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/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
 * By John Resig
 * MIT Licensed.
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
	var initializing = false;

	// The base JQClass implementation (does nothing)
	window.JQClass = function(){};

	// Collection of derived classes
	JQClass.classes = {};
	// Create a new JQClass that inherits from this class
	JQClass.extend = function extender(prop) {
		var base = this.prototype;

		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
		// don't run the init constructor)
		initializing = true;
		var prototype = new this();
		initializing = false;

		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
		for (var name in prop) {
			// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
			prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == 'function' &&
				typeof base[name] == 'function' ?
				(function(name, fn){
					return function() {
						var __super = this._super;

						// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
						// but on the super-class
						this._super = function(args) {
							return base[name].apply(this, args || []);

						var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);				

						// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
						// remove it when we're done executing
						this._super = __super;

						return ret;
				})(name, prop[name]) :

		// The dummy class constructor
		function JQClass() {
			// All construction is actually done in the init method
			if (!initializing && this._init) {
				this._init.apply(this, arguments);

		// Populate our constructed prototype object
		JQClass.prototype = prototype;

		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
		JQClass.prototype.constructor = JQClass;

		// And make this class extendable
		JQClass.extend = extender;

		return JQClass;

(function($) { // Ensure $, encapsulate

	/** Abstract base class for collection plugins v1.0.1.
		Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at} December 2013.
		Licensed under the MIT ( license.
		@module $.JQPlugin
		@abstract */
	JQClass.classes.JQPlugin = JQClass.extend({

		/** Name to identify this plugin.
			@example name: 'tabs' */
		name: 'plugin',

		/** Default options for instances of this plugin (default: {}).
			@example defaultOptions: {
 	selectedClass: 'selected',
 	triggers: 'click'
 } */
		defaultOptions: {},
		/** Options dependent on the locale.
			Indexed by language and (optional) country code, with '' denoting the default language (English/US).
			@example regionalOptions: {
	'': {
		greeting: 'Hi'
 } */
		regionalOptions: {},
		/** Names of getter methods - those that can't be chained (default: []).
			@example _getters: ['activeTab'] */
		_getters: [],

		/** Retrieve a marker class for affected elements.
			@return {string} The marker class. */
		_getMarker: function() {
			return 'is-' +;
		/** Initialise the plugin.
			Create the jQuery bridge - plugin name <code>xyz</code>
			produces <code>$.xyz</code> and <code>$</code>. */
		_init: function() {
			// Apply default localisations
			$.extend(this.defaultOptions, (this.regionalOptions && this.regionalOptions['']) || {});
			// Camel-case the name
			var jqName = camelCase(;
			// Expose jQuery singleton manager
			$[jqName] = this;
			// Expose jQuery collection plugin
			$.fn[jqName] = function(options) {
				var otherArgs =, 1);
				if ($[jqName]._isNotChained(options, otherArgs)) {
					return $[jqName][options].apply($[jqName], [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
				return this.each(function() {
					if (typeof options === 'string') {
						if (options[0] === '_' || !$[jqName][options]) {
							throw 'Unknown method: ' + options;
						$[jqName][options].apply($[jqName], [this].concat(otherArgs));
					else {
						$[jqName]._attach(this, options);

		/** Set default values for all subsequent instances.
			@param options {object} The new default options.
			@example $.plugin.setDefauls({name: value}) */
		setDefaults: function(options) {
			$.extend(this.defaultOptions, options || {});
		/** Determine whether a method is a getter and doesn't permit chaining.
			@param name {string} The method name.
			@param otherArgs {any[]} Any other arguments for the method.
			@return {boolean} True if this method is a getter, false otherwise. */
		_isNotChained: function(name, otherArgs) {
			if (name === 'option' && (otherArgs.length === 0 ||
					(otherArgs.length === 1 && typeof otherArgs[0] === 'string'))) {
				return true;
			return $.inArray(name, this._getters) > -1;
		/** Initialise an element. Called internally only.
			Adds an instance object as data named for the plugin.
			@param elem {Element} The element to enhance.
			@param options {object} Overriding settings. */
		_attach: function(elem, options) {
			elem = $(elem);
			if (elem.hasClass(this._getMarker())) {
			options = $.extend({}, this.defaultOptions, this._getMetadata(elem), options || {});
			var inst = $.extend({name:, elem: elem, options: options},
				this._instSettings(elem, options));, inst); // Save instance against element
			this._postAttach(elem, inst);
			this.option(elem, options);

		/** Retrieve additional instance settings.
			Override this in a sub-class to provide extra settings.
			@param elem {jQuery} The current jQuery element.
			@param options {object} The instance options.
			@return {object} Any extra instance values.
			@example _instSettings: function(elem, options) {
 	return {nav: elem.find(options.navSelector)};
 } */
		_instSettings: function(elem, options) {
			return {};

		/** Plugin specific post initialisation.
			Override this in a sub-class to perform extra activities.
			@param elem {jQuery} The current jQuery element.
			@param inst {object} The instance settings.
			@example _postAttach: function(elem, inst) {
 	elem.on('click.' +, function() {
 } */
		_postAttach: function(elem, inst) {

		/** Retrieve metadata configuration from the element.
			Metadata is specified as an attribute:
			<code>data-&lt;plugin name>="&lt;setting name>: '&lt;value>', ..."</code>.
			Dates should be specified as strings in this format: 'new Date(y, m-1, d)'.
			@param elem {jQuery} The source element.
			@return {object} The inline configuration or {}. */
		_getMetadata: function(elem) {
			try {
				var data = || '';
				data = data.replace(/'/g, '"');
				data = data.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+):/g, function(match, group, i) { 
					var count = data.substring(0, i).match(/"/g); // Handle embedded ':'
					return (!count || count.length % 2 === 0 ? '"' + group + '":' : group + ':');
				data = $.parseJSON('{' + data + '}');
				for (var name in data) { // Convert dates
					var value = data[name];
					if (typeof value === 'string' && value.match(/^new Date\((.*)\)$/)) {
						data[name] = eval(value);
				return data;
			catch (e) {
				return {};

		/** Retrieve the instance data for element.
			@param elem {Element} The source element.
			@return {object} The instance data or {}. */
		_getInst: function(elem) {
			return $(elem).data( || {};
		/** Retrieve or reconfigure the settings for a plugin.
			@param elem {Element} The source element.
			@param name {object|string} The collection of new option values or the name of a single option.
			@param [value] {any} The value for a single named option.
			@return {any|object} If retrieving a single value or all options.
			@example $(selector).plugin('option', 'name', value)
 $(selector).plugin('option', {name: value, ...})
 var value = $(selector).plugin('option', 'name')
 var options = $(selector).plugin('option') */
		option: function(elem, name, value) {
			elem = $(elem);
			var inst =;
			if  (!name || (typeof name === 'string' && value == null)) {
				var options = (inst || {}).options;
				return (options && name ? options[name] : options);
			if (!elem.hasClass(this._getMarker())) {
			var options = name || {};
			if (typeof name === 'string') {
				options = {};
				options[name] = value;
			this._optionsChanged(elem, inst, options);
			$.extend(inst.options, options);
		/** Plugin specific options processing.
			Old value available in <code>inst.options[name]</code>, new value in <code>options[name]</code>.
			Override this in a sub-class to perform extra activities.
			@param elem {jQuery} The current jQuery element.
			@param inst {object} The instance settings.
			@param options {object} The new options.
			@example _optionsChanged: function(elem, inst, options) {
 	if ( != {
 } */
		_optionsChanged: function(elem, inst, options) {
		/** Remove all trace of the plugin.
			Override <code>_preDestroy</code> for plugin-specific processing.
			@param elem {Element} The source element.
			@example $(selector).plugin('destroy') */
		destroy: function(elem) {
			elem = $(elem);
			if (!elem.hasClass(this._getMarker())) {
			this._preDestroy(elem, this._getInst(elem));

		/** Plugin specific pre destruction.
			Override this in a sub-class to perform extra activities and undo everything that was
			done in the <code>_postAttach</code> or <code>_optionsChanged</code> functions.
			@param elem {jQuery} The current jQuery element.
			@param inst {object} The instance settings.
			@example _preDestroy: function(elem, inst) {'.' +;
 } */
		_preDestroy: function(elem, inst) {
	/** Convert names from hyphenated to camel-case.
		@param value {string} The original hyphenated name.
		@return {string} The camel-case version. */
	function camelCase(name) {
		return name.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(match, group) {
			return group.toUpperCase();
	/** Expose the plugin base.
		@namespace "$.JQPlugin" */
	$.JQPlugin = {
		/** Create a new collection plugin.
			@memberof "$.JQPlugin"
			@param [superClass='JQPlugin'] {string} The name of the parent class to inherit from.
			@param overrides {object} The property/function overrides for the new class.
			@example $.JQPlugin.createPlugin({
 	name: 'tabs',
 	defaultOptions: {selectedClass: 'selected'},
 	_initSettings: function(elem, options) { return {...}; },
 	_postAttach: function(elem, inst) { ... }
 }); */
		createPlugin: function(superClass, overrides) {
			if (typeof superClass === 'object') {
				overrides = superClass;
				superClass = 'JQPlugin';
			superClass = camelCase(superClass);
			var className = camelCase(;
			JQClass.classes[className] = JQClass.classes[superClass].extend(overrides);
			new JQClass.classes[className]();


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0