' ];				for ( var a = 0, l = atr.length; a < l; a++ )				{					if ( this.__hasHtml5Attr( atr[ a ] ) )					{						this.validations.push( atr[ a ] );						this.__removeAttr( atr[ a ] );					}				}				//	Type-values				var typ = [ 'number', 'email', 'url' ];				for ( var t = 0, l = typ.length; t < l; t++ )				{					if ( this.__hasHtml5Type( typ[ t ] ) )					{						this.validations.push( typ[ t ] );					}				}								//	Autotab				if ( 'vv-autotab' ) )				{					this.autotab = true;					this.__removeAttr( 'data-vv-autotab' );				}			}			//	Refactor non-HTML5 usage			var classes = this.field.attr( 'class' );			if ( classes && classes.length )			{				//	Placeholder				if ( this.field.hasClass( 'placeholder' ) )				{					if ( 'select' ) )					{						var num = 0,							opt = 'vv-placeholder-number' );						if ( opt )						{							num = opt;							this.__removeAttr( 'data-vv-placeholder-number' );						}						else if ( typeof this.form.opts.selectPlaceholder == 'number' )						{							num = this.form.opts.selectPlaceholder;						}						else						{							var $options = this.field.find( 'option' ),								selected = $options.index( $options.filter( '[selected]' ) );							if ( selected > -1 )							{								num = selected;							}						}						this.placeholderNumber = num;						this.originalValue = this.field.find( 'option:eq( ' + num + ' )' ).attr( 'value' ) || '';					}					this.placeholderValue = this.originalValue;					this.originalValue = '';					this.__removeClass( 'placeholder' );				}				//	Corresponding				var corsp = 'corresponding:',					start = classes.indexOf( corsp );					if ( start != -1 )				{					var corrcls = classes.substr( start ).split( ' ' )[ 0 ],						corresp = corrcls.substr( corsp.length );						if ( corresp.length )					{						this.corresponding = corresp;						this.validations.push( 'corresponding' );						this.field.removeClass( corrcls );					}				}					//	Pattern				//		still uses alt-attribute...				if ( this.field.hasClass( 'pattern' ) )				{					this.pattern = this.field.attr( 'alt' ) || '';					this.validations.push( 'pattern' );					this.__removeAttr( 'alt' );					this.__removeClass( 'pattern' );				}					//	Groups				var grp = [ 'requiredgroup', 'validationgroup' ];				for ( var g = 0, l = grp.length; g < l; g++ )				{					var group = grp[ g ] + ':',						start = classes.indexOf( group );						if ( start != -1 )					{						var groupclass	= classes.substr( start ).split( ' ' )[ 0 ],							groupname 	= groupclass.substr( group.length );							if ( groupname.length )						{							this[ grp[ g ] ] = groupname;							this.validations.push( grp[ g ]);							this.field.removeClass( groupclass );						}					}				}				//	Autotab				if ( this.field.hasClass( 'autotab' ) )				{					this.autotab = true;					this.__removeClass( 'autotab' );				}			}				//	Password placeholder			if ( this.placeholderValue !== false && '[type="password"]' ) )			{				this.passwordplaceholder = true;			}			//	Add all remaining classes			var classes = this.field.attr( 'class' );			if ( classes && classes.length )			{				this.validations.push( classes );			}			this.validations = unique( this.validations.join( ' ' ).split( ' ' ) );			return this;		},		_bindEvents: function()		{			var that = this;			this.field.bind(				namespace( 'focus' ),				function( event )				{					$(this).addClass( 'focus' );					that.clearPlaceholderValue();				}			);			this.field.bind(				namespace( 'blur' ),				function( event )				{					$(this).removeClass( 'focus' );					that.validate( that.form.opts.validate.onBlur );				}			);			this.field.bind(				namespace( 'keyup' ),				function( event )				{					if ( !preventkeyup( event.keyCode ) )					{						that.validate( that.form.opts.validate.onKeyup, false );					}				}			);			if ( 'select, input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]' ) )			{				this.field.bind(					namespace( 'change' ),					function( event )					{						$(this).trigger( namespace( 'blur' ) );					}				);				}			return this;		},		_bindCustomEvents: function()		{			var that = this;			this.field.bind(				namespace([					'validate',					'isValid',					'destroy',					'addValidation',					'removeValidation'				]),				function()				{					arguments = arguments );					var event = arguments.shift(),						type = event.type;					event.stopPropagation();					if ( typeof that[ type ] != 'function' )					{						$.fn.validVal.debug( 'Public method "' + type + '" not found.' );						return false;					}					return that[ type ].apply( that, arguments );				}			);			this.field.bind(				namespace([ 'validations' ]),				function( event, validations, callCallback )				{					if ( typeof validations == 'undefined' )					{						return this.getValidations();					}					else					{						return this.setValidations( validations, callCallback );					}				}			);			return this;		},		_init: function()		{			var that = this;			//	Placeholder			if ( this.placeholderValue !== false )			{				if ( this.field.val() == '' )				{					this.field.val( this.placeholderValue );				}				if ( this.passwordplaceholder )				{					if ( this.field.val() == this.placeholderValue ) try					{						this.field[ 0 ].type = 'text';					}					catch( err ) {};				}				if ( this.field.val() == this.placeholderValue )				{					this.field.addClass( 'inactive' );				}				if ( 'select' ) )				{					this.field.find( 'option:eq(' + this.placeholderNumber + ')' ).addClass( 'inactive' );					this.field.bind(						namespace( 'change' ),						function( event )						{							$(this)[ that.field.val() == that.placeholderValue ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'inactive' );						}					);				}			}			//	Corresponding			if ( this.corresponding !== false )			{				$(_INPUTS_).filter('[name="' + this.corresponding + '"]').bind(					namespace( 'blur' ),					function( event )					{						that.validate( that.form.opts.validate.onBlur );					}				).bind(					namespace( 'keyup' ),					function( event )					{						if ( !preventkeyup( event.keyCode ) )						{							that.validate( that.form.opts.validate.onKeyup, false );						}					}				);			}			//	Autotabbing			if ( this.autotab )			{				var max = this.field.attr( 'maxlength' ),					tab = this.field.attr( 'tabindex' ),					$next = $(_INPUTS_).filter('[tabindex="' + ( parseInt( tab ) + 1 ) + '"]');					if ( 'select' ) )				{					if ( tab )					{						this.field.bind(							namespace( 'change' ),							function( event )							{								if ( $next.length )								{									$next.focus();								}							}						);					}				}				else				{					if ( max && tab )					{						this.field.bind(							namespace( 'keyup' ),							function( event )							{								if ( $(this).val().length == max )								{									if ( !preventkeyup( event.keyCode ) )									{										$(this).trigger( namespace( 'blur' ) );										if ( $next.length )										{											$next.focus();										}									}								}							}						);					}				}			}				//	Autofocus			if ( $.inArray( 'autofocus', this.validations ) != -1 && ! ':disabled' ) )			{				this.field.focus();			}			return this;		},		_togglePlaceholderValue: function( toggle )		{			if ( this.placeholderValue !== false )			{				if ( toggle == 'clear' )				{					var v1 = this.placeholderValue,						v2 = '',						cl = 'removeClass',						tp = 'password';				}				else				{					var v1 = '',						v2 = this.placeholderValue,						cl = 'addClass',						tp = 'text';				}				if ( this.field.val() == v1 && ! 'select' )  )				{					this.field.val( v2 );					this.field[ cl ]( 'inactive' );					if ( this.passwordplaceholder ) try					{						this.field[ 0 ].type = tp;					}					catch( err ) {};				}			}			return this;		},		//	Private methods		__hasHtml5Attr: function( a )		{			// non HTML5 browsers			if ( typeof this.field.attr( a ) == 'undefined' )			{				return false;			}			// HTML5 browsers			if ( this.field.attr( a ) === 'false' || this.field.attr( a ) === false )			{				return false;			}			return true;		},		__hasHtml5Type: function( t )		{			// cool HTML5 browsers			if ( this.field.attr( 'type' ) == t )			{				return true;			}				// non-HTML5 but still cool browsers			if ( 'input[type="' + t + '"]' ) )			{				return true;			}				//	non-HTML5, non-cool browser			var $c = $( '<div />' ).append( this.field.clone() ).html()			if ( $c.indexOf( 'type="' + t + '"' ) != -1 || $c.indexOf( 'type=\'' + t + '\'' ) != -1 || $c.indexOf( 'type=' + t + '' ) != -1 )			{				return true;			}			return false;		},		__removeAttr: function( a )		{			if ( $.inArray( a, this.form.opts.keepAttributes ) == -1 )			{				this.field.removeAttr( a );			}			return this;		},		__removeClass: function( c )		{			if ( $.inArray( c, this.form.opts.keepClasses ) == -1 )			{				this.field.removeClass( c );			}			return this;		}	};	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] = function( o, c )	{		return this.each(			function()			{				var $t = $(this);				if ( $ _PLUGIN_ ) )				{					$ _PLUGIN_ ).destroy();				}				$ _PLUGIN_, new ValidVal( $t, o, c ) );			}		);	};	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].version = _VERSION_;	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults = {		'selectPlaceholder'	: 0,		'supportHtml5'		: true,		'language'			: 'en',		'customValidations'	: {},		'validate'	: {			'onBlur'	: true,			'onSubmit'	: true,			'onKeyup'	: false,			'fields'	: {				'hidden'	: false,				'disabled'	: false,				'filter'	: function( $i )				{					return $i;				}			}		},		'fields'	: {			'onValidate'	: null,			'onValid'		: function()			{				$(this).add( $(this).parent() ).removeClass( 'invalid' );			},			'onInvalid'		: function()			{				$(this).add( $(this).parent() ).addClass( 'invalid' );			}		},		'form'	: {			'onReset'	: null,			'onValidate': null,			'onValid'	: null,			'onInvalid'	: function( fieldArr, language )			{				switch ( language )				{					case 'nl':						msg = 'Let op, niet alle velden zijn correct ingevuld.';						break;					case 'de':						msg = 'Achtung, nicht alle Felder sind korrekt ausgefuellt.';						break;					case 'es':						msg = 'Atención, no se han completado todos los campos correctamente.';						break;					case 'en':					default:						msg = 'Attention, not all fields have been filled out correctly.';						break;				}				alert( msg );				fieldArr.first().focus();			}		},		'keepClasses'	: [ 'required' ],		'keepAttributes': [ 'pattern', 'placeholder' ]	};	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaultValidations = {		'required': function( v )		{			var $f = $(this);			if ( $ '[type="radio"]' ) || $ '[type="checkbox"]' ) )			{				if ( $ '[type="radio"]' ) )				{					var name = $f.attr( 'name' );					if ( name && name.length > 0 )					{						$f = $( 'input[name="' + name + '"]' );					}				}				if ( !$ ':checked' ) )				{					return false;				}			}			else if ( $ 'select' ) )			{				var vf = $ _FIELD_ );				if ( vf && vf.placeholderValue !== false )				{					if ( $f.val() == vf.placeholderValue )					{						return false;					}				}				else				{					if ( v.length == 0 )					{						return false;					}				}			}			else			{				if ( v.length == 0 )				{					return false;				}			}			return true;		},		'Required': function( v )		{			return $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] this, v );		},		'requiredgroup': function( v )		{			var $f = $(this),				vf = $ _FIELD_ );			if ( vf && vf.requiredgroup !== false )			{				$f = $();				$(_INPUTS_).each(					function()					{						var tf = $(this).data( _FIELD_ );						if ( tf &&  tf.requiredgroup == vf.requiredgroup )						{							$f = $f.add( this );						}					}				);			}			var result = false;			$f.each(				function()				{					var f = this;					if ( $.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] f, trim( $(f).val() ) ) )					{						result = true;					}				}			);			return result;		},		'corresponding': function( v )		{			var org = '',				vf = $(this).data( _FIELD_ );			if ( vf && vf.corresponding !== false )			{				var $f = $(_INPUTS_).filter('[name="' + vf.corresponding + '"]'),					vf = $ _FIELD_ );				if ( vf )				{					vf.clearPlaceholderValue();					org = trim( $f.val() );					vf.restorePlaceholderValue();				}				return ( v == org );			}			return false;		},		'number': function( v )		{			v = stripWhitespace( v );			if ( v.length == 0 )			{				return true;			}			if ( isNaN( v ) )			{				return false;			}			return true;		},		'email': function( v )		{			if ( v.length == 0 )			{				return true;			}			var r = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;			return r.test( v );		},		'url': function( v )		{			if ( v.length == 0 )			{				return true;			}			if ( v.match(/^www\./) )			{				v = "http://" + v;			}			return v.match(/^(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/)(.{4,})$/);		},		'pattern': function( v )		{			if ( v.length == 0 )			{				return true;			}			var $f = $(this),				vf = $ _FIELD_ );			if ( vf )			{				var p = vf.pattern;				if ( p.slice( 0, 1 ) == '/' )				{					p = p.slice( 1 );				}				if ( p.slice( -1 ) == '/' )				{					p = p.slice( 0, -1 );				}				return new RegExp( p ).test( v );			}		}	};	//	test for borwser support	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].support = {		touch: (function()		{			return 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;		})(),		placeholder: (function()		{			return 'placeholder' in document.createElement( 'input' );		})()	};	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug = function( msg ) {};	$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].deprecated = function( func, alt )	{		if ( typeof console != 'undefined' )		{			if ( typeof console.error != 'undefined' )			{				console.error( func + ' is DEPRECATED, use ' + alt + ' instead.' );			}		}	};	//	Create debugger is it doesn't already excists	if ( !$.fn.validValDebug )	{		$.fn.validValDebug = function( b )		{			$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ].debug( 'validVal debugger not installed!' );			return this;		}	}	function isHtmlElement( field )	{		if ( typeof HTMLElement != 'undefined' )		{			return field instanceof HTMLElement;		}		return ( field.nodeType && field.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE );	}	function namespace( events )	{		if ( typeof events == 'string' )		{			events = events.split( ' ' );		}		return events.join( '.vv ' ) + '.vv';	}	function unique( arr )	{		return $.grep(			arr,			function( v, k )			{            	return $.inArray( v, arr ) === k;			}		);	}	function trim( str )	{		if ( str === null )		{			return '';		}		if ( typeof str == 'object' )		{			var arr = [];			for ( var a in str )			{				arr[ a ] = trim( str[ a ] );			}			return arr;		}		if ( typeof str != 'string' )		{			return '';		}		if ( str.length == 0 )		{			return '';		}		return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');	}	function stripWhitespace( str )	{		if ( str === null )		{			return '';		}		if ( typeof str == 'object' )		{			for ( var a in str )			{				str[ a ] = stripWhitespace( str[ a ] );			}			return str;		}		if ( typeof str != 'string' )		{			return '';		}		if ( str.length == 0 )		{			return '';		}		str = trim( str );		var r = [ ' ', '-', '+', '(', ')', '/', '\\' ];		for ( var i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++ )		{			str = str.split( r[ i ] ).join( '' );		}		return str;	}	function preventkeyup( kc )	{		switch( kc ) {			case 9:		//	tab			case 13: 	//	enter			case 16:	//	shift			case 17:	//	control			case 18:	//	alt			case 37:	//	left			case 38:	//	up			case 39:	//	right			case 40:	//	down			case 224:	//	command				return true;				break;			default:				return false;				break;		}	}})( jQuery );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0